To check out files, a developer would use:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 co MODULE
where MODULE was one of the modules listed above.
BASH versions of the other scripts. | |
The Windows batch script directory | |
The csh script directory | |
The VMS DCL command file directory | |
The Bourne shell script directory |
The main Poplog external library source files | |
Platform-specific library code. Presently, only for Windows. | |
The source code for the encodings shared library. |
The auto-load library | |
A place for data-supplying procedures for various contributions. | |
The Poplog database (a list of structures) and methods to operate upon it. | |
A variety of demonstrations. | |
An early package providing object-oriented coding. | |
A place for Poplog header (*.ph) files. | |
The main body of Poplog libraries, loadable via LIB or USES. | |
An LALR Parser Generator | |
A newer package for supporting object-oriented coding. | |
Various old pieces of code nobody can bear to throw away. | |
A place for various prototypes. (Currently, only used for the GO - Graphical Objects - library?) | |
A place for saved Poplog images. | |
The relative coordinate geometry library. | |
The relative coordinate menu library. | |
Some Sun-specific routines. | |
An old turtle-graphics package. | |
The Visual Editor library. |
The auto-loadable library for Microsoft Windows-specific functions. | |
The include files for the Microsoft Windows-specific functions. | |
Last Modified 01/12/2004 08:39:46 Please report errors and/or omissions to the editor.