John Gibson Aug 1987


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COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1987. All Rights Reserved.
WARNING: THIS IS INCOMPLETE AND OUT OF DATE ===========================================


This file describes sysPOP-11, the extended dialect of POP-11 used in POPLOG system source files. Its purpose is to enable system source code to perform operations that are outside the scope of normal POP-11, but which are nevertheless essential for the underlying implementation of the system. (Note that sysPOP-11 is recognised only by the system source compiler POPC, and is not available inside the normal POPLOG run-time system.)

    In general, sysPOP-11 is POP-11 plus a collection of extra syntactic
constructs, and the ability  to manipulate values  which are not  proper
POPLOG objects. We deal with the latter first.

Pop and Non-Pop Values

An essential requirement for some parts of the source code that implements POPLOG is the ability to manipulate data that does not conform to the normal representation of POPLOG items; this includes, for example, integers in normal 'machine' rather than POPLOG format, as well as pointers/addresses that do not necessarily address sensible POPLOG objects. We call these 'non-pop' values, as distinguished from properly-represented 'pop' data.

    The basic  problem  with  handling  non-pop  data  concerns  garbage
collection. Normally the garbage collector  will test all values in  the
system for being structure-pointers,  tracing and copying structures  so
found and relocating their pointers, etc; on the assumption that non-pop
values are not actually distinguishable as such, confusion would  result
if the garbage collector were allowed to process them.
    It is thus necessary  to confine the occurrence  of these values  to
locations that are specially defined to hold them, and that are  ignored
by  the  garbage   collector.  To  this   end,  sysPOP  segregates   all
identifiers, both constants  and variables,  into pop  type and  non-pop
type. Generally, non-pop values  must only ever  be assigned to  non-pop
identifiers, and never  to pop ones  (or indeed to  any locations,  like
structure fields etc, which  should contain proper  pop items). For  the
other way round,  pop values  that are  simple (i.e.  not pointers)  may
safely be assigned to non-pop identifiers, but assigning a compound item
to one may invalidate it if a garbage collection occurs.
    [There is,  however,  one set  of  locations that  unavoidably  must
contain both  types of  value: the  user stack.  For this,  the  garbage
collector will attempt to determine whether values are of pop or non-pop
type, but this  is not guaranteed  to succeed. In  practice the  problem
almost never arises,  because most system  procedures that pass  non-pop
arguments and  results do  so  in a  context where  garbage  collections
cannot happen.]
    In parallel  with  the manipulation  of  non-pop data,  sysPOP  also
defines  a  non-pop   'procedure'  call,   for  executing   subroutines.
Nominally, subroutines  are  units of  code  defined by  the  hand-coded
assembler files that form  part of the system  source, and which  obey a
much simpler  calling  protocol  than  ordinary  POPLOG  procedures;  in
practice however, many  of them  are explicitly recognised  by POPC  and
compiled directly into in-line code.
    A subroutine  call  is  defined  simply  as  a  call  of  a  non-pop
identifier, either constant or variable as for ordinary procedures (i.e.
in both  cases,  the value  of  the identifier  is  the address  of  the
subroutine). Subroutine arguments  and results  are passed  on the  user
stack in the normal way.

The Underscore Convention

Non-pop identifiers in sysPOP have no special declaration construct, but are simply recognised on a naming basis: a non-pop identifier is one whose name begins with the character `_` (underscore). This applies to all variables and constants, both permanent and lexical. All other identifiers, whose names do not begin with `_`, are pop-type and have their standard POP-11 meaning. Thus

constant _c; vars _v; lconstant _lc; lvars _lv;

all declare non-pop identifiers. Remember that any values assigned to such identifiers will be TOTALLY IGNORED by the garbage collector.

A call of a non-pop identifier is interpreted as a subroutine call, e.g.

constant _a_subr;
        define foo(_x);
            lvars _x;

is a procedure that calls the subroutine -_a_subr- on its (non-pop valued) argument. Alternatively,

        define baz(_x, _subroutine);
            lvars _x, _subroutine;

is a procedure that calls a variable subroutine supplied as its second argument, applying it to its first argument. The call

baz(_value, _a_subr);

would then have the same effect as foo(_value).

    Note that,  like ordinary  POP-11 procedures,  constant or  variable
subroutines can be declared and used as operators.

The convention of flagging non-pop values with an `_` prefix also applies to numeric literals. That is, an integer or floating-point constant prefixed with an underscore will generate the constant in normal machine format rather than ordinary POP-11 format. E.g.

_1, _16:FFFF, _-3

all produce (signed) machine integer values (cf -_int- described below), while


results in a machine format single-length float. For double-length floats, the result is a pointer to a machine format double, e.g.

_-29.3, _0.5689e2

generate addresses of double floats in memory.

For literals where the underscore does not lexically join with the character immediately following it, the macro _: may be used, e.g.


generates a machine format `A` character constant. This can in fact be used with any numeric literal, e.g.

_:1, _:16:FFFF, _:-3

including a numeric literal defined as a macro, as in

lconstant macro FOO = 14; _:FOO -> _x;


    The  final  use  of  _:  is  to  generate  references  to   symbolic
expressions, the  values  of  which  are only  known  to  the  assembler
processing the code output by POPC. In this case, the _: is followed  by
a string containing the expression. E.g. in VAX VMS, the symbol RMS$_FNF
is an assembler name for a  particular return status code, the value  of
which could be referenced as

Standard Subroutines

The following sections in this file describe the standard subroutines made available by POPC (many of which actually compile to inline code). It is important to note that, unlike most normal POP-11 procedures, these operations do not check the values of their arguments; indeed, where the arguments are non-pop values, there is no way of doing so. Hence, garbage out will result from garbage in.

Arithmetic Operations and Comparisions on Machine Integers

_I _add _J -> _K [subroutine operator 5]

_I _sub _J -> _K [subroutine operator 5]

_I _mult _J -> _K [subroutine operator 4]

These operators respectively add, subtract and multiply their arguments as signed machine integers. If overflow occurs, the high order bits of the result will be truncated. (Of these operators, at least -_add- and -_sub- should always compile to inline code.)

_I _div _J -> _REM -> _QUOT [subroutine operator 4]

Divides the machine integer _I by the machine integer _J, producing a quotient _QUOT and a remainder _REM (Cf / for pop integers).
_negate(_I) -> _J                                           [subroutine]
        Returns the negation of its signed machine integer argument.  If
        overflow occurs, the sign bit of the result will be truncated.

_I _gr _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _greq _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _lt _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _lteq _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

These operators compare their arguments as UNSIGNED machine integers for greater than, greater than or equal, less than and less than or equal respectively.

_I _sgr _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _sgreq _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _slt _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

_I _slteq _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 6]

These operators compare their arguments as SIGNED machine integers for greater than, greater than or equal, less than and less than or equal respectively.
_zero(_I)    -> BOOL                                        [subroutine]
_nonzero(_I) -> BOOL                                        [subroutine]
_neg(_I)     -> BOOL                                        [subroutine]
_nonneg(_I)  -> BOOL                                        [subroutine]
        Tests on machine integers for being zero, non-zero, negative and
        non-negative (>= 0) respectively.

Bitwise Logical Operations on Machine Integers

_I _biset _J -> _K [subroutine operator 4]

_I _biclear _J -> _K [subroutine operator 4]

_I _bimask _J -> _K [subroutine operator 4]

_I _bixor _J -> _K [subroutine operator 4]

        Logical bit operations on machine integers:
            -_biset- ORs  its arguments,  so that  _K has  ones in  each
        position that either _I or _J have. (Cf || for pop integers.)
            -_biclear- ANDs _I with the bit complement of _J, so that _K
        has ones in each position that _I has ones but _J has zeros. (Cf
        &&~~ for pop integers.).
            -_bimask- ANDs its arguments,  so that _K  has ones in  each
        position that both _I and _J have. (Cf && for pop integers.)
            -_bixor- EXCLUSIVE ORs its arguments, so that _K has ones in
        each position that either _I or  _J have but not both. (Cf  ||/&
        for pop integers.)
_logcom(_I) -> _J                                           [subroutine]
        Returns the bitwise complement of its argument, i.e. _J has ones
        in each position that _I has zeros. (Cf ~~ for pop integers.)
_shift(_I, _J) -> _K                                        [subroutine]
        Shifts _I left or  right by _J bit  positions, depending on  the
        sign of _J (i.e. positive = left shift, negative = right shift).
            The shift is ARITHMETIC, meaning that on a right shift,  the
        sign bit of _I is propagated  from the left; if overflow  occurs
        on a left shift, the high  order bits are truncated. (Cf <<  for
        pop integers, although  this of  course deals  with overflow  by
        producing a big integer.)

_I _bitst _J -> BOOL [subroutine operator 4]

This operator returns true if _I and _J have any common bits set, i.e. same as
_nonzero(_I _bimask _J)
but faster.

Conversion Between Pop and Machine Integers

_int(I) -> _I                                               [subroutine]
        Converts a  simple  pop  integer I  to  the  equivalent  machine
        integer _I.  Since the  range  of a  machine integer  is  always
        greater than or equal to that of a pop integer, overflow  cannot
_pint(_I) -> I                                              [subroutine]
        Converts a signed  machine integer _I  to the equivalent  simple
        pop integer  I. This  operation can  overflow; if  it does,  the
        value of the result is undefined.
_pint_testovf(_I) -> <true> -> I                            [subroutine]
_pint_testovf(_I) -> <false>
        Same as -_pint-, but tests for overflow. If overflow occurs, the
        single result  <false> is  returned;  otherwise, there  are  two
        results, <true> and the equivalent simple pop integer.

Arithmetic Operations on Pop Integers

Note that of the standard POP-11 fast integer operators at least fi_+ and fi_- are compiled by POPC into inline code.

_padd_testovf(I, J) -> BOOL -> K                            [subroutine]
_psub_testovf(I, J) -> BOOL -> K                            [subroutine]
_pmult_testovf(I, J) -> BOOL -> K                           [subroutine]
        Add, subtract and multiply two  pop simple integers with a  test
        for overflow. BOOL is <true> if overflow doesn't occur,  <false>
        if it does. Note that whether overflow occurs or not, the result
        K is always returned.
_pshift_testovf(I, _N) -> <true> -> J                       [subroutine]
_pshift_testovf(I, _N) -> <false>
        Arithmetically shifts left the simple  pop integer I by  machine
        integer _N  places (_N  must be  not be  negative). If  overflow
        occurs, the single result <false> is returned; otherwise,  there
        are two results, <true> and the shifted pop integer.

Control Stack Operations

These subroutines provide access to the POPLOG control stack.

_sp() -> _SFPTR                                             [subroutine]
        Returns a  pointer  to the  call  stack frame  for  the  current
_caller_sp() -> _SFPTR                                      [subroutine]
        Returns a pointer to the call stack frame for the caller of  the
        current procedure. (Same as _nextframe(_sp()) but faster.)
_nextframe(_SFPTR) -> _NEXT_SFPTR                           [subroutine]
        Given a pointer to a call stack frame, returns a pointer to  the
        next caller's frame.

User Stack Operations

These subroutines provide access to the POPLOG user stack.

_userhi [variable]

This variable always holds the limit address for the user stack, i.e. the address of the word following its end. Changed by -_move_userstack- when the stack is shifted up or down in memory.
_user_sp() -> _USPTR                                        [subroutine]
_USPTR -> _user_sp()
        Returns or updates the current  user stack pointer, i.e. a  word
        pointer to its top item. If the stack is empty then
_user_sp() == _userhi
will be true. The updater should be used very carefully indeed.
_stklength() -> _WOFFS                                      [subroutine]
        Returns the current  size of  the user  stack as  a word  offset
        _WOFFS. It will always be true that
_user_sp()@(w){_WOFFS} == _userhi
_useras(_WOFFS)                                             [subroutine]
        Erases a block of words of word offset size _WOFFS from the  top
        of the user stack.
_move_userstack(_WOFFS)                                     [subroutine]
        Shifts the whole user  stack up or down  in memory by an  amount
        given by the signed word  offset _WOFFS, changing both the  user
        stack pointer and -_userhi- appropriately (i.e. the new  _userhi
        will be _userhi@(w){_WOFFS} ).

Procedure Calling/Chaining

These subroutines are optimised to inline code.

_chainfrom_caller(P)                                       [subroutine]
_fast_chainfrom_caller(P)                                  [subroutine]
        Chains the procedure P from the caller of the current procedure,
        with or without a procedure check on P. Effectively the same as
chain(P, chain) chain(P, fast_chain)
in normal POP-11.
_srchain(_SUBROUTINE)                                       [subroutine]
        Chains  the  subroutine   _SUBROUTINE  from   the  current   POP
        procedure, i.e.  unwinds the  current procedure  and then  calls

Special Operations

_mksimple(COMPOUND) -> SIMPLE                               [subroutine]
        Disguises a compound  object (i.e.  a pop pointer)  as a  simple
        one, in  such  a  way  that the  original  value  can  later  be
        recovered with -_mkcompound-. How  this is done is  unspecified;
        it is  merely guaranteed  that if  iscompound(COMPOUND) is  true
        then  issimple(SIMPLE)  will   be  true   also,  and   moreover,
        _mkcompound(SIMPLE) == COMPOUND.
            Use this with care; a  pointer disguised as a simple  object
        will not be processed properly by the garbage collector.
_mkcompound(SIMPLE) -> COMPOUND                             [subroutine]
        Recovers the value of  a compound object  disguised as a  simple
        one with  _mksimple.  It should  never  be used  for  any  other

_subsv0 plog_trail_push

sysPOP-11 Syntax Constructs

_extern [syntax]

_extern_indir [syntax]

Used for calling external routines.

exported [syntax]

nonexported [syntax]

protected [syntax]

These three syntax words may be used to prefix a -constant- or -vars- statement (at execute level). Both -exported- and -protected- cause permanent identifiers so declared to be exported to the normal run-time system dictionary, the latter with the identifier marked as protected. -nonexported- prevents exportation of identifiers.

normal_compile [syntax]

end_normal_compile [syntax]


Structure and Pointer Operations

sysPOP-11 provides a set of syntax constructs for performing operations

with pointers to data and data structures, which are in many ways

similar to the facilities available in the "C" language (although by no

means identical). The remainder of this file is devoted to an

explanation of these constructs.


All pointer and related operations require a type specification for the

unit of data to which they refer. Pointers are actually assumed to be of

three basic types, viz "byte", "short" and "word", other types being

derived from these. Currently, the only such derived types available are

"double" (= 2 words) and "vpage" (= N words, depending on the virtual

page size), but at some time in the future the "structure" syntax

construct will be redesigned along the lines of "struct" in C to allow

"structure X" as a type, etc.

As in the "structure" construct, a minus sign prefixing a type indicates

a signed value as opposed to an nsigned value (e.g "-byte"). The types

"byte", "short", "word" and "double" may be abbreviated to "b", "s", "w"

and "d" respectively.

Bitfield types are specified by positive and negative integers

(respectively signed and unsigned) as for "conskey". Because it is

assumed that there are no proper bit pointers, and that bit fields will

always be accessed via byte, short or word pointers (depending on the

implementation), those operations which take the address of a field are

not allowed for bitfields.

There is also a type "code" for pointers to executable machine code.

This will be synonymous with "byte", "short" or "word" according to the

particular implementation.


! and @

The syntax operators "!" and "@" respectively access a value through a

pointer, or construct a new pointer to that value. Syntactically, the

two are identical, the operator being preceded by a <pointer expression>

and followed by either a <field name> (for a field declared with

-struct-), or a <type> in parentheses. E.g.


accesses the P_BACK word of a pair, while


gets the byte pointed to by -_bptr-. In the case of a <field name> declared in a structure X, the input pointer is taken to be a pointer to "struct X", conversion of the pointer to the field type being effected when necessary.

Index Expression

The <field name> or (<type>) following ! or @ may optionally be followed by a machine integer <index expression> in square brackets [...], where an index value of N references the (N+1)-th component of the given type. So


gets the fourth byte of the string "string", and


accesses the _n-th plus 1 word at "_wptr". These two examples are respectively equivalent to

string@V_BYTES[_0] -> _bptr; _bptr!(b)[_3]


_wptr@(w)[_n] -> _wptr; _wptr!(w)

etc. (Note that a zero index is the same as none, i.e. there is no difference between 'string@V_BYTES' and 'string@V_BYTES[_0]' .)

The <index expression> may of course have a negative value, but a positive value may taken in the negative sense by preceding the "[" with a minus sign, e.g.

_wptr!(w)-[_n], _wptr!(w)[_negate(_n)]

both access the _n-th plus 1 word backwards from "_wptr" (although the first form produces better code where the index is non-constant).

Offset Expression

Instead of an index, the <field name> or (<type>) may be followed by an <offset expression> in curly brackets {...}. An offset is a value whose units are already those of the address units of the pointer, and which is added to/subtracted from the pointer directly (as opposed to an index, which is first scaled by multiplying by the size in address units of the data type, to turn it into an offset). Offsets are produced by the "@@" syntax word, described below. For example,

_wptr!(w)[_n] -> _word;

is equivalent to

@@(w)[_n] -> _woffs; ;;; word index _n to word offset _wptr!(w){_woffs} -> _word;

In general, using offsets rather than indices produces more efficient code, since it can avoid the continual scaling necessary with the latter.

An offset can also be specified as the difference between two pointers, by replacing the single <offset expression> with two <pointer expression>s separated by a comma. E.g.

_ptr1@(w){_ptr2, _ptr3}

gives "_ptr1" offset by the offset from "_ptr3" to "_ptr2" (that is,

_ptr3@(w){_ptr2, _ptr3}

is equal to "_ptr2").

As with indices, the "{" may be preceded by a minus sign to indicate subtraction of the offset rather than addition.


Any of the variations on ! or @ described thus far can also take an optional autoincrement or autodecrement modifier, viz "++" or "--", causing the total value of the pointer construct to be incremented or decremented by the size of one unit of the data type. In the case of !, the new pointer is produced as a second result, the accessed value being got before incrementing for "++" (postincrement) and after decrementing for "--" (predecrement). Reflecting this difference, "++" appears at the end of the construct, while "--" appears before it in front of the ! or @. E.g.

_ptr!(w)++ -> _ptr -> _word;

is the same as

_ptr!(w) -> _word; _ptr@(w)[_1] -> _ptr;


_ptr--!(w) -> _ptr -> _word

is equivalent to

_ptr@(w)-[_1] -> _ptr; _ptr!(w) -> _word;

For "@",

_ptr@(w)[_1], _ptr@(w)++

are the same, as are

_ptr@(w)-[_1], _ptr--@(w)

Note that "++" and "--" can be used with indices or offsets, e.g.

string!V_BYTES[_3]++ -> _bptr -> _byte;

returns the fourth byte of the string and a pointer to its fifth byte.

@@ and ##

The operation of "@" can be thought of as evaluating a total offset which is then added to the <pointer expression> preceding it. This total offset can be obtained directly by substituting @ with the syntax word "@@", and omitting the preceding pointer. For example,

@@V_WORDS[_3] -> _woffs;

returns the word offset to the fourth word of a word vector. To increment this to the fifth word, we could use

@@(w){_woffs}++ -> _woffs;

etc. Or, @@ can be used get the offset difference between two pointers, as in

@@(b){_bptr1, _bptr2}

and so on.

"##" is the same as "@@" except that it returns the total offset as an index, dividing it first by the size in address units of the data type. Thus for example,

##(w){ @@(w)[_n] }

is identically equal to _n.

Type Conversion

Pointers to different data types must not be assumed to be interchangeable (even though they MAY be in a particular implementation); when a pointer to one type is to be used to access a datum of another type, the necessary conversion must be specified. When ! or @ is followed by a <field name>, conversion between 'pointer to structure X' and 'pointer to x' (where x is the type of the field) is implicit, and no other conversion can be specified. When not used with a field, the type of the incoming pointer can be specified as different from the main type of the construct by preceding the main type with '<type> ->', as in


which converts the word pointer "_wptr" to a byte pointer, and returns the byte pointed to by the latter. Similarily,


returns the converted pointer incremented by 3 bytes.

Type conversion may also be specified for indices and offsets. In this case, the <index expression>, <offset expression> or pair of <pointer expression>s inside [...] or {...} may be followed by ' | <type> ' to specify the type of the index or offset as being different from the main type. For example,


gives the byte at offset 2 words from "_bptr", while


returns a word offset _woffs as a number of bytes.

Unless otherwise specified, all the above conversions on pointers, indices and offsets are (when possible) effected without any truncation or rounding (put another way, the conversion is done as 'straightforwardly' as possible). Where explicit truncation or rounding is required, the alternate <type> for the pointer, index or offset may be followed by '.t' (for truncation) or '.r' (for rounding). Thus


converts a number of bytes "_bindex" to a word offset, rounded to a whole number of words, while


truncates a word pointer to the preceding virtual page boundary.

Pointer Comparison

While equality of two pointers can be tested for (as previously) by using "==", ordinal comparisons between pointers must now employ the syntax operators

<@ (less than) <=@ (less than or equal), >@ (greater than) >=@ (greater than or equal)

where in each case, the operator is followed by a <type> in parentheses. For example, to fill a string with characters from the stack,

        lvars string, _bptr, _blim;
        string@V_BYTES[_0] -> _blim;            ;;; low limit for _bptr
        _blim@(b)[string!V_LENGTH] -> _bptr;    ;;; start _bptr after last byte
        while _bptr >@(b) _blim do
            _int() -> _bptr--!(b) -> _bptr      ;;; insert next popint byte

Note that these operators must be used only for pointers, and not for offset or index values. The latter are signed system integers, and must therefore be compared with "_slt", "_slteq", "_sgr" and "_sgreq". The above example implemented using offsets rather than pointers would be

        lvars string, _boffs, _blim;
        @@V_BYTES[_0] -> _blim;               ;;; low limit for _boffs
        @@(b)[string!V_LENGTH] -> _boffs;     ;;; start _boffs after last byte
        while _boffs _sgr _blim do
            _int() -> string!(w->b){_boffs};  ;;; insert next popint byte
            --@@(b){_boffs} -> _boffs         ;;; decrement _boffs

Pointers to POPLOG Data Structures

Pointers to proper POPLOG data structures are always of type "word" -- this is why the '(w->b)' conversion was necessary in the previous example. In fact, it would be permissible to rewrite this example as

        lvars string, _bptr, _boffs, _blim;
        @@V_BYTES[_0] -> _blim;               ;;; low limit for _boffs
        @@(b)[string!V_LENGTH] -> _boffs;     ;;; start _boffs after last byte
        string@(w->b) -> _bptr;               ;;; convert to byte pointer
        while _boffs _sgr _blim do
            _int() -> _bptr!(b){_boffs};      ;;; insert next popint byte
            --@@(b){_boffs} -> _boffs         ;;; decrement _boffs

that is, converting the word pointer "string" to a byte pointer before commencing the loop. However, because of relocation happening during a garbage collection, care must be exercised when dealing with non-word pointers to POPLOG structures, or pointers of any type that go into the middle of a such a structure. If a garbage collection can occur in a particular context, then a structure pointer must always be retained in its 'proper' form in a pop-type (i.e. non-underscore) variable. For example, since _CHECKUSER is a macro that generates a check for user stack overflow (which can lead to a garbage collection), the following two variants for exploding a string are both incorrect:

    lvars string, _bptr, _blim;
    string@V_BYTES[_0] -> _bptr;
    string@V_BYTES[string!V_LENGTH] -> _blim;
    while _bptr <@(b) _blim do
        _CHECKUSER;     ;;; can cause a gc, invalidating _bptr
        _pint( _bptr!(b)++ -> _bptr );
    lvars string, _bptr, _boffs, _blim;
    @@V_BYTES[_0] -> _boffs;
    @@V_BYTES[string!V_LENGTH] -> _blim;
    string@(w->b) -> _bptr;
    while _boffs _slt _blim do
        _CHECKUSER;     ;;; can cause a gc, invalidating _bptr
        _pint( _bptr!(b){_boffs} );
        @@(b){_boffs}++ -> _boffs;

The correct version is

    lvars string, _boffs, _blim;
    @@V_BYTES[_0] -> _boffs;
    @@V_BYTES[string!V_LENGTH] -> _blim;
    while _boffs _slt _blim do
        _CHECKUSER;     ;;; if a gc occurs, string is properly relocated
        _pint( string!(w->b){_boffs} );
        @@(b){_boffs}++ -> _boffs;

Representation of POPLOG Items

For a given implementation of POPLOG, there will be an encoding scheme which allows a word datum to contain either a simple object (a pop integer or decimal), or a compound one (a word pointer to a POPLOG structure). The procedure "issimple" is then guaranteed to return true for the former and false for the latter, and vice-versa for "iscompound". The results of these procedures are undefined when applied to any other values, e.g. to a non-word pointer, system integer, etc.

There also is a requirement in various parts of POPLOG to be able to 'mark' a compound item to distinguish it from other such items (e.g. tracing a structure by marking its key field in the garbage collector), and the subroutines "_mksimple" and "_mkcompound" are defined for this purpose. "_mksimple" takes a compound item and encodes it as a simple object, while "_mkcompound" retrieves the original compound item from its encoded form. The exact manner of the encoding is implementation dependent; all that matters is that if "struct" is a compound item, then

_mksimple(struct) -> _struct;

is simple, and that


returns the original value of "struct".