REF SYSUTIL                                         John Gibson Apr 1994

        COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1994. All Rights Reserved.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   UNIX UTILITY PROCEDURES   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

These procedures  perform  miscellaneous functions  within  the  system,
including interfacing  to Unix  facilities not  directly concerned  with
input/output (for  which  see REF * SYSIO).  Some  of these  are  direct
interfaces to Unix system calls, etc, while others are in form that  can
be made compatible across all Poplog implementations.
    See also  REF * ASYNC  for  procedures concerned  with  Unix  signal

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Username and Environment Variable Processing

  2   Filename Processing

  3   Directory Manipulation

  4   Unix Processes

  5   Running Shell Commands

  6   Termcap Interface

1  Username and Environment Variable Processing

sysgetpasswdentry(user_id) -> entry                          [procedure]
sysgetpasswdentry(user_id, spec) -> entry
        This procedure accesses information about a given user from  the
        password file '/etc/passwd'  (see passwd(5)  and getpwent(3)  in
        the Unix Programmers Manual).

        user_id is  either a  user  login name  (a  string), or  a  user
        identification (an integer); in all cases, false is returned  if
        the specified user cannot be found.

        Without a second  spec argument, the  procedure returns a  (new)
        standard full vector containing the broken-down fields from  the
        password entry line, subscripted thus:

           1   Name (login name, contains no upper case) (string).
           2   Encrypted password (string).
           3   User's identification (integer).
           4   User's group identification (integer).
           5   This is called 'pw_quota' (always 0 at present).
           6   This is called 'pw_comment' (always an empty string).
           7   User's real name, office, phone extension etc (string).
           8   Initial working directory (string).
           9   Program to use as login shell (string).

        If specified, the spec argument  selects variations on this,  as

        If spec is  standard full vector  of length >=  2, then that  is
        used instead of creating a new one (for as many of the fields as
        it will hold), and is again returned as the result.

        If on the other hand spec is a vector of length 1, containing an
        integer from 1 - 9, then only the field selected by that integer
        is returned.

        Finally, spec  may be  true,  in which  case  the whole  of  the
        password entry  line  is  returned as  a  string  (this  doesn't
        include fields 5 and  6, which aren't  actually in the  password

sysgetusername(user_id) -> name_string                       [procedure]
        Uses sysgetpasswdentry to select field 7 (user's real name)  for
        the user  specified by  user_id, and  then returns  the  leading
        substring of  this upto  the first  comma (or  the whole  string
        otherwise), which is assumed to be the real name part.

systranslate(string)        -> trans_string                  [procedure]
systranslate(string, flags) -> trans_string
trans_string -> systranslate(string)
trans_string -> systranslate(string, flags)
        Provides or updates a translation  of the string string,  either
        as a  user login  name  to login  directory, or  an  environment
        variable name to its value, as follows:

         ¤  If the first  character of  string is `~`  (tilde) then  the
            remaining substring of string  is taken to  be a user  login
            name. The user's  login directory  is returned  as a  string
            (using sysgetpasswdentry, see above),  or false if the  user
            is non-existent. An empty  user name (i.e. string  = ~ )  is
            interpreted   as    the    current   user    (and    returns

            A first character of ~ is not allowed with the updater.

         ¤  Otherwise, the whole string string (or string excluding  the
            first character if this is $ (dollar)) is interpreted as  an
            environment  variable  name.   The  strings   in  the   list
            popenvlist are searched,  and if  one is found  of the  form


            then  the  substring  trans_string  is  returned,  otherwise

            For the updater, any existing entry in popenvlist for string
            is first  removed;  if  trans_string is  false,  no  further
            action  is  taken,  otherwise  a  new  entry  of  the   form
            'string=trans_string' is added to popenvlist.

        For compatibility with the VMS version, this procedure allows an
        optional integer flags argument (which is ignored).

popenvlist -> list                                            [variable]
list -> popenvlist
        Holds a list of the  environment variable strings passed to  the
        Poplog system on  startup, i.e. a  list of strings  of the  form
        'name=value' where name is a variable name and value its  value.
        systranslate uses this to  translate an environment variable  to
        its value (see above).

popusername -> string                               [protected variable]
        This variable is initialised on Poplog startup to be the  string
        got from  systranslate('USER')  (or  systranslate('LOGNAME')  in
        System V), i.e. the name of the current user.

2  Filename Processing

sysfileok(filename) -> trans_filename                        [procedure]
sysfileok(filename, true) -> (trans_filename, dsk_sub, dir_sub,
                                    nam_sub, ext_sub, ver_sub)
        This procedure is called by most procedures in Poplog which take
        a filename argument; it performs translations on filenames,  and
        (in the  second form  of  the call  with extra  argument  true),
        returns a parse of the result. The translations performed on the
        (string/word) filename are as follows:

        First, if the filename filename  begins with the character ~  or
        the character $, then the substring from the that character upto
        the next character  before a /  (or to  the end of  the name  if
        there isn't one), is replaced by systranslate on that  substring
        (thus environment variables and  user names can  be used at  the
        beginning of filenames). E.g.

                sysfileok('~johng/ref') =>
                ** /cog/johng/ref
                sysfileok('$popautolib/nl.p') =>
                ** /poplog/pop/lib/auto/nl.p

        Second,    sysfileok    truncates    filenames    longer    than
        pop_max_filename_len characters  (see below).  This is  done  in
        such a way that  any file 'extension'  or trailing hyphens  on a
        'back' file name are preserved, e.g.

              sysfileok('$popautolib/cleargensymproperty.p-') =>
              ** /poplog/pop/lib/auto/cleargensym.p-

        When a 2nd  argument of  true is  supplied, sysfileok  returns 5
        integers in addition to the  translated filename. These are  the
        starting subscripts within trans_filename  of its last 5  fields
        (the first field starting  at subscript 1),  where the 6  fields

           Num   Subscr    Field
           ---   ------    -----
            1    1         Host machine (part to ! before first /)
            2    dsk_sub   Disk (in Unix, always empty)
            3    dir_sub   Directory (upto and including last /)
            4    nam_sub   Name (part after last / and before last dot)
            5    ext_sub   Extension (part after and including last dot)
            6    ver_sub   Version (zero or more trailing hyphens)

        Where a field is empty, the subscript for that field equals  the
        subscript for  the next  field, or  datalength(trans_filename)+1
        for the last (the version). Thus the length of any field is  its
        subscript    subtracted     from    the     next,    or     from
        datalength(trans_filename)+1 for the version. E.g

             substring(ext_sub, ver_sub-ext_sub, trans_filename)

        will extract the extension, whereas

             datalength(trans_filename)+1 -> END_SUB;
             substring(nam_sub, END_SUB-nam_sub, trans_filename)

        will extract the name, extension and version.

pop_max_filename_len -> int                         [protected variable]
int -> pop_max_filename_len
        System variable. Holds  the maximum  length of  a filename.  The
        procedure sysfileok uses it to ensure that filenames are  within
        the permissible length, truncating where necessary.

sys_fname(filename) -> parse_vec                             [procedure]
sys_fname(filename, n) -> field_n
sys_fname(filename, n, m) -> fields_n_to_m
        This procedure provides a convenient interface to the parsing of
        filename fields performed by  sysfileok. It creates (and  caches
        in an internal temporary property), a 6-element vector parse_vec
        holding the results of sysfileok(filename,true), i.e.

            consvector(sysfileok(filename,true), 6) -> parse_vec;
            parse_vec -> temp_prop(filename);

        Repeated calls of sys_fname with the same (==) filename argument
        will then reuse  a stored  parse_vec for that  name if  possible
        (the property is of type "tmpclr", so all entries are cleared by
        garbage collections).

        The first form of the call, with only a filename argument,  just
        returns parse_vec.

        In the second and third forms, one or two integer field  numbers
        n, m in the range 1 -  6 may be specified to extract either  the
        n-th field,  or fields  n to  m inclusive,  from the  translated
        filename. (In the latter case n must be less than or equal to m;
        n = m is the same as n alone). For example,

            sys_fname(filename, 4)   = name
            sys_fname(filename, 4,5) = name and extension

        (Note that  since sys_fname  uses substring  to extract  fields,
        it's guaranteed that nullstring is returned for an empty field).

sys_fname_path (filename) -> path                            [procedure]
sys_fname_nam  (filename) -> nam                             [procedure]
sys_fname_name (filename) -> name                            [procedure]
sys_fname_namev(filename) -> namev                           [procedure]
sys_fname_extn (filename) -> extn                            [procedure]
        Closures of  sys_fname for  useful fields  or field  ranges,  as

               Pdr      Num     Fields
               ---      ---     ------
               path     1,3     host + disk + dir
               nam      4       name
               name     4,5     name + extension
               namev    4,6     name + extension + version
               extn     5       extension

        (N.B. Because the  location of  a file  in VMS  is described  by
        fields 1 to  3, it is  essential to use  sys_fname_path for  the
        'directory' of a file, not field  3 alone, if you want to  write
        portable Poplog  programs. In  Unix, the  disk field  is  always
        empty, and only special-purpose programs will expect to have  to
        deal with filenames containing a non-empty host field.)

dir dir_>< filename1 -> filename2                           [operator 4]
        Concatenates a  directory path  dir onto  a filename  filename1.
        Both arguments may  be either  a word  or a  string; the  result
        filename2 is their concatenation (using sys_><),  with a / added
        in between if  dir doesn't  already end with  one and  filename1
        doesn't already start with one. E.g.

              '$popautolib' dir_>< 'sort.p' =>
              ** $popautolib/sort.p
              'foo/baz' dir_>< nullstring =>
              ** foo/baz/
              nullstring dir_>< 'foo/baz' =>
              ** foo/baz

        Note that if filename1  is empty, then  the result will  always
        end with a /, EXCEPT when dir is empty also.

sys_file_match(file_spec, def_spec, fvec, flags)             [procedure]
                                        -> filename_rep
        This procedure can be used to  find all file names that  match a
        given file  specification  file_spec.  It returns  a  file  name
        repeater, i.e. a procedure which each time it is called produces
        the next actual  file name  matching file_spec,  or <termin>  if
        there are no more. The arguments are as follows:

            This is  the  file specification  string.  It is  first  run
            through   sysfileok,   which    means   that   an    initial
            $environment-var is translated, as is an initial  ~username.
            It can then contain normal shell-type wildcard characters as

                *                   match 0 or more characters;
                ?                   match any single character;
                [abcA-Z]            match any of a,b,c or A-Z, etc;
                [^abcA-Z]           match any character but a,b,c or
                                    A-Z, etc;
                {patt1,patt2,...}   match any of patt1, patt2, ...
                                    (each patt may contain wildcards).

            Note that as usual, `.` at the beginning of a name part must
            be matched explicitly. (However, {?,.} or {*,.*} may be used
            instead of ? or * to get around this.)

            In addition, there are two other special wildcards:

            The first is concerned with the Poplog convention of  naming
            'back' files by  appending 1 or  more trailing hyphens  (see
            pop_file_versions  in  REF * SYSIO):  this  is  `#`,   which
            matches the  start  position  of  0  or  more  trailing  `-`
            characters on the  end of  a file name.  (Thus for  example,
            '*#' would match only file  names with no trailing  hyphens,
            whereas '*#-*' would match names with at least one  trailing

            The other special  wildcard is '...'  for a directory  name,
            which means match all sub-directories recursively, e.g.


            would match all '*.p' files in any directories called  'baz'
            anywhere in the tree from /foo downwards.

            The file  specification file_spec  is considered  to  have 3
            parts, namely path,  name and  version (the  last being  a #
            character plus  anything  following  it);  if  present,  the
            corresponding parts  of  the  default  specification  string
            def_spec are  then used  to  fill in  the missing  parts  of
            file_spec. For example, if file_spec was '*.ph' (having only
            the name part),  and def_spec  was $usepop/.../*.p#  (having
            all three parts), then  the actual specification used  would


            A standard full vector or false. If fvec is a vector, then a
            * sys_file_stat is performed  on each  file name  generated,
            using fvec  as  the vector  in  which to  store  the  status
            information.  In  this   case  the   repeater  returned   by
            sys_file_match produces two results,  the file name and  the
            status information, like this:

                    filename_rep() -> (stat, filename);

            There is  a complication  in the  case where  filename  is a
            symbolic link. If  the "follow  symbolic links"  bit of  the
            flags argument to  sys_file_match (see below)  is set,  then
            the data  in stat  refers  to the  file  pointed to  by  the
            symbolic link. If  the "follow symbolic  links" flag is  not
            set, however, then stat is status information about the link

            If fvec is false then only the file name is returned, i.e

                    filename_rep() -> filename;

            (unless the "strip" bit of the  flags argument is set -- see

            An integer argument, in which bits 0 - 1 have the  following

                Bit     Meaning
                ---     -------
                 0      If set, strip directory pathnames

                 1      If set, follow symbolic links when calling
                        sys_file_stat (see above)

            The flags argument may also be a boolean. true is equivalent
            to 2:01  ("strip"  set), and  false  is equivalent  to  2:00
            ("strip" not set).

            The significance  of  bit  1  ("follow  symbolic  links") is
            discussed above in the section on the fvec parameter.

            If the "strip"  bit (bit 0)  is set, the  directory part  of
            each file name is stripped and only returned in between  the
            stream of file names,  whenever the directory path  changes.
            When this happens, the repeater  returns false for the  file
            name and a second result for the path. Thus when "strip"  is
            set, the repeater should be used as follows:

                 until (filename_rep() ->> filename) == termin do
                    if filename then
                        <process file name>
                        -> stat  (if fvec a vector)
                        -> path;
                        <process directory path>

            Note that unless path is empty, it will always end with /.

            If however  the  "strip" bit  is  not set,  the  file  names
            returned by the repeater are  the full file names, with  the
            directory path included in each.

sys_match_filename()                                         [procedure]
sys_matchin_dir()                                            [procedure]
        System procedures used by sys_file_match.

sys_search_unix_path(name, unix_path) -> filename            [procedure]
        Searches the  $PATH-style directory  list unix_path  for a  file
        called name, returning  the full  pathname if  found, and  false
        otherwise. For example, under  SunOS, with a conventional  value
        of $PATH:

            sys_search_unix_path('lpr',systranslate('PATH')) =>
            ** /usr/ucb/lpr

systmpfile(dir, prefix, suffix) -> filename                  [procedure]
        Generates a new unique file name in the given directory dir.

        If dir is false,  the default temporary  directory given by  the
        environment variable  $TMPDIR  is used,  or  '/tmp' if  that  is
        undefined. If dir is an  empty string, the current directory  is

        prefix should be  a string  which identifies  the program  which
        needs the temporary  file, and  suffix should  be the  extension
        required. Example:

            systmpfile('/foo', 'load', '.o') =>
            ** /foo/load6x21564.o

sysobjectfile(filename) -> object_filename                   [procedure]
sysobjectfile(filename, want_archive) -> archive_filename
        Generates and returns  an object file  name (or library  archive
        file name if  want_archive is  supplied and true)  based on  the
        given source file name. The file name that is generated includes
        information about  the  type  of machine  and  operating  system
        currently being used, and will be of the form:

            <source file name> _ <machine type> . <suffix>

        The <machine  type>  part of  the  name is  generated  from  the
        contents of sys_machine_type. The <suffix> is normally '.o'  (or
        '.a' if an  archive file name  is being generated)  but will  be
        '.so' on SPARC  machines running  Solaris 2.x, and  '.sl' on  HP
        9000 machines running HP-UX 9.x.

        For example, on a Sun 4 running SunOS 4.x:

            sysobjectfile('test.c') =>
            ** test_sun3.o

            sysobjectfile('libtest', true) =>
            ** libtest_sun3.a

        but on a Sun 4 running Solaris 2.x

            sysobjectfile('test.c') =>

3  Directory Manipulation

current_directory -> string                                   [variable]
string -> current_directory
        This (active) variable holds the current directory as a  string:
        assigning to  it  changes  the current  Unix  directory  of  the
        process. On  assignment,  an empty  string  is replaced  by  the
        string got from


popdirectory -> string                              [protected variable]
        This variable is initialised on Poplog startup to be the  string
        got from


        i.e. the current user's home directory.

sysfilemode(filename) -> int                                 [procedure]
int -> sysfilemode(filename)
        Returns or sets the protection value on a file filename.

sysisdirectory(filename) -> bool                             [procedure]
        Returns true if  filename is  a directory,  false otherwise.  An
        empty string is equivalent to '.'.

syslink(old_filename, new_filename) -> bool                  [procedure]
syslink(old_filename, new_filename, follow_symlinks) -> bool
        Creates a  hard  link  named  new_filename  to  the  file  named
        old_filename,  where  old_filename  and  new_filename  are  both

        The optional follow_symlinks argument specifies whether symbolic
        links should be recursively  deferenced. The most general  value
        is an integer,  in which bit  0 = 1  means dereference  symbolic
        links on old_filename, and bit 1  = 1 means dereference them  on
        new_filename. A boolean  may also  be supplied,  true being  the
        same as 1 (deref old_filename only), amd false being the same as
        0 (the default if follow_symlinks is omitted).

        (Note that  it  is  an  error  if  new_filename  exists,  unless
        follow_symlinks specifies bit 1 = 1  and the name is a  symbolic
        link pointing to a nonexistent file.)

        If the call fails merely because old_filename doesn't exist then
        false is returned, but any other failure produces a mishap. true
        is returned if the link was successfully created.

syssymlink(old_filename, new_filename) -> bool               [procedure]
syssymlink(old_filename, new_filename, follow_symlinks) -> bool
        As for syslink, but  creates a symbolic link  instead of a  hard
        one (note that in this case false can never be returned  because
        it isn't necessary  for old_filename to  exist for the  symbolic
        link to be created).

        In Unix systems that don't support Berkeley symbolic links  this
        procedure just mishaps.

sysunlink(filename) -> bool                                  [procedure]
sysunlink(filename, follow_symlinks) -> bool
        Unlinks the directory entry for  the file named filename,  where
        filename is a string.

        If the optional  boolean follow_symlinks argument  is true,  and
        filename is a symbolic link, then the link is first  recursively
        dereferenced; if false (the default  when omitted), this is  not

        If the call  fails merely  because filename  doesn't exist  then
        false is returned, but any other failure produces a mishap. true
        is returned if filename was successfully unlinked.

sysdelete(filename) -> bool                                  [procedure]
sysdelete(filename, follow_symlinks) -> bool
        Deletes the file with  filename string filename, returning  true
        if successful, false if the file doesn't exist.

        This procedure is essentially  the opposite of syscreate,  which
        in particular means it 'moves forward' any back file versions of
        filename that exist. (See pop_file_versions in REF * SYSIO.)

        Unless the optional third argument follow_symlinks is specified,
        and false, sysdelete  will follow symbolic  links, i.e.  given a
        symbolic link as argument it will delete the file pointed to  by
        the link, not the link itself.

sys_file_copy(filename1, filename2)                          [procedure]
        Copies the file  named filename1  (which must exist)  to a  file
        named filename2.  Note that  this  procedure uses  syscreate  to
        create the  new  file,  and  thus  maintains  back  versions  of
        filename2 according to pop_file_versions.

sys_file_move(old_filename, new_filename)                    [procedure]
sys_file_move(old_filename, new_filename, follow_symlinks)
        Renames the  file  named  old_filename  (which  must  exist)  as
        new_filename, except that it COPIES  the file (deleting the  old
        one) when either  (a) new_filename  refers to  a different  file
        system from old_filename (in  which case a  new hard link  isn't
        possible), or (b) new_filename exists already and has more  than
        1 link (thus it preserves links to new_filename).

        Note that,  whether  it  renames or  copies,  back  versions  of
        new_filename are maintained according to pop_file_versions.

        The optional follow_symlinks argument specifies whether symbolic
        links should be recursively  deferenced. The most general  value
        is an integer,  in which bit  0 = 1  means dereference  symbolic
        links on old_filename, and bit 1  = 1 means dereference them  on
        new_filename. A boolean  may also  be supplied,  true being  the
        same as 1 (deref old_filename only), amd false being the same as
        0 (the default if follow_symlinks is omitted).

sys_dir_size(dir) -> n_kbytes                                [procedure]
        Returns the  number of  kilobytes occupied  by dir  and all  the
        files and sub-directories within dir. Files which have  multiple
        links are  only counted  once. sys_dir_size  is similar  to  the
        shell command UNIX * du

4  Unix Processes

sys_fork(will_do_wait)        -> pid                         [procedure]
sys_fork(will_do_wait, ast_p) -> pid
        Forks the current Poplog process, producing a new child  process
        which is an exact  copy of the current  one. In the parent,  the
        call of sys_fork returns with  the child  pid; in  the child  it
        returns false.

        will_do_wait is a boolean  argument which indicates whether  you
        will (at some later point) call  sys_wait to wait for the  child
        process to terminate: true = yes, false = no.

        (If will_do_wait is true and you do not call sys_wait, you  will
        leave a  'zombie' process  record in  Poplog's internal  process
        list; on the  other hand, if  the argument is  false and you  do
        call sys_wait, a mishap  will result. Note  that Poplog does  an
        automatic Unix waitpid system call for every child process  when
        it dies, regardless of  the value of  will_do_wait. Thus you  do
        not have to sys_wait for a child merely to avoid creating a Unix

        ast_p is an optional asychronous trap procedure. If supplied, it
        will  be   executed  asychronously   when  the   child   process
        terminates, with the  child pid  and exit  status as  arguments,

                ast_p(pid, status)

        (See  Asynchronous  Trap  Procedures  in  REF * ASYNC  for  full
        details of the ast_p  argument, which may also  be a pair  whose
        front is the procedure.)

        Executing sys_fork causes the process specific destroy  property
        sys_process_destroy_action to be  cleared in  the child  process
        (see REF * PROPS for details).

        See also popdevin,  popdevout and popdeverr  in REF * SYSIO  for
        details on reassigning standard I/O.

sys_vfork(will_do_wait)        -> pid                        [procedure]
sys_vfork(will_do_wait, ast_p) -> pid
        Forks the current Poplog process, producing a new child  process
        which 'borrows' the  address space  of the  current one  until a
        sysexit or sysexecute is performed; until this happens, only the
        open files of the two processes are different.

        sys_vfork is  therefore used  ONLY in  the situation  where  the
        purpose of forking is to immediately sysexecute another image in
        the child, possibly after redirecting the standard input  and/or
        output etc (and  is quicker than  sys_fork because Unix  doesn't
        have to copy the  whole Poplog process). Using  it in any  other
        way will crash the system  -- in particular, the procedure  that
        calls sys_vfork must not exit when running as the child (this is
        the same limitation placed on the  use of the vfork system  call
        in C).

        In the parent, the call of sys_vfork returns with the child pid;
        in the child it returns false.

        The arguments to sys_vfork are the same as for sys_fork.  (Note,
        however, that when  Poplog is running  inside a vfork'ed  child,
        the arguments to  a another sys_fork  or sys_vfork are  ignored.
        This is  because the  vfork'ed  process is  not expected  to  do
        anything but exit after the second fork.)

sys_wait(pid_or_list_or_false) -> (pid, status)              [procedure]
        Waits for  the  termination  of  child  process(es)  created  by
        sys_fork or  sys_vfork  with  will_do_wait  argument  true.  The
        Process IDentification number  and exit status  of a dead  child
        are returned.

        The argument may be

          ¤ a child process pid, meaning wait for that child;

          ¤ a list of child process pids, meaning wait for the first  of
            those children to die;

          ¤ false,  meaning  wait  for  any  child  process  created  by
            sys_fork  or  sys_vfork   (this  option   is  provided   for
            compatibility with the old  version of sys_wait, and  should
            not generally be used).

        Each call of sys_wait  returns the pid  and (integer) status  of
        the first specified child to die, waiting for this to happen  if
        necessary (with syshibernate).

        A  mishap  will   result  if  there   are  no  child   processes
        corresponding to the  argument, or  none that  have not  already
        been waited for. A  mishap also results if  you attempt to  wait
        for a  process created  with a  false will_do_wait  argument.

        Note  that  if  sys_wait  is  abnormally  exited  while   inside
        syshibernate (e.g. by a mishap  or Ctrl-C), the process or  list
        of processes given  by pid  will have  their will_do_wait  flags
        unset. Those process(es)  cannot then be  waited for again.  You
        may wish  to  locally  define interrupt  to  be  identfn  before
        calling sys_wait.

sysexecute(file, arg_list, env_list)                         [procedure]
sysexecute(file, arg_list, env_list, dev_list)
        Does a UNIX * execve  (or * execvp) system  call, i.e. runs  the
        executable file in place of the current Poplog image, passing it
        the strings  in  arg_list  as  arguments,  and  the  strings  in
        env_list as environment variables.

        file may be either a  filename string directly, or one  inside a
        reference (i.e. consref(string)); in the latter case, execvp  is
        used instead of  execve (meaning that  for a relative  pathname,
        the PATH environment variable is searched for the file).

        The list arg_list should begin  with the zero-th argument  (i.e,
        that usually used for the name of the program).

        If env_list is false then it is replaced by the current value of
        popenvlist (see above).

        All files opened by Poplog have the Unix 'close on execute' flag
        set automatically. This  means that  on a  sysexecute all  files
        will be closed,  except that by  default, sysexecute unsets  the
        flag for  the three  standard  devices popdevin,  popdevout  and
        popdeverr. To keep  other files  open, dev_list  is an  optional
        (non-empty) list of  devices whose  associated file  descriptors
        are to be left open across  the execve system call; the flag  is
        cleared for each device in this list.

poppid -> int                                       [protected variable]
        Contains the Process IDentification number of the current Poplog

5  Running Shell Commands

sysobey(string)                                              [procedure]
sysobey(string, shell)
sysobey(file, arg_list)
        In the first two  forms, obeys the string  string as a shell  or
        cshell command (by forking a  child process). The integer  shell
        is an ASCII character code  controlling which shell is used,  as

                `$`   /bin/sh
                `%`   /bin/csh
                `!`   the value of systranslate('SHELL')

        If shell is absent, /bin/sh is assumed.

        In the third form  it forks a child,  calls * sysexecute on  the
        executable file with argument  strings arg_list, and then  calls
        * sys_wait for the child.

        In all cases, the exit status  of the child process is saved  in

sysobeylist(command_list)                                    [procedure]
        Given a list of commands strings command_list, runs

                sysobey(string, `!`)

        on each string in the list.

pop_status -> int                                             [variable]
int -> pop_status
        This variable  is set  to  the (integer)  exit status  of  child
        processes run by sysobey.

pipein(file, arg_list, want_rep) -> dev_or_char_rep          [procedure]
        Forks a  child  process,  and then  calls  * sysexecute  on  the
        executable file with argument strings arg_list.

        The standard output of  the child is made  the output side  of a
        pipe; the input side of this  is returned in the parent  process
        as either  a  device  (want_rep  false)  or  character  repeater
        procedure (want_rep true). See HELP * PIPEUTILS

pipeout(char_source, file, arg_list, wait)                   [procedure]
        Forks a  child  process,  and then  calls  * sysexecute  on  the
        executable file with argument strings arg_list.

        The standard input  of the  child is  made the  input side  of a
        pipe, and the data got from char_source is written to the output
        side. char_source may be either

          ¤ A character  repeater  directly,  or a  valid  argument  for
            discin to  produce one  (in  which case  it is  replaced  by
            discin(char_source)). The character repeater is then  called
            until it returns <termin>,  each character being written  to
            the pipe.

          ¤ A reference containing a procedure p (i.e. consref(p)) which
            takes an  output device  as  argument. In  this case,  p  is
            simply applied to the output  pipe device, i.e. p(dev),  and
            should write the data directly to it.

        If the  boolean wait  argument is  true, pipeout  waits for  the
        child  to  finish  before   returning;  otherwise,  it   returns
        immediately. (Note  that  in the  latter  case, it  also  does a
        second fork to prevent the creation of a zombie process.)

        For more information on pipes see HELP * PIPEUTILS

6  Termcap Interface

termcap_getentry(term) -> bool                               [procedure]
        Reads the  termcap entry  for  the terminal  type named  by  the
        string or word term.  The result is true  if the entry was  read
        successfully and  false  otherwise.  The entry  is  read  into a
        static area, so only one entry can be active at a time.

termcap_name -> string                                 [active variable]
        The name of the  currently active termcap  entry (a string),  or
        false if  none. Assigning  to this  variable has  the effect  of
        calling termcap_getentry  to  read the  named  termcap  entry; a
        mishap occurs unless the call returns true.

termcap_getflag(cap) -> bool                                 [procedure]
termcap_getnum(cap) -> int                                   [procedure]
termcap_getstring(cap) -> string                             [procedure]
        Get the value of  the capability cap  from the currently  active
        termcap entry. cap  should be  a two-character  string or  word:
        'am', 'li', 'cm' etc. All  three procedures return false if  the
        capability is  unsupported or  unrecognised or  if there  is  no
        currently active termcap entry.

termcap_compile(string, n, delay) -> p                       [procedure]
termcap_compile(string, n, delay, out_p) -> p
        Compiles a termcap string into  a procedure, decoding any  delay
        specifications and parameter escapes. string is the string to be
        compiled,  normally   the  result   of   a  previous   call   to
        termcap_getstring.  n  is  the  integer  number  of   parameters
        expected by the string, typically zero, but could be (say) 2 for
        the 'cm' (cursor motion) capability. delay determines how  delay
        specifications are to  be treated.  It can  take three  possible

            Value    Meaning
            -----    -------
            false    all delays are ignored;

            integer  constant delays are decoded correctly, but variable
                     delays are multiplied once-and-for-all by the given
                     value and thereafter treated as constant;

            true     full treatment of delays. An extra integer argument
                     is added to the result procedure, being the  number
                     of lines affected by the operation; this is ignored
                     by strings involving constant  delays, but is  used
                     as a multiplier for variable delays.

        The result procedure p has the form

            procedure(ARG-1, ..., ARG-n, AFFCNT);

        where ARG-1, ...,  ARG-n are  the n parameters  expected by  the
        string and  AFFCNT  is  the  number of  lines  affected  by  the
        operation: this  will  be present  only  when delay  is  true. p
        outputs  all  literal  characters  from  the  original   string,
        together with  those arguments  selected by  parameter  escapes.
        Delays are implemented by outputting a sufficient number of  pad
        characters, the exact  number depending on  the output speed  of
        the terminal as  determined at  the time the  termcap entry  was

        out_p is an optional output procedure to be used by p. It may be
        an actual procedure or a procedure variable name; the default is

        As a  special case,  the argument  n may  be given  as false  to
        indicate  that  string  is  not  parameterised.  In  this   case
        termcap_compile will  try  to  return  a  string  rather  than a
        procedure, the string being a copy of string but with any  delay
        specifications  replaced  by  the  appropriate  number  of   pad
        characters. The  result will  still be  a procedure  however  if
        delay is  true  and  string does  require  variable  amounts  of

        Note that compilation of a procedure result makes use of VM code
        planting instructions, so termcap_compile  should not be  called
        generally unless inside  a call of  sysCOMPILE. For details  see
        REF * VMCODE

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