REF VEDTERMINALS                               Rob Duncan, December 1989
                                            Updated John Gibson Jan 1997

       COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1997. All Rights Reserved.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<      VED TERMINAL TYPES     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This file describes how Ved determines which terminal it is running  on,
how it configures itself  to make use of  that terminal, and  summarises
which terminal types are known.
    More information about using and writing terminal libraries is given
in HELP * TERMINAL. Procedures which provide a higher-level interface to
the terminal screen are described in REF * VEDPROCS. Pointers to general
Ved documentation are in REF * VED. Logical names for Ved key  sequences

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Terminal Recognition and Initialisation

  2   Terminal Descriptions

  3   Terminal-Dependent Standard Screen Procedures

  4   Mappings from Keyboard to Ved Functions

  5   Known Terminal Types


1  Terminal Recognition and Initialisation

vedinitterm()                                       [procedure variable]
        Called by * vedsetup to determine the terminal type on which Ved
        is running and  to initialise Ved  to use it  (Ved will not  run
        until this procedure has terminated successfully). The procedure
        is called by  vedsetup immediately after  any 'vedinit.p'  files
        have been compiled.

        The  XVed  version  of  vedinitterm  just  calls  * vedxvedinit,
        followed  by  veduseterm('xved').  See  REF * XVED  for  further

        For other versions  of Ved,  if a terminal  library has  already
        been loaded, vedinitterm will merely check that all the features
        which Ved needs have actually been defined. In the case where no
        terminal library is loaded explicitly, vedinitterm will  attempt
        to  determine  the  terminal  type  automatically,  trying   the
        following strategies in order:

            (1) the variable * vedterminalselect is consulted first,  to
                invoke any user-defined terminal recognition procedure;

            (2) if this fails,  and Poplog is  running under UNIX,  then
                the value of the environment variable $TERM is taken  as
                the name of terminal  and the procedure * veduseterm  is
                called  with  this  name  as  argument  to  perform  the
                necessary initialisation;

            (3) if this  also fails,  the user  is prompted  to  enter a
                terminal name interactively and veduseterm is called  to
                initialise from the given name.

        At each stage, the variable vedterminalname is used as a flag to
        indicate whether or  not a terminal  type has been  successfully
        selected, so you should never assign to this variable unless you
        know what you're doing.

        There is a minimum degree of functionality which a terminal must
        provide in order  for Ved  to work at  all (see  the section  on
        ``Terminal Descriptions'' below). If the terminal type  selected
        doesn't conform to  this, then vedinitterm  will repeatedly  try
        step (3) above until a usable type is found; the opportunity  to
        abort Ved is offered as an alternative at this stage.

        Users may redefine vedinitterm for themselves (in a  "vedinit.p"
        file for example) to impose some alternative terminal  selection
        method. The  standard  method  offers  considerable  flexibility
        however, and a  complete redefinition of  vedinitterm should  be
        considered as very much  a last resort. If  you do redefine  it,
        you must still  initialise for a  particular terminal type  with

vedterminalselect -> list_or_false                            [variable]
list_or_false -> vedterminalselect
        Used by  vedinitterm  for automatic  terminal  recognition:  the
        strategy is  to  an  elicit  an  answer-back  message  from  the
        terminal and use that to identify the terminal type.

        The value of vedterminalselect is normally a list. Each entry in
        the list has one of three forms, interpreted as follows:

            a string
                assumed to  be  an  escape  sequence  for  eliciting  an
                answer-back message  from the  terminal. The  string  is
                assigned to  the  variable vvedscreensendidseq  and  the
                answer-back obtained by calling vedtermidseq;

            a procedure
                assumed to  be a  method  for obtaining  an  answer-back
                message. The procedure is called, and the result  (which
                must be a  string or  <false>) is taken  as the  current

            a list of two elements
                having the form:

                    [<string> <terminal-type>]

                The <string> is compared against the current answer-back
                message using

                    isstartstring(<string>, <answer-back>)

                If this succeeds, then the corresponding <terminal-type>
                is assumed. If the answer-back hasn't yet been set,  the
                procedure vedtermidseq is called first to obtain it.

        The <terminal-type> may itself be either of two things:

            a string
                assumed to be a terminal name. The procedure  veduseterm
                is called with the name as argument;

            a procedure or procedure variable name
                assumed  to   be  an   initialisation  procedure   for a
                particular  terminal  type.  The  procedure  is   simply
                called; if  it  expects  an  argument,  the  answer-back
                message is provided.

        On Unix systems vedterminalselect  is normally empty, since  the
        value of  the  TERM environment  variable  is taken  as  a  more
        reliable indicator of the terminal type. On VMS systems it has a
        value something like:

                    ['\^[[?63'  vedvt220]
                    ['\^[[?62'  vedvt220]
                    ['\^[[?'    vedvt100]
                    ['/K'       vedvt52select]

        This causes  vedinitterm to  prompt for  an answer-back  message
        using the sequence  <ESC> Z, and  then use the  reply to  choose
        between vt220, vt100  and vt52-type terminals.  If the  terminal
        doesn't respond to <ESC>  Z or sends  an unrecognised reply,  no
        terminal type is selected.

        If the value of vedterminalselect is anything other than a list,
        it   is   simply   ignored.   Most   terminal   libraries    set
        vedterminalselect to <false> to suppress the automatic  terminal

vedset                                                          [syntax]
        This syntax word can be used to tailor Ved terminals to  specify
        screen handling  and mappings  from  keyboard sequences  to  Ved
        procedures. There are three formats, the first of which provides
        a more readable alternative to using * vedsetkey.

            vedset keys      <commands>    endvedset
            vedset screen    <commands>    endvedset
            vedset chars     <commands>    endvedset

        For full details see HELP * VEDSET, * TERMINAL

vedtermidseq() -> string                                     [procedure]
        Reads an answer-back message from the terminal. The terminal  is
        prompted with the control sequence vvedscreensendidseq  (default
        value:  '\^[Z')  and   the  reply  read   using  the   procedure
        vedinescapeseq.  Returns  <false>  if   no  sensible  reply   is

vedinescapeseq() -> string                                   [procedure]
        Reads an escape sequence from  the terminal. Returns <false>  if
        the  input  is  unrecognisable  or  doesn't  complete   within 3

veduseterm(term) -> bool                                     [procedure]
        Initialises Ved to work on the terminal type term. term may be a
        word or a string, e.g,  "vt100", 'sun-cmd' etc. The result  is a
        flag indicating whether  the initialisation  was successful:  it
        will be <false> if the terminal  type is unknown, or is in  some
        way unsuitable  for  Ved. Ved  will  not function  correctly  on
        terminals for which this procedure returns <false>.

        Initialisation is performed in two stages: screen initialisation
        followed  by  keyboard  initialisation.  Screen   initialisation
        configures Ved's screen-control variables for driving the  named
        terminal screen; this  must complete successfully  if Ved is  to
        function correctly. Keyboard initialisation extends Ved's keymap
        tables  to  recognise  any  function  keys  which  the  terminal
        keyboard may provide: this step is optional.

        Screen initialisation is normally performed by calling a library
        procedure whose name  is constructed from  the argument term  as

            consword('ved' >< term >< 'screen')

        Thus for a value of term of "vt100", the corresponding procedure
        name would be  "vedvt100screen". Any hyphens  in term are  first
        translated to underscores, so that the name 'sun-cmd' would  map
        onto the procedure "vedsun_cmdscreen".  The procedure is  called
        with no arguments. If  no such procedure can  be found, but  the
        operating system  supports TERMCAP  (UNIX only),  then an  entry
        will be sought for term in  the TERMCAP database and the  screen
        initialised from that instead. In either case there are a number
        of screen-control variables  which must be  assigned before  Ved
        can proceed; if any  of these are  not properly set,  veduseterm
        will return <false>.

        The default initialisation of  the keyboard proceeds  similarly,
        calling a procedure whose name is constructed from term as

            consword('ved' >< term >< 'keys')

        This step can be suppressed  or modified by appropriate  setting
        of the variable vedfunctionkeys described below.

vedfunctionkeys -> bool_or_word_or_p                          [variable]
bool_or_word_or_p -> vedfunctionkeys
        Controls the keyboard initialisation performed by veduseterm. It
        can take one of four values:

            true (the default)
                gives the default behaviour described above: the name of
                the keyboard is taken to be the same as the name of the
                terminal screen;

                suppresses all the keyboard initialisation: in this
                case, only the standard set of key bindings described in
                HELP * VEDKEYS will be recognised, together with any
                explicitly installed by the user;

            a word
                taken to be the name of the keyboard: veduseterm will
                use this name as the root of the keyboard configuration
                procedure regardless of the name of the terminal;

            a procedure
                to be applied to the terminal name before the keyboard
                initialisation procedure is called; it may return any
                value appropriate to vedfunctionkeys, typically a
                (different) keyboard name.

2  Terminal Descriptions

The terminal and its screen-handling  capabilities are described by  the
values of  the following  global variables.  Variables with  the  prefix
"vvedscreen" define  the  control  sequences used  to  activate  various
terminal functions:  a control  sequence may  be a  single  character, a
string or  a procedure,  and will  be  sent to  the terminal  using  the
procedure  vedscreencontrol.  A  null  string  value  implies  that  the
particular function is not supported by the terminal.

Note that keyboard facilities (e.g.  interpretation of function keys  or
key sequences, are set separately from screen manipulation.

Initialising Ved to work with a particular terminal type means assigning
to as many of these variables as  possible. In order for Ved to work  at
all, sensible values must be assigned to at least the following:

    ¤ vvedscreencharup
    ¤ vvedscreencharright
    ¤ vvedscreencleartail

as well  as those  procedures  given under  Terminal-Dependent  Standard
Screen Procedures below.

For full details of  how to build a  terminal description from  scratch,

vedterminalname -> word_or_false                              [variable]
word_or_false -> vedterminalname
        The name of the terminal on which Ved is running (a word).  Will
        be <false> until Ved has been properly set up.

vedscreenlength -> int                                        [variable]
int -> vedscreenlength
        The number of usable lines on the terminal screen (an  integer).
        In windowed Ved (XVed), set to the number of lines in the window
        whenever the current file is set.

vedscreenwidth -> int                                         [variable]
int -> vedscreenwidth
        The  number  of  usable  columns  on  the  terminal  screen  (an
        integer). In windowed Ved (XVed),  set to the number of  columns
        in the window whenever the current file is set.

vedscreenwrap -> bool                                         [variable]
bool -> vedscreenwrap
        Indicates whether  the terminal  has automatic  margins:  <true>
        means that whenever the cursor  is moved beyond the last  column
        on a line, it will automatically wrap round to the first  column
        of the following  line, possibly causing  the screen to  scroll;
        <false> means that the cursor sticks at the end of a line.

veddumbvdu -> bool                                            [variable]
bool -> veddumbvdu
        A  rough  indicator  of  the  intelligence  of  the  terminal: a
        non-false value means that the terminal doesn't support any kind
        of insertion or deletion of lines and characters. This  variable
        is set by Ved on startup, but not subsequently used.

vednochardelete -> bool                                       [variable]
bool -> vednochardelete
vednocharinsert -> bool                                       [variable]
bool -> vednocharinsert
vednolinedelete -> bool                                       [variable]
bool -> vednolinedelete
vednolineinsert -> bool                                       [variable]
bool -> vednolineinsert
        These variables  indicate  the  level of  support  the  terminal
        provides for insertion and  deletion of characters and  complete
        lines. A value of <false>  means that the terminal DOES  support
        the feature; any  other value  means that it  doesn't. Ved  will
        normally set  these  variables  on startup  depending  on  which
        screen control sequences have been defined: thus vednochardelete
        will be <false> if vvedscreendeletechar is not the null  string.
        Ved compensates for terminals without insertion and deletion  by
        redrawing appropriate parts of the screen.

vednokeypad -> bool                                           [variable]
bool -> vednokeypad
        Indicates whether  the terminal  has a  separately  programmable
        keypad: the value  <false> means that  the terminal does  have a
        keypad, any other value means that it doesn't.

vedinserting -> bool                                          [variable]
bool -> vedinserting
        Indicates the current  output mode  of the  terminal: the  value
        <false> means that the terminal is in normal (overstrike)  mode;
        <true> means that the terminal is in insert mode.

vednomoveinsert -> bool                                       [variable]
bool -> vednomoveinsert
        Indicates whether it is safe to move the cursor while in  insert

vvedscreeninit -> char_or_string_or_p                         [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreeninit
        Control sequence to initialise the terminal for editing.

vvedscreenreset -> char_or_string_or_p                        [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenreset
        Control sequence  to reset  the  terminal to  normal  (non-edit)

vvedscreensetpad -> char_or_string_or_p                       [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreensetpad
        Control sequence to enable the function keypad.

vvedscreenresetpad -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenresetpad
        Control sequence to disable the function keypad.

vvedscreeninsertmode -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreeninsertmode
        Control sequence to set the terminal into insert mode.

vvedscreenovermode -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenovermode
        Control sequence to  reset the terminal  to normal  (overstrike)

vvedscreengraphic -> char_or_string_or_p                      [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreengraphic
vvedscreenalpha -> char_or_string_or_p                        [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenalpha
        These  control   sequences  are   sent   out  by   the   default
        vedscreencharmode to set the terminal  into or out of  alternate
        (graphic) character set mode (see vedscreencharmode below).

        vvedscreengraphic  sets   graphic   character  set   mode,   and
        vvedscreenalpha sets normal character set mode.

vvedscreencharnormal -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharnormal
vvedscreencharhighlight -> char_or_string_or_p                [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharhighlight
vvedscreencharbold -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharbold
vvedscreencharunderline -> char_or_string_or_p                [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharunderline
vvedscreencharaltfont -> char_or_string_or_p                  [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharaltfont
vvedscreencharblink -> char_or_string_or_p                    [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharblink
        These  control   sequences  are   sent   out  by   the   default
        vedscreencharmode to change the display attributes of characters
        on the  screen (see  vedscreencharmode below).  If the  form  of
        these sequences is not suitable  for a particular terminal,  you
        will   need    to   redefine    (nonactive)    vedscreencharmode

        The default vedscreencharmode procedure assumes that (as on  the
        vt100), attributes accumulate when their corresponding sequences
        are sent out, and that the only way to turn one attribute off is
        to  turn   them   all  off.   This   is  achieved   by   sending

        vvedscreencharhighlight should make characters highlighted (e.g.
        in inverse video).

        vvedscreencharbold should  make  characters display  in  a  bold
        version of the current font.

        vvedscreencharunderline   should   cause   characters   to    be

        vvedscreencharaltfont  should  make  characters  display  in  an
        alternative font of the same  size (preferably italic). If  this
        variable  is  nullstring,  the  default  vedscreencharmode  will
        indicate alt font characters by using underlining instead,  i.e.

        vvedscreencharblink should cause characters to blink (i.e. flash
        on and off), or some suitable substitute.

vvedscreencharup -> char_or_string_or_p                       [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharup
vvedscreenchardown -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenchardown
vvedscreencharleft -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharleft
vvedscreencharright -> char_or_string_or_p                    [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencharright
        Control sequences to move  the cursor one  place up, down,  left
        and right. Not used at the boundaries of the screen.

vvedscreenscreenleft -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenscreenleft
        Control sequence to move  the cursor to  the leftmost column  of
        the current line.

vvedscreenpoint -> char_or_string_or_p                        [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenpoint
        Control sequence to move the cursor to a given point on  screen:
        should be followed by the line  and column to move to,  suitably
        encoded. Used by vedvt52screenxy only.

vvedscreenscrollup -> char_or_string_or_p                     [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenscrollup
        Control sequence to scroll the screen forwards. Used only on the
        last line of the screen or scrolling region.

vvedscreenscrolldown -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenscrolldown
        Control sequence to  scroll the screen  backwards. Used only  on
        the top line of the screen or scrolling region.

vvedscreencursorupscroll -> char_or_string_or_p               [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreensursorupscroll
        Control sequence to move the cursor one place up, and to  scroll
        the screen if on the top line (no longer used by Ved).

vvedscreenclear -> char_or_string_or_p                        [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenclear
        Control sequence to clear the entire screen.

vvedscreencleartail -> char_or_string_or_p                    [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreencleartail
        Control sequence to clear from the cursor position to the end of
        the current line.

vvedscreeninsertchar -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreeninsertchar
        Control sequence to insert the next character; characters  under
        and to the right of the  cursor on the current line are  shifted
        to the right.

vvedscreendeletechar -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreendeletechar
        Control sequence  to  delete  the character  under  the  cursor;
        characters to the right of the  cursor on the current line  move
        one place left.

vvedscreeninsertline -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreeninsertline
        Control sequence  to open  a new  blank line  on screen  at  the
        current cursor position; the  current and subsequent lines  move

vvedscreendeleteline -> char_or_string_or_p                   [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreendeleteline
        Control  sequence  to  delete   the  current  line  on   screen;
        subsequent lines move up.

vvedscreenbell -> char_or_string_or_p                         [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreenbell
        Control sequence  to ring  the  terminal bell  or to  give  some
        visible error indication.

vvedscreensendidseq -> char_or_string_or_p                    [variable]
char_or_string_or_p -> vvedscreensendidseq
        Control sequence to elicit the terminal answer-back message.

vedansiscreenxy(col, line)                                   [procedure]
        One possible value for  vedscreenxy. Positions the cursor  using
        an ansi-compatible  escape  sequence. The  characters  it  sends
        could be generated by the call:

           printf('\^[[%p;%pH', [% line, col %]);

vedvt52screenxy(col, line)                                   [procedure]
        One possible value for vedscreenxy. Positions the cursor using a
        vt52-compatible escape sequence. The  characters it sends  could
        be generated by the call:

            printf('%p%c%c', [% vvedscreenpoint, line+31, col+31 %])

vedvt52screengraphtrans(char)  -> (outchar, graphic)         [procedure]
vedvt100screengraphtrans(char) -> (outchar, graphic)         [procedure]
        Procedures  that  can  be  assigned  to  vedscreengraphtrans  to
        perform appropriate  translations  for Ved  graphics  characters
        when output to the screen. vedvt52screengraphtrans does this for
        vt52-type   terminals,    and    vedvt100screengraphtrans    for

        For example, vedvt100screengraphtrans is defined as

            define vedvt100screengraphtrans(char);
                lvars char, c;
                ;;;                123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCD
                lconstant trans = 'qqqxmjvxlkwxtunf`~___________';
                subscrs(char-16:80, trans) -> c;
                ;;; 2nd result true means graphics mode
                if c == `_` then char, false else c, true endif

        See vedscreengraphtrans below for further information.

vedsetscrollregion(top, bottom)                     [procedure variable]
        Sets the terminal scrolling region between line numbers top  and
        bottom inclusive. top  and bottom are  both integers. The  first
        usable line of the screen is numbered 1.

vedansisetscrollregion(top, bottom)                          [procedure]
        One possible  value of  vedsetscrollregion. Sets  the  scrolling
        region using an ansi-compatible escape sequence. The  characters
        it sends could be generated by the call:

            printf('\^[[%p;%pr', [% top, bottom %]);

vedscreencontrol(seq)                                        [procedure]
        Sends the control  sequence seq  to the terminal.  seq may  be a
        single character,  a  string  or  a  procedure.  Characters  and
        strings are  used  where  a  fixed  sequence  of  characters  is
        sufficient  to   activate  the   desired  terminal   function; a
        procedure is  appropriate in  cases  where the  actual  sequence
        needed may  vary: it  may, for  example, depend  on the  current
        position of  the cursor  on screen.  A possible  definition  for
        vedscreencontrol would be:

            define vedscreencontrol(seq);
                lvars seq;
                if isprocedure(seq) then

3  Terminal-Dependent Standard Screen Procedures

The following  procedures  present  standard  interfaces  that  all  Ved
procedures can use,  and must  therefore always be  defined. Except  for
vedscreenxy, the  others have  default values  which will  work for  any

vedscreenxy(col, line)                              [procedure variable]
        Moves the cursor to the given  position on screen. line and  col
        are both integers. The north-west  corner of the usable area  of
        the screen has (col, line) coordinates of (1, 1).

        The default  value  of this  procedure  mishaps, so  for  a  new
        terminal you MUST give it a definition.

vedscreencharmode -> mode                   [(variable) active variable]
mode -> vedscreencharmode
        This active  variable returns  or  updates a  set of  mode  bits
        controlling  how  characters  sent  to  the  screen/window   are
        displayed. (It is usually called by vedscreenoutput, to set  the
        mode for the character being output.)

        The mode argument is an integer,  the bits in which are  defined
        in INCLUDE * VEDSCREENDEFS.PH. Currently, these are


        - When set, characters will be interpreted in graphics char set.
        (Note that  this  bit is  NOT  a character  attribute  like  the


        -  When   set,  characters   will  be   displayed   respectively
        underlined, in  a  bold  font,  in  an  alternative  font  (e.g.
        italic), or blinking  on and off.  VEDCMODE_COLOURNUM is a  mask
        for a 3-bit colour field starting at bit  VEDCMODE_COLOUR_SHIFT,
        i.e. the colour number is


        Since most  terminals will  support  only one  highlight  colour
        (e.g. inverse  video), the  default vedscreencharmode  uses  the
        least significant bit of  the colour field  (VEDCMODE_HIGHLIGHT)
        to determine whether that should  be set, i.e. odd colours  will
        set it and even colours clear it. (Note that XVed supports all 8
        possible colours.)

        These bits  start  at bit  16,  and  are used  directly  as  the
        attribute bits attached to characters  in Ved buffer lines  (and
        stored in  'dstrings'  -  see  REF * STRINGS).  (They  are  also
        representable  as  backslash   sequences  in  Pop-11   character
        constants see  Backslash in  Strings  & Character  Constants  in
        REF * ITEMISE.)

        The default vedscreencharmode (used at least for vt100 and xterm
        Ved), sends out the sequences


        in response to  the above bits  being set and  cleared (see  the
        description of these  variables above).  However, its  behaviour
        may not  be  appropriate  for  all terminals,  so  it  may  need
        redefining for  a particular  terminal. (For  example, the  XVed
        vedscreencharmode does  not need  the  above sequences  at  all,
        since it can control the modes by direct procedure calls to  the
        XpwScrollText widget.)

        The default vedscreencharmode is defined as follows:

            lvars current_charmode = 0;
            define vars active vedscreencharmode;
            define updaterof active vedscreencharmode mode;
                lvars mode, diff, old = current_charmode;
                returnif((mode ||/& old ->> diff) == 0);
                mode -> current_charmode;
                ;;; deal with graphic first
                if diff &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_GRAPHIC then
                    vedscreencontrol(if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_GRAPHIC then
                    returnif((diff &&~~ VEDCMODE_GRAPHIC ->> diff) == 0)
                mode &&~~ VEDCMODE_GRAPHIC -> mode;
                ;;; Assumes that the other modes accumulate when sent
                ;;; out, ie the only way to turn one off is to turn
                ;;; them all off (this is the vt100 behaviour).
                if diff &&~~ mode /== 0 then
                    ;;; clearing some modes -- must clear them all first
                    returnif(mode == 0)
                    ;;; only setting new ones
                    diff -> mode
                if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_BOLD then
                if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_ALTFONT then
                    if vvedscreencharaltfont == nullstring then
                        mode || VEDCMODE_UNDERLINE -> mode
                if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_UNDERLINE then
                if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_HIGHLIGHT then
                if mode &&/=_0 VEDCMODE_BLINK then

vedscreengraphtrans(char) -> (outchar, graphic)     [procedure variable]
        This procedure  is  called  by  vedscreenoutput  to  perform  an
        appropriate translation for Ved standard graphics characters.

        It takes  a character  char  in the  range  16:81 -  16:9D,  and
        returns two  results: the  character  outchar to  output,  and a
        boolean graphic saying whether graphics mode should be turned on
        for outchar  (i.e. whether  VEDCMODE_GRAPHIC  should be  set  in

        See Ved  Standard Graphics  Characters in  REF * VEDPROCS  for a
        description of the graphics characters, and Backslash in Strings
        & Character Constants  in REF * ITEMISE for  a complete list  of
        their characters codes.

        The default value  of vedscreengraphtrans is  a procedure  which
        translates  all   graphics  characters   to  ordinary   printing
        characters (as described in REF * VEDPROCS); this default  value
        can also be assigned by calling vednographics.

        There are two  standard procedures  for converting  to vt52  and
        vt100 graphics codes respectively: vedvt100screengraphtrans  and
        vedvt52screengraphtrans (see  above). The  default procedure  is

            define vars vedscreengraphtrans(char);
                lvars char, c;
                ;;;                123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCD
                lconstant trans = '---|---|---|||+o#.___________';
                subscrs(char-16:80, trans) -> c;
                ;;; 2nd result false means not graphics mode
                if c == `_` then char else c endif, false

        If a  new  translation  procedure  needs  to  be  written  for a
        particular terminal, note that currently,  not all of the  range
        16:81  -  16:9D  is  actually  used  by  the  standard  graphics
        characters; the existing procedures simply do no translation for
        the unused codes.

vedscreencursoron -> char_or_false          [(variable) active variable]
char_or_false -> vedscreencursoron
        Where possible, this  active variable provides  for turning  the
        text cursor on and off, and for displaying different cursors.

        char_or_false may  be  a character-with-attributes  (similar  to
        vedscreenoutput), or false. If a character, the updater sets the
        cursor to correspond to that character; if false, the cursor  is
        turned off. The base procedure returns the current setting.

        The ASCII characters Ved assumes may be available for  different
        cursors are as follows:

            Char    Description
            ----    -----------
            `O`     Rectangular block
            `_`     Underscore
            `I`     I-beam
            `^`     Carat
            `\s`    Invisible

        The attributes part of the character is as for vedscreencharmode
        above, except  that  Ved  assumes  only  the  colour  and  blink
        attributes may actually have any effect.

        The default vedscreencursoron just remembers the value  assigned
        to it  and  returns  that  when  accessed,  but  otherwise  does

4  Mappings from Keyboard to Ved Functions

The initial mapping from key presses to editor functions is built in  to
Ved, but  corresponds  to  that set  by  the  procedure  veddefaultkeys:
running this procedure at any time  will reset all key bindings back  to
their  initial  state.  The   default  key  map   is  as  described   in
HELP * VEDKEYS. This  mapping was  introduced  in Poplog  Version  14.5;
anyone wishing to restore the mapping used prior to that version can  do
so by placing at the start of their 'vedinit.p' file the two lines:

        vedoldkeys -> veddefaultkeys;

The first line  restores the old  key map immediately;  the second  line
ensures that  any  program  which  needs to  re-set  the  keyboard  will
continue to use the old map.

veddefaultkeys()                                    [procedure variable]
        Restores the key map to some initial state.  User-assignable, it
        defaults to vednewkeys.

vednewkeys()                                                 [procedure]
        Sets the key map as described in HELP * VEDKEYS

vedoldkeys()                                                 [procedure]
        Sets the key map as described in HELP * VEDOLDKEYS

vedkeymapname -> strword_or_false                             [variable]
        A string describing the current mapping of keyboard keys to  Ved
        operations. Used by ved_hkeys  to find and  display a HELP  file
        that  describes  the  current  mapping.  Its  initial  value  is
        <false>, indicating that only the default key mappings have been
        set up.  The  procedure veduseterm  assigns  vedterminalname  to
        vedkeymapname  (unless  vedfunctionkeys  is  false).  Individual
        libraries that implement Ved key  mappings may assign their  own
        values to vedkeymapname (e.g. LIB * VEDNCDXTERMKEYS)

5  Known Terminal Types

The following procedures  configure Ved for  use on particular  terminal
types. Most of  them, with  the exception of  the Visual  200 and  vt100
procedures, are defined in autoloadable libraries. Where a terminal type
has "screen" and/or  "keys" procedures defined  for it, then  it can  be
initialised automatically with a call to veduseterm: this will  autoload
any library  files  as  necessary.  For  the  remaining  terminals,  the
initialisation procedure  must be  called  explicitly. For  guidance  on
selecting a terminal type see HELP * TERMINAL

vedansi()                                                    [procedure]
vedansikeys()                                                [procedure]
vedansiscreen()                                              [procedure]
        Basic ANSI-compatible terminal.  Defines minimal  screen-control
        facilities and no function keys. See HELP * ANSIKEYS

vedatari()                                                   [procedure]
        Atari ST  running UniTerm  vt100 terminal  emulator.  Requires a
        special UniTerm initialisation file to program the function keys
        correctly. See HELP * VEDATARI

vedbbc()                                                     [procedure]
vedbbckeys()                                                 [procedure]
vedbbcscreen()                                               [procedure]
        BBC micro running vt52 terminal emulator.

vedbbcvt100()                                                [procedure]
vedbbcvt100keys()                                            [procedure]
vedbbcvt100screen()                                          [procedure]
        BBC micro running vt100 terminal emulator. HELP * BBCVT100

vedcifer()                                                   [procedure]
vedciferkeys()                                               [procedure]
vedciferscreen()                                             [procedure]
        Cifer 2634 terminal. HELP * VEDCIFER

vedcmdtool()                                                 [procedure]
        Sunview "cmdtool" window. HELP * VEDCMDTOOL

veddxterm()                                                  [procedure]
veddxtermkeys()                                              [procedure]
veddxtermscreen()                                            [procedure]
        DECwindows terminal emulator.  Similar to an  XTERM, but  with a
        vt220-like keyboard. See HELP * VEDDXTERM

vedhpscreen()                                                [procedure]
        Generic Hewlett Packard terminal. See LIB * VEDHPSCREEN

vedsun()                                                     [procedure]
vedsunkeys()                                                 [procedure]
vedsunkeys_SUNVIEW()                                         [procedure]
vedsunkeys_NOSUNVIEW()                                       [procedure]
vedsunscreen()                                               [procedure]
vednosunviewkeys                                              [variable]
        Sun console or  Sunview "shelltool" window  (if you know  it's a
        window, vedwinsun can be quicker to start up). vedsunkeys  calls
        vedsunkeys_SUNVIEW by default  (which assumes  that the  SunView
        accelerator keys are  unavailable to Ved),  but if the  variable
        vednosunviewkeys is  declared  and  not <false>,  it  will  call
        vedsunkeys_NOSUNVIEW instead. See HELP * VEDSUN

vedsun_cmd()                                                 [procedure]
vedsun_cmdkeys()                                             [procedure]
vedsun_cmdscreen()                                           [procedure]
        Sunview "cmdtool" window: same as vedcmdtool.

vedtvi()                                                     [procedure]
vedtvikeys()                                                 [procedure]
vedtviscreen()                                               [procedure]
        Televideo TVI 920C in vt52 emulation mode. See HELP * TVI

vedtvi925()                                                  [procedure]
vedtvi925keys()                                              [procedure]
vedtvi925screen()                                            [procedure]
        Televideo 925. For key bindings see LIB * VEDTVI925KEYS.

vedvi200()                                                   [procedure]
vedvi200keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvi200screen()                                             [procedure]
        Visual 200. See HELP * V200

vedvi500()                                                   [procedure]
vedvi500keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvi500screen()                                             [procedure]
        Visual 500. See HELP * V500

vedvi55()                                                    [procedure]
vedvi55keys()                                                [procedure]
vedvi55screen()                                              [procedure]
        Visual 55 in Visual  200 emulation mode.  Basically the same  as
        the Visual 200, but with lots more function keys.  LIB * AUTOV55
        determines from the answerback whether the terminal is a  Visual
        200 or a 55 and configures Ved accordingly. See HELP * V55

vedvi550()                                                   [procedure]
vedvi550keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvi550screen()                                             [procedure]
        Visual 550. See HELP * V550

vedvt100(id)                                                 [procedure]
vedvt100keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvt100screen()                                             [procedure]
        vt100 series terminal. Makes minimal assumptions, so works  with
        many lookalikes  and  emulators, although  the  function  keypad
        escape sequences aren't  always the same.  The argument id  is a
        dummy, present  for historical  reasons, and  usually passed  as
        <false>. See HELP * VT100KEYS, HELP * VT100

vedvt100screenextra()                                        [procedure]
        Can be used to inform Ved that a vt100-type terminal  (including
        vt220, xterm,  etc.)  is  able to  cope  with  inline  character
        insertion and deletion.  These operations are  then speeded  up.

vedvt200()                                                   [procedure]
vedvt200keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvt200screen()                                             [procedure]
vedvt220()                                                   [procedure]
vedvt220keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvt220screen()                                             [procedure]
        vt200 series  terminal.  Similar to  a  vt100 but  with  smarter
        screen handling and extra function keys. See HELP * VT220KEYS

vedvt300()                                                   [procedure]
vedvt300keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvt300screen()                                             [procedure]
vedvt320()                                                   [procedure]
vedvt320keys()                                               [procedure]
vedvt320screen()                                             [procedure]
        vt300 series terminal. Ved treats this the same as a vt200  (see

vedvt52()                                                    [procedure]
vedvt52keys()                                                [procedure]
vedvt52screen()                                              [procedure]
        vt52 terminal or emulator. See HELP * VT52

vedwinsun()                                                  [procedure]
        Similar to vedsun, but assumes a Sunview "shelltool" window  and
        so can start up a little quicker. See HELP * VEDWINSUN

vedxterm()                                                   [procedure]
vedxtermkeys()                                               [procedure]
vedxtermscreen()                                             [procedure]
        X  windows  "xterm"  vt102  terminal  emulator.  Uses  the  same
        screen-control sequences as  the vt100, but  offers a choice  of
        function key maps for different workstations and terminals.  For
        more detailed information, see HELP * VEDXTERM

vedtermcapscreen(term)                                       [procedure]
        (UNIX only)  Reads  the TERMCAP  database  entry for  the  named
        terminal. term should be a word or string.


LIB * MKVEDIMAGE is a  utility for  building saved  images that  include
terminal configuration libraries of the  type described above. Ved  will
start up more  quickly inside such  a saved image,  since the  necessary
library files  will  already  have  been  compiled.  LIB  MKVEDIMAGE  is
described fully in HELP * MKVEDIMAGE

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