C.Mellish and S.Hardy 1983 Reformatted - A.S. May 1987


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This is a slightly expanded version of a paper with the same title that appeared in IJCAI-83 - the 8th International Joint Conference on AI, University of Karlsruhe 1983.

After this paper was written, lexically scoped identifiers were introduced into Poplog and changes were made to the Poplog virtual machine to support a more efficient implementation of compiled Prolog. (The timings given in the paper are out of date.)

INTEGRATING PROLOG IN THE POPLOG ENVIRONMENT ============================================
                      Chris Mellish and Steve Hardy
                      Cognitive Studies Programme,
                         University of Sussex,
                         Falmer, Brighton, UK.



There are some kinds of programs that people are unlikely ever to want to write in Prolog, simply because the most "natural" computational concepts [Hardy 82a] for the tasks at hand are hard to reconcile with the declarative, "logical" flavour of Prolog programs. Moving a robot arm, making sounds or pictures or running a screen editor might be examples of such tasks. Even if such barriers could be overcome, programming in Prolog would waste the expertise that already exists in writing these kinds of programs in "conventional" languages. Just as there is a need for the Prolog programmer to use other languages for particular applications, so the programmer using mainly "conventional" languages can gain from using Prolog. For instance, a Prolog-like interface to a CAD system [Swinson 80] or a relational database [Kowalski 81] would have many advantages.

Arguments like these provide strong support for the production of MULTI-LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS. At Sussex, there are two projects addressing the problems of putting Prolog in such an environment. One of these [Hunter, Mellish, Owen 82] involves a distributed ring of processors communicating by message passing. The other involves the POPLOG system, a mixed language AI programming environment which runs on conventional hardware. As well as Prolog, POPLOG supports POP-11, a development of POP2 [Burstall, Collins and Popplestone 77], which is a language with semantics similar to LISP. This paper concentrates on the POPLOG system and the way in which we have integrated Prolog with POP-11 in this system. It is a shortened version of a longer research report [Mellish and Hardy 82].

Prolog within High Level Language Systems

There have been a number of projects involving implementing Prolog-like languages within LISP systems, notably the LOGLISP [Robinson and Sibert 82] and QLOG [Komorowski 82] systems. Since POP-11 is so similar to LISP, it is worthwhile stating some of our main aims for comparison:

  1. BANDWIDTH OF INTERFACE. LOGLISP and QLOG both incorporate mechanisms for calling LISP routines as "subroutines" from the logic language, as well as low bandwidth interfaces in the other direction. We aim to develop a model of how Prolog datastructures and control can mesh in with those of POP-11, so that, for instance, POP-11 programs can create backtracking points and control the generation of solutions by Prolog.
  2. SYMMETRY BETWEEN LANGUAGES. A multi-language programming environment should treat the languages it supports in a symmetrical way. Both LOGLISP and QLOG are clearly logic languages implemented in LISP, rather than the other way around. In the POPLOG system, we have achieved a symmetry by having Prolog an equal partner with POP-11, programs in both languages being compiled into instructions for the same virtual machine.
  3. COMPATIBILITY. Our aim is to provide a Prolog system that is compatible with an existing standard [Clocksin and Mellish 81], and which can be used without any knowledge of the other programming languages in POPLOG. In our aim for compatibility, we differ from both QLOG and LOGLISP, but especially from LOGLISP, as it is not our intention to investigate alternative ways of running logic programs.
  4. EFFICIENCY. Aiming for an efficient Prolog system, we have followed Warren [Warren 77], and have implemented only a compiler (not an interpreter, as in both QLOG and LOGLISP). POPLOG Prolog running on a VAX 11/780 takes approximately 254 msec to do Warren's "naive reverse" benchmark [Warren 77]. Ignoring processor differences, this compares favourably with figures given by Warren for the DEC System-10 interpreter running on a KI-10 processor (1160 msec) and a figure derived from a Prolog interpreter [Clocksin and Mellish 79] running on a PDP-11/40 (1077 msec). In speed, POPLOG Prolog does not yet compare favourably with the DEC System-10 compiler (53.7 msec). [Note: these timings were made using an early version of Poplog.]

The POPLOG Environment

The POPLOG system is an AI programming environment developed at Sussex University [Hardy 82b]. POPLOG currently runs under VMS on the DEC VAX series of computers, although implementations for VAX UNIX, PERQ and a M68000-based machine are planned. In POPLOG, a text editor, called VED, is interposed between the user and compilers for POP-11 and Prolog. Although interaction can by-pass the editor where appropriate, the user is usually communicating with VED, the text editor. The user's VDU screen continuously displays a portion of some selected files. These files may belong either to the user or be documentation or tutorial files. When user presses the 'DOIT' button on the keyboard, part of the 'current' file is sent to one of the compilers. The fragment of text is compiled, and the compiler sends back any output to VED which splices the output into a designated output file and hence displays the output on the user's VDU screen. Since the output is stored in an edit file it is easy to review any output that has scrolled off the top of the VDU screen. A simple interaction with POPLOG will consist of the user typing in a command, pressing the DOIT button and observing the output; this cycle is then repeated. If a definition needs to be modified two or three keystrokes after editing suffice to have the procedure re-compiled and incorporated into the existing compiled program.

The link between the programming languages and the underlying machine is the POPLOG virtual machine. The two compilers produce POPLOG virtual machine code, which is then translated into machine code for the host machine. At the level of host machine code, it is possible to link in programs written in other languages, such as FORTRAN. The two-step compilation process, together with the fact that most of the system is written in POP-11, makes POPLOG inherently portable. At a time when there are so many exciting developments in hardware design we wanted the POPLOG system to be relatively independent of any actual computer. About three man months work should be sufficient to move the system to any 32-bit computer.

POPLOG is based on a stack oriented virtual machine. Expressions in POP-11 and Prolog are translated into instructions for this machine. For example, the following is a simple POP-11 assignment statement. Note that the assignments go from left to right.

x + y -> z;

This statement translates into the virtual machine instructions:

    push    x    - Put the value of variable X on the stack
    push    y    - Put the value of variable Y on the stack
    call    +    - Call the addition procedure, which removes
                   two elements from the stack and replaces them
                   by their sum
    pop     z    - remove one element from the stack and store
                   in the variable Z

A second stack is used to save the values of local variables during procedure calls. For example, the following is the definition of a POP-11 procedure to double a number:

    define double(x);
        x * 2

This definition translates to:

save x - Save the value of variable X on the system stack pop x - Set variable X from the user stack push x - Put the value of X onto the user stack pushq 2 - Put the integer 2 onto the user stack call * - Call the multiplication procedure restore x - Restore the value of X from the system stack

These instructions are translated to true machine code and then packaged up into a 'procedure record' which is then assigned to the variable DOUBLE. The multiplication procedure, when called, will take two items off the user stack and leave one result behind. The argument to a CALL instruction can be any user procedure or system procedure. This means that the virtual machine is effectively user extendable.

Procedures for "planting" instructions for the virtual machine are accessible to the ordinary programmer within POPLOG. This means that the POP-11 and Prolog compilers are just two of many possible POPLOG programs that create new pieces of machine code.

Partial Application and Procedure Closures in POP-11

In this section we illustrate one technique used in POPLOG to create new procedures, PARTIAL APPLICATION. In the next section, we show how this can be used for implementing Prolog. For clarity, the examples will be shown in the form of POP-11 procedures. It must be remembered that Prolog code is not translated into POP-11 procedures, but rather gives rise directly to POPLOG virtual machine instructions.

Partial application is a technique whereby a procedure and some arguments for that procedure can be 'frozen' together to create a new procedure, a CLOSURE. This is similar to a LISP closure, except that in POPLOG the environment is not saved. Partial application is used to provide elegant input/output mechanisms in POP-11 and this application is a good introduction to closures. POP-11 provides a number of primitive procedures for accessing disc files. With some simplifications, two of these are:


sysopen('foobaz') -> d;

The variable D will now hold a device descriptor for the file called FOOBAZ. To read the first character from this file and assign it to a variable X, we would do:

sysread(d) -> x;

A subsequent call to SYSREAD with the same descriptor will get the second character and so on. If we 'partially apply' SYSREAD to the device descriptor D, thus:

sysread(%d%) -> p;

then the variable P will hold a closure. Partial application is denoted by 'decorated parentheses', '(%' and '%)'. We can now simply apply P to read succesive characters from the file, thus:

p() -> x;

Implementing Backtracking by Continuation Passing

Prolog is implemented using a technique called 'continuation passing'. In this technique, procedures are given an additional argument, called a CONTINUATION. This continuation (which is a closure) describes whatever computation remains to be performed once the called procedure has finished ITS computation. Suppose, for example that we have a procedure PROG which has just two steps: calling the subprocedure FOO and then, when that has finished, calling the subprocedure BAZ. Were such a procedure to be written using explicit continuations, BAZ would be passed as an extra argument to FOO since BAZ is the continuation for FOO. Actually, PROG itself would also have a continuation and this must be passed to BAZ as ITS continuation, thus:

    define prog(continuation);

Thus, if we invoke PROG we must give it explicit instructions, CONTINUATION, as to what is to be done when it has finished. PROG invokes FOO, giving FOO as its continuation the procedure BAZ which has been partially applied to the original continuation since that is what is to be done when BAZ (now invoked by FOO as its continuation) has finished its task.

Continuations have proved of some significance in studies on the semantics of programming languages [Strachey and Wadsworth 74] [Steele 76]. This apparently round about way of programming also has an enormous practical advantage for us - since procedures have explicit continuations there is no need for them to 'return' to their invoker. Conventionally, sub-procedures returning to their invokers means:

I have finished - continue with the computation

With explicit continuations we can assign a different meaning to a sub- procedure returning to its invoker, say:

Sorry - I wasn't able to do what you wanted me to do

PROG accomplishes its task by first doing FOO and then doing BAZ. The power of continuation programming is made clear if we define a new procedure NEWPROG, thus:

Try doing FOO but if that doesn't work then try doing BAZ

This is represented thus:

    define newprog(continuation);

If we now invoke NEWPROG (with a continuation) then it first calls FOO (giving it the same continuation as itself). If FOO is succesful then it will invoke the continuation. If not then it will return to NEWPROG which then tries BAZ. If BAZ too fails (by returning) then NEWPROG itself fails by returning to ITS invoker.

Now consider the following Prolog procedure:

happy(X) :- healthy(X), wise(X).

This says that X is HAPPY if X is HEALTHY and WISE. If this is the only clause for HAPPY then we may translate this to the following POP-11 procedure:

    define happy(x, continuation);
        healthy(x, wise(%x, continuation%))

A call of this procedure can be interpreted as meaning:

Check that X is happy and if so do the CONTINUATION

This is accomplished by passing X to HEALTHY but giving HEALTHY a continuation which then passes X across to WISE. Let us suppose that someone is HEALTHY if they either JOG or else EAT CABBAGE, ie:

healthy(X) :- jogs(X). healthy(X) :- eats(X, cabbage).

This can be translated as:

    define healthy(x, continuation);
        jogs(x, continuation);
        eats(x, "cabbage", continuation);

Finally, let us assume that we know that CHRIS and JON both JOG. This can also be represented by a POP-11 procedure:

jogs(chris). jogs(jon).
    define jogs(x, continuation);
        if x = "chris" then continuation() endif;
        if x = "jon" then continuation() endif;

A Simple Prolog without Datastructures

The translation of JOGS given in the last section does not cater for the case where X is unknown and we wish to FIND someone who JOGS. In fact, we need to take account of the special features of Prolog variables. Prolog variables start off "uninstantiated" and can only be given a value once. In addition, two "uninstantiated" variables can be made to "share" which means that as soon as one of them obtains a value, the other one automatically obtains the same value. In the Prolog sub-system of POPLOG, this is dealt with by representing unknowns by single element data structures called "references". These are created by the procedure CONSREF and their components are accessed by the procedure CONT.

The CONTents of one of these REFerences is initially UNDEF, a unique "word" (comparable to a LISP atom). If a variable is instantiated to some value, this value is placed into the reference contents. If two variables "share", one reference cell is made to contain (a pointer to) the other. To find the "real" value of a sharing variable, it is then necessary to "dereference" it (look for the contents of the "innermost" reference).

In the JOGS example, instead of simply comparing X with the word CHRIS, it is necessary to attempt to 'unify' the data structure with the word CHRIS. If we are trying to FIND somebody who jogs, X will be a reference with contents UNDEF, whereas if we are trying to CHECK whether some specific person jogs, it will be a word (such as CHRIS).

Here is a simplified version of our unification procedure. UNIFY operates by binding Prolog variables which have no value (ie by putting something other than UNDEF into the reference). Once the unification is complete, UNIFY performs the continuation, and if this returns (ie fails), UNIFY undoes the changes it made to the datastructures and then itself returns. If the two structures cannot be unified, then UNIFY returns without taking any action. Thus, calling the continuation means success (in Prolog terms) and returning means failure.

   define unify(x,y,c);
      if x == y then
      elseif isref(x) and cont(x) /= "undef" then
      elseif isref(y) and cont(y) /= "undef" then
      elseif isref(x) then
         y -> cont(x);
         "undef" -> cont(x)
      elseif isref(y) then

The procedure first sees if the two given datastructures, X and Y, are identical. If so, it immediately applies the continuation C. If the structures aren't identical, but either of X and Y is a variable that has become bound (a reference with contents not UNDEF) then unification can use the value of that variable instead. In the case where X is an unbound variable (not the same as Y), UNIFY binds it to Y (by setting the CONTents of X to Y) and calls the continuation. Once this has returned, UNIFY unbinds the variable (by resetting its CONTents to UNDEF) and then itself returns. This definition of unification does not deal with the case where X or Y is a Prolog complex term. The handling of Prolog datastructures is not significantly more complex.

Given the existence of the UNIFY procedure, the correct definition of JOGS is now simply:

   define jogs(x,c);

Representing Prolog Datastructures

Most POPLOG datastructures are treated by Prolog as new classes of constants, the exceptions being those used to implement the standard Prolog datastructures (terms). A Prolog term has a fixed type (principal functor) and length (arity), and it is important that accessing a given component can be achieved in constant time. This means that terms are well represented by array-like structures (called "vectors" in POPLOG).

List pairs in standard Prolog are simply instances of the general term, whereas in POPLOG, as in LISP, the pair is a special datastructure. For compatibility, we have actually implemented Prolog pairs as POPLOG pairs, although this is not visible to the Prolog user who does not wish to use the other POPLOG languages.

As an example of how complex datastructures are handled, here is the definition of the list concatenation predicate APPEND, together with a "corresponding" POP-11 program:

append([],X,X). append([L|M],Y,[L|N]) :- append(M,Y,N).
   define append(x,y,z,c);
      vars l, m, n;
      consref("undef") -> l;
      consref("undef") -> m;
      consref("undef") -> n;

This procedure attempts to unify the first argument, X, with an empty list and if successful unifies the second and third arguments, Y and Z, with each other and then applies the continuation C. If this returns (ie fails), it creates three new unbound Prolog variables, L, M and N. The first argument of APPEND is unified with a pair made (by using the procedure CONSPAIR) from L and M. If X is already a pair, this should set L and M to its "car" and "cdr" respectively. The third argument to APPEND is unified with a pair made from L and N. This ensures that the first elements of X and Z are identical. Finally the recursive call of APPEND is performed and if this is succesful the original continuation C is performed!

More Complex Control Structures

So far, we have seen how passing continuations between procedures allows Prolog-style backtracking to be implemented in POPLOG. However, when a continuation-expecting procedure is called from one that is not provided with one, what continuation should it be given? In fact, there are a number of non-local control procedures in POPLOG that can be used, giving rise to a variety of ways of invoking Prolog programs.

First of all, consider the problem of calling the Prolog system as a "subroutine" from POP-11. We wish to present some query, and simply find out whether it can be satisfied, possibly finding out the values of relevant variables in the first solution. In this case, the final continuation to be executed needs to be something that will cause a procedure exit right back to where the first Prolog predicate was called. The procedures THROW and CATCH, which are developments of facilities available in some LISP systems, enable this to be done. The facility can be packaged up in the form of a procedure YESNO_CALL.

   define succeed();
   define dorun(proc);
   define yesno_call(p);

The procedure YESNO_CALL takes a continuation-expecting procedure (Prolog procedure) as its argument and produces a new procedure (a closure of CATCH) which always 'returns', leaving TRUE or FALSE on the stack (according to whether the final continuation is executed or not). CATCH is supplied with three arguments - a main procedure to call, a second procedure and a "pattern". The first thing that CATCH does is to simply call the first procedure. If, during the execution of this procedure, THROW is called with an argument that matches the pattern, control returns immediately to CATCH, which calls the second procedure and then returns. If THROW is never called with an appropriate argument, CATCH just returns as soon as the first procedure does.

In this instance, the main procedure given to CATCH is a closure of DORUN, which will call the Prolog procedure and, if that returns (ie fails), simply put the value FALSE on the stack. The Prolog procedure is given a continuation such that, if it succeeds, it will perform a THROW back to the original CATCH. The second CATCH argument, SUCCEED, will then run, and will put the value TRUE on the stack. In this example, the pattern used to "link" the THROW and the CATCH is simply the word YESNO.

THROW and CATCH can be used to provide an implementation of the Prolog "cut" operator. Simple uses of the cut can be accomplished through the YESNO_CALL procedure. For instance, the Prolog clauses:

tax_code(X,Y) :- employs(Z,X), !, employed_code(X,Y). tax_code(X,Y) :- unemployed_code(X,Y).

could be translated into a POP-11 procedure as follows:

   define tax_code(x,y,c);
      if yesno_call(employs)(consref("undef"),x) then

A problem with this particular implementation of "cut" is that information about variables that exist previously and are instantiated within the YESNO_CALL is lost. Hence certain variables will not be reset if backtracking subsequently takes place. One remedy for this would involve packaging up the actions depending on the truth value of the condition into an EXPRESSION CONTINUATION [Strachey and Wadsworth 74]. In fact, our actual implementation solves the problem by secretly keeping reset information in a different way (see below).

Sometimes one would like to use the Prolog system as a "generator" of solutions to some problem. These solutions may need to be produced in a "lazy" fashion [Henderson and Morris 76] and we may wish to manipulate the generator in CONNIVER-like ways [Sussman and McDermott 72]. To do this, we need to exploit the POPLOG mechanisms for handling coroutining between multiple processes. To create a POPLOG process, we use the procedure CONSPROC, which when given a procedure returns a process which when invoked with RUNPROC will call the given procedure. CONSPROC must also be given the arguments that will be needed by the procedure and a count of the number of arguments. A running process interrupts its execution by calling the procedure SUSPEND. This causes the process which originally invoked it to restart. Suppose we had a Prolog predicate LEGAL_MOVE, which returned possible legal moves in some game in its one argument. We might want to produce a generator that produced these, one by one, as they were needed by some other program. The following POP-11 code would do this:

vars x; consref("undef") -> x;
vars generator; consproc(x,suspend(%x,1%),2,legal_move) -> generator;

CONSPROC is being used here to make a new process involved with the calling of LEGAL_MOVE. LEGAL_MOVE is provided with two arguments, the normal Prolog argument X, which is to be instantiated to some move, and a continuation. The continuation will be invoked when the Prolog goal succeeds. In this case, it will SUSPEND the execution of the process, leaving one result, X, on the stack. Thus to get the first possible legal move into a variable Y, we now write:

runproc(0,generator) -> y;

(the 0 specifies that no arguments are to be passed to the process). When we wish to obtain the second move, we call RUNPROC with GENERATOR again. The process is now "woken up", and it acts as if its call to SUSPEND has simply returned like a normal procedure call. Within the continuation passing model, procedure return means failure. Hence the legal move generator will backtrack to find another solution. When it has succeeded, it will again SUSPEND with X put on the stack.

In this example, the generator is returning its answers in the "reference" created for the variable X. As Prolog backtracks, the contents of this reference will be reset to UNDEF and then set to the next solution. In order that Y keeps an unchanging record of the first solution, it must actually be given the DEREFERENCED version of the value returned by the generator.

The Actual Implementation (1983)

What we have presented so far is a model for how Prolog could be implemented within POPLOG. This is the model that we expect our users to have, and the system is expected to behave as if this is the way it is actually constructed. Given this basic framework, it is possible to make certain optimisations that are INVISIBLE TO THE USER. This section mentions some of the more interesting optimisations that we have made.

  1. The number of closures constructed, and the number of control frames grown, can be reduced by having compiled Prolog clauses make use of modified unification code, which always 'returns' and indicates success or failure with a boolean result. The disadvantage with this is that the responsibility for resetting Prolog variables on backtracking is no longer taken by UNIFY, but must be handled by extra procedure calls at each backtrack point. Moreover, there needs to be a globally accessible datastructure ("trail") for holding variables to be reset on backtracking.
  2. The number of datastructures created can be reduced by having the compiler generate special purpose UNIFICATION CODE for structures mentioned in the heads of clauses, rather than code to create such structures and then invoke a general UNIFY procedure. This is Warren's approach [Warren 77], and is one way of introducing "structure sharing" [Boyer and Moore 72].
  3. The control frames for Prolog procedures can actually be discarded as soon as there are no more untried choices. The POPLOG procedure CHAIN allows the compiler to produce code to do this. CHAIN simply provides an alternative way of calling a POPLOG procedure, which discards the current stack frame before invoking the new procedure. The explicit representation of continuations and the use of CHAIN have a potential for allowing more space to be reclaimed than in normal "tail recursion optimising" schemes [Warren 80].
  4. The representation of a Prolog procedure as a SINGLE POPLOG procedure is not always appropriate, especially when the use of the Prolog predicates ASSERT and RETRACT causes individual clauses to come and go rapidly. Our Prolog compiler can use an alternative representation, with each CLAUSE represented by a procedure, and can choose which representation to use.

Future Developments

There are many possible ways in which we can extend the POPLOG system to enhance mixed language programming further.

First of all, we can make more use of the screen editor interface and realise its great potential for debugging. There already exists a POPLOG implementation of the STRIPS problem solver [Fikes and Nilsson 71], which produces a continuous display of the changing goal tree using the facilities of the editor. It would be extremely valuable to have such a debugging aid for Prolog programs. [Note added by A.S. 1987. Prolog LIB CT and LIB Tracer does this.]

Secondly, we have hardly begun to explore the productive ways in which programs can use the facilities of the two languages. POPLOG is already being used for mixed language programming in natural language processing and vision, but many of the possibilities are unexplored, such as the possibilities for using Prolog in conjunction with the POPLOG "process" mechanism. We also need to further develop and refine the range of syntaxes available for accessing these facilities.

Finally, more work needs to be done on basic implementation. Some issues that we are considering are the space/time efficiency of various types of in-line unification code, and ways to minimise the "trailing" of variables.


The POPLOG system provides an integrated environment for developing genuinely MIXED LANGUAGE programs in POP-11 and Prolog. We believe that its most important features in this respect are as follows. Firstly, the POP-11 and Prolog compilers are just two of potentially many procedures which generate code for the underlying virtual machine. This means that the two languages are compatible at a low level, without there being the traditional asymmetry between a language and its implementation. Secondly, the continuation passing model provides a semantics for communication between these two languages which allows for far more than a simple "subroutine calling" interface. Finally, the control facilities available within POPLOG make it possible to implement a system which is faithful to the theoretical model, but which is nevertheless efficient.


We would like to thank John Gibson, the main implementer of POPLOG and the POP-11 compiler, as well as Aaron Sloman and Jon Cunningham for many useful discussions.


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