REF POPSYNTAX                                       John Gibson Jan 1996

      COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1996. All Rights Reserved.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<        POP-11 SYNTAX        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This file  details the  syntax of  the Pop-11  language, in  terms  of a
stream of items as produced by  the itemiser. See REF * ITEMISE for  the
lexical syntax  of  character-stream  input  to  compilation  (i.e.  the
textual representation of numbers, words, strings, character  constants,
etc). See REF * POPCOMPILE for a description of the Pop-11 compiler.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Statement & Expression Sequences
            ... compilation-stream
            ... statement-sequence
            ... statement
            ... expression-sequence

  2   Expressions
            ... expression
            ... empty-expression
            ... non-empty-expression

  3   Syntax Operator Forms
      3.1   General
            ... syntax-operator-form
      3.2   Procedure Application and Parenthesised Statement Sequence
            ... (
      3.3   Postfix Procedure Call
            ... .
      3.4   Assignment Arrows
            ... ->
            ... ->>
      3.5   Boolean Expressions
            ... and
            ... or
      3.6   Labelled Expressions
            ... :
            ... :*
      3.7   Identifier or Section Pathname
            ... $-
      3.8   Print Arrows
            ... =>
            ... ==>

  4   Syntax Forms
      4.1   General
            ... syntax-form
      4.2   Conditionals
            ... if
            ... unless
      4.3   Iteration
            ... while
            ... until
            ... repeat
            ... for
      4.4   Jumps
            ... goto
            ... go_on
      4.5   Loop Exits
            ... quitloop
            ... nextloop
            ... quitif
            ... quitunless
            ... nextif
            ... nextunless
      4.6   Procedure Exits
            ... return
            ... returnif
            ... returnunless
      4.7   Quoted Words and Identifiers
            ... "
            ... ident
      4.8   Matchvars
            ... =*
            ... =**
            ... =?
            ... =??
      4.9   Escapes for Active, Syntax and Operator Identifiers
            ... nonactive
            ... nonop
            ... nonsyntax
      4.10  Counted Statement Sequence
            ... #|
      4.11  List and Vector Constructors
            ... [
            ... {
            ... cons_with
      4.12  Identifier Scope Declarations
            ... section
            ... lblock
      4.13  Identifier Declarations
            ... lvars
            ... dlvars
            ... lconstant
            ... vars
            ... constant
            ... iconstant
            ... global
            ... nonglobal
      4.14  Dynamic Localisation of Variables/Expressions
            ... dlocal
      4.15  Procedure Definition
            ... procedure
            ... define

1  Statement & Expression Sequences

...  compilation-stream

     --------------| statement-sequence |------ <termin> ---------

...  statement-sequence

     ------------------| statement |--------------------
                   |   +-----------+   |
                   |                   |
                   |---<---  ;  ---<---|
                   |                   |
                   |---<---  => ---<---|
                   |                   |
                   +---<--- ==> ---<---+

...  statement

     --------------| expression-sequence |---------------

...  expression-sequence

            |                                  |
            |          +------------+          |
     -------+----------| expression |----------+---------
                  |    +------------+    |
                  |                      |
                  +---<----  ,  ----<----+

2  Expressions

The word categories referred to by the expression diagram are:

    operator   : A word whose identprops  are N (/= 0),  where N is  the
                 operator precedence.

    identifier : Any  word  that  is  not  syntax,  syntax  operator  or
                 operator,  i.e.  whose  identprops  are  not  "syntax",
                 "syntax N" or N.

A literal is any Poplog object except a word or <termin>.

...  expression

     +------------------| empty-expression |-----------------------+
     |                  +------------------+                       |
  ---|                                                             |---
     |                +----------------------+                     |
     +----------------| non-empty-expression |---------------------+

...  empty-expression


...  non-empty-expression

     +------------------------| literal |---------------------------+
     |                        +---------+                           |
     |                                                              |
     |                       +------------+                         |
     |-----------------------| identifier |-------------------------|
     |                       +------------+                         |
     |                                                              |
     |      +------------+    +-----------+    +------------+       |
  ---+------| expression |----|  operator |----| expression |-------+---
     |      +------------+    +-----------+    +------------+       |
     |                                                              |
     |                   +----------------------+                   |
     |-------------------| syntax-operator-form |-------------------|
     |                   +----------------------+                   |
     |                                                              |
     |                       +-------------+                        |
     +-----------------------| syntax-form |------------------------+

3  Syntax Operator Forms

3.1  General
The generic form is:

...  syntax-operator-form

          +------------+    +-----------------+    +--------+
    ------| expression |----| syntax-operator |----|  body  |--------
          +------------+    +-----------------+    +--------+

where syntax-operator is a word whose identprops are "syntax N", N being
the operator  precedence. body  is dependent  on the  particular  syntax
operator. Standard syntax operator forms follow.

3.2  Procedure Application and Parenthesised Statement Sequence

...  (                                                       (syntax -1)

    This takes two forms, depending on whether the preceding  expression
    is     empty      or     not.      If     empty,      this      is a
    parenthesised-statement-sequence.       Otherwise,       it       is
    procedure-application or partial-application.


    +------------------+             +--------------------+
 ---| empty-expression |-- ( --------| statement-sequence |----- ) ---
    +------------------+             +--------------------+

    procedure-application or partial-application:

                               +-----| expression-sequence |-----+
  +----------------------+     |     +---------------------+     |
--| non-empty-expression |- ( -|                                 |- ) --
  +----------------------+     |     +---------------------+     |
                               +- % -| expression-sequence |- % -+

3.3  Postfix Procedure Call

...  .                                                        (syntax 1)

         +------------+             +------------+
   ------| expression |----  .  ----| expression |--------
         +------------+             +------------+

    The result of the second expression is applied after evaluating  the
    first expression.

3.4  Assignment Arrows

...  ->                                                      (syntax 11)
...  ->>                                                     (syntax 11)

                         +----  ->  ---+
       +------------+    |             |    +------------+
   ----| expression |----|             |----| expression |------
       +------------+    |             |    +------------+
                         +----  ->> ---+

    After evaluating the  first expression (and  duplicating its  result
    for ->>), the second expression is compiled in update mode.

3.5  Boolean Expressions

...  and                                                      (syntax 9)
...  or                                                      (syntax 10)

                         +---- and ----+
       +------------+    |             |    +------------+
   ----| expression |----|             |----| expression |------
       +------------+    |             |    +------------+
                         +---- or  ----+

    The second expression  is not  evaluated if the  first evaluates  to
    false (and) or to true (or).

3.6  Labelled Expressions

...  :                                                      (syntax -1)
...  :*                                                     (syntax -1)

                            +- :  -+
          +------------+    |      |    +------------+
    ------| identifier |----|      |----| expression |--------
          +------------+    |      |    +------------+
                            +- :* -+

    If the preceding expression is not an identifier, a mishap  results.
    No code is produced for the  identifier, instead it becomes a  label
    for the second expression.

    The :* form is for use with non-local jumps.

3.7  Identifier or Section Pathname

...  $-                                                      (syntax -1)

    In this, the preceding expression must be empty or a word.

       |            |
       |  +------+  |              +------+
    ---+--| word |--+------ $- ----| word |--------
          +------+      |          +------+    |
                        |                      |

3.8  Print Arrows

...  =>                                                      (syntax 12)
...  ==>                                                     (syntax 12)

                          +----  =>  ---+
        +------------+    |             |
    ----| expression |----|             |----
        +------------+    |             |
                          +----  ==> ---+

    These are special syntax operators in the sense that after producing
    the appropriate printing  code they replace  themselves on  proglist
    with ;, thus terminating the current expression-sequence.

4  Syntax Forms

4.1  General
The generic form is:

...  syntax-form

           +----------------+    +----------+
     ------|  syntax-opener |----|   body   |--------
           +----------------+    +----------+

where syntax-opener is a word  whose identprops are "syntax", AND  whose
valof is a procedure. body is dependent on the particular syntax opener.
Standard syntax forms follow.

4.2  Conditionals

...  if                                                         (syntax)
...  unless                                                     (syntax)

  ---- if ----+
              |   +------------+            +---------------+
              |---| expression |--- then ---| statement-seq |----+
              |   +------------+            +---------------+    |
  -- unless --+                                                  |
  |   +--- elseif ----+
  |   |               |   +------------+            +---------------+
  |->-|               |---| expression |--- then ---| statement-seq |--+
  |   |               |   +------------+            +---------------+  |
  |   +- elseunless --+                                                |
  |                                                                    |
  |            +---------------+
  |->- else ---| statement-seq |---+
  |            +---------------+   |
  |                                |
  |   +---- endif -----
  |   |
      +-- endunless ---

    The closing syntax word must match the opener.

4.3  Iteration

...  while                                                      (syntax)
...  until                                                      (syntax)

 - while --+                                               + endwhile -
           |   +------------+          +---------------+   |
           |---| expression |--- do ---| statement-seq |---|
           |   +------------+          +---------------+   |
 - until --+                                               + enduntil -

    The closing syntax word must match the opener.

...  repeat                                                     (syntax)

            |                           |
            | +------------+            | +---------------+
 - repeat --+-| expression |-- times ---+-| statement-seq |- endrepeat-
              +------------+              +---------------+

...  for                                                        (syntax)

            +------+          +------+          +------+
     +------| expr |-- step --| expr |-- till --| expr |-----------+
     |      +------+          +------+          +------+           |
     |                                                             |
for -|                                                             |
     |                                                             |
     |  +------------+                                             |
     +--| identifier |---+                                         |
        +------------+   |                                         |
                         |                                         |
        +--------<-------+                                         |
        |                                                          |
        |              +------+                                    |
        |   +-- in ----| expr |------------------------------------|
        |   |          +------+                                    |
        |   |                                                      |---+
        |   |          +------+                                    |   |
        |   |-- on ----| expr |------------------------------------|   |
        |   |          +------+                                    |   |
        +---|                                                      |   |
            |          +------+         +------+         +------+  |   |
            |-- from --| expr |--- by --| expr |--- to --| expr |--|   |
            |          +------+ |       +------+ |       +------+  |   |
            |                   +-------->-------|                 |   |
            |----------------->------------------+                 |   |
            |                                                      |   |
            |   +----------------------+   +---------+             |   |
            +---| for-subsyntax-opener |---| clauses |-------------+   |
                +----------------------+   +---------+                 |
        |         +--------------------+
        +-- do ---| statement-sequence |---- endfor ----

    In the above,  for-subsyntax-opener is a  word whose identprops  are
    "syntax", and whose valof  is a pair conspair("for",procedure).  The
    clauses following the opener are  dependent on the particular  form.
    See  HELP * FOR_FORM  for  a  description  of  the  standard   forms

4.4  Jumps

...  goto                                                       (syntax)

      ---- goto ----| identifier |-----

...  go_on                                                      (syntax)

- go_on --| expression |-- to ---+
          +------------+         |
       |       +--------+       +--------------------+
       |    +--| prefix |-- : --| statement-sequence |-- endgo_on ---
       |    |  +--------+       +--------------------+
       |    |
            |                    +------------>-----------+
            |   +------------+   |         +------------+ |
            +---| identifier |---+- else --| identifier |-+- ; ----
              | +------------+ |           +------------+

    In the first form, the whole statement is generated inside a lexical
    block.  prefix  should  be  a  word,  which  will  be  defined  as a
    lexically-scoped macro within the block: this macro has one argument
    and produces a label (of the form go_on-prefix-arg). Thus

                prefix arg:

    can be used within the statement to label different cases, where arg
    is an integer or the word default. The form

                goto prefix arg

    can also be  used inside  the statement, including  goto prefix  end
    (the prefix end label is generated automatically immediately  before
    the endgo_on).

4.5  Loop Exits

...  quitloop                                                   (syntax)
...  nextloop                                                   (syntax)
...  quitif                                                     (syntax)
...  quitunless                                                 (syntax)
...  nextif                                                     (syntax)
...  nextunless                                                 (syntax)

   --- quitloop --+                               +---------+
                  |-------------------------- ( --| integer |-- ) ---
   --- nextloop --+                     |  |      +---------+      |
                                        |  |                       |
                                        |  +------------>----------+
   ---- quitif ---+                     |
                  |                     |
   -- quitunless -|       +------+      |
                  |-- ( --| expr |- ) --+
   ---- nextif ---|       +------+
   -- nextunless -+

    If omitted, integer defaults to 1.

4.6  Procedure Exits

...  return                                                     (syntax)

    --- return -------- ( --| expression-sequence |-- ) ------
                    |       +---------------------+       |
                    |                                     |

...  returnif                                                   (syntax)
...  returnunless                                               (syntax)

    ------- returnif ---+        +------------+
                        |--- ( --| expression |-- ) -------+
    --- returnunless ---+        +------------+            |
    |           +---------------------+
    +------ ( --| expression-sequence |--- ) ---------------
       |        +---------------------+          |
       |                                         |

4.7  Quoted Words and Identifiers

...  "                                                          (syntax)

                 +----------| word |----------+
                 |          +------+          |
                 |                            |
                 |      +---------------+     |
      ----  "  --+------| quoted-string |-----+--  "  ----
                 |      +---------------+     |
                 |                            |
                 |            +------------+  |
                 +-- ident ---| identifier |--+

    In the last case,  identifier is any  word/pathname for a  permanent
    identifier, and produces the word-identifier for that identifier.

...  ident                                                      (syntax)

      ---- ident ---| identifier |----

    where identifier is  any word declared  as an identifier,  including
    syntax and operators.

4.8  Matchvars

...  =*                                                         (syntax)
...  =**                                                        (syntax)
...  =?                                                         (syntax)
...  =??                                                        (syntax)

                +--| identifier |---+
  --- =?  ---+  |  +------------+   |
             |--|                   |--+
  --- =?? ---+  |  +-------------+  |  |             +---------+
                +--| quoted-word |--+  |         +---| integer |----+
                   +-------------+     |         |   +---------+    |
                                       |         |                  |
  --- =*  ---+                         |  + : +  |  +------------+  |
             |-------------------------+--|   |--+--| identifier |--+----
  --- =** ---+                         |  + # +  |  +------------+  |  |
                                       |         |                  |  |
                                       |         |     +------+     |  |
                                       |         +- % -| expr |- % -+  |
                                       |               +------+        |
                                       |                               |

    quoted-word is the same as for " above.

4.9  Escapes for Active, Syntax and Operator Identifiers

...  nonactive                                                  (syntax)

      ---- nonactive ----| identifier |----

    where identifier is any word declared as an active identifier.

...  nonop                                                      (syntax)
...  nonsyntax                                                  (syntax)

      ---- nonop --------| operator/syntax-operator |----

      ---- nonsyntax ----| syntax-word/syntax-operator |----

4.10  Counted Statement Sequence

...  #|                                                         (syntax)

      ----- #| -----| statement-sequence |----- |# -----

    The  difference  between  the  userstack  length  after  and  before
    statement-sequence (i.e.  after-before)  is pushed  onto  the  stack
    after statement-sequence.

4.11  List and Vector Constructors

...  [                                                          (syntax)
...  {                                                          (syntax)
...  cons_with                                                  (syntax)

                    +---------| literal |----------+
                    |         +---------+          |
                    |                              |
                    |         +----------+         |
                    |---------| matchvar |---------|
                    |         +----------+         |
                    |                              |
                    |          +--------+          |
    --- [ --+       |--- ^ ----| insert |----------|         +-- ] ---
            |       |          +--------+          |         |
            |-------|                              |---------|
            |  |    |          +--------+          |    |    |
    --- { --+  |    |--- ^^ ---| insert |----------|    |    +-- } ---
               |    |          +--------+          |    |
               |    |                              |    |
               |    |         +----------+         |    |
               |    |--- % ---| expr-seq |--- % ---|    |
               |    |         +----------+         |    |
               |    |                              |    |
               |    |        +-------------+       |    |
               |    +--------| constructor |-------+    |
               |             +-------------+            |
               |                                        |

    In the above, literal is any  Pop object except the words "[",  "{",
    "^", "^^"  or  "%", matchvar  is  any  of the  four  matchvar  forms
    described above, and constructor is the whole diagram recursively.

    insert is  either  a word,  or  an expression  in  parentheses.  The
    opening bracket must match the closing bracket.

    For cons_with, vector-constructor is the {...} form of  constructor,
    and expression must yield a vector constructor procedure:

                       +------------+   +--------------------+
      --- cons_with ---| expression |---| vector-constructor |---
                       +------------+   +--------------------+

4.12  Identifier Scope Declarations

...  section                                                    (syntax)

        |                                                         |
        |           +------->-------+  +---------->------------+  |
        |           |               |  |                       |  |
        | +------+  |  +--------+   |  |         +--------+    |  |
section-+-| name |--+--| import |---+--+- => ----| export |----+--+-;--+
          +------+   | +--------+  |           | +--------+  |         |
                     +------<------+           +------<------+         |
         |     +--------------------+
         +-----| statement-sequence |---- endsection --

    import and export  are words.  name is either  a word  or a  section
    pathname. If  name  is omitted  (i.e.  ; follows  immediately  after
    section) then the top-level section popsection is used.

...  lblock                                                     (syntax)

      --- lblock ---| statement-sequence |--- endlblock ---

4.13  Identifier Declarations

...  lvars                                                      (syntax)
...  dlvars                                                     (syntax)
...  lconstant                                                  (syntax)
...  vars                                                       (syntax)
...  constant                                                   (syntax)
...  iconstant                                                  (syntax)
...  global                                                     (syntax)
...  nonglobal                                                  (syntax)

    The above constructs and dlocal (below) have a similar format, and
    both use the following diagrams:


     +--------------<-----------  ,  ---------------<---------+
     |                                                        |
     |  +-------->--------+              +------+             |
     |  |                 |   +----------| spec |----------+  |
     |  |  +-----------+  |   |          +------+          |  |
  ---+--+--| attribute |--+---|                            |--+-- ; ---
           +-----------+      |          +------+          |
                              +-- ( -----| spec |----- ) --+
                                      |  +------+  |
                                      |            |
                                      +-<--- , --<-+


                      |                          |
           +-------+  |          +------------+  |
        ---| thing |--+--  =  ---| expression |--+---
           +-------+             +------------+

    Here attribute may  only be  omitted if  a single  spec follows;  if
    present, it applies either to the  single spec following, or to  all
    the specs following in parentheses. Each spec is a thing  optionally
    followed by an initialisation expression.

    Using the above, identifier declarations are then simply

                     ---- lvars ---+
                     --- dlvars ---|
                     -- lconstant -|
                                   |    +------------------+
                     ---- vars ----+----| declaration-list |---
                                   |    +------------------+
                     -- constant --|
                     -- iconstant -|
      +- global --+  +--- vars ----|
    --|           |--|             |
      + nonglobal +  +-- constant -+

    where thing is an identifier, and attribute is an identprops value.

    Permissible values for the identprops are:  a number N in the  range
    -12.7 <=  N  <= 12.7,  one  of  the words  "procedure",  "macro"  or
    "syntax", or "syntax" followed by a number N (except that only 0  or
    "procedure" are allowed  for lvars and  dlvars inside a  procedure).
    identprops defaults to 0 if omitted.

    To declare an active identifier, attribute is

                  +------------>-----------+  +-------->-------+
                  |                        |  |                |
                  |      +--------------+  |  |  +----------+  |
      --- active -+- : --| multiplicity |--+--+--|identprops|--+---
                         +--------------+        +----------+

    where multiplicity is an integer in  the range 0 - 255, or  defaults
    to 1  if absent.  A multiplicity  other than  1 is  allowed only  if
    identprops is 0 or omitted.

4.14  Dynamic Localisation of Variables/Expressions

...  dlocal                                                     (syntax)

    Using the declaration-list diagrams given in Identifier Declarations
    above, this is just

          --- dlocal ----| declaration-list |---

    but with the following thing and attribute values:

    For a dynamic local variable, thing is an identifier (obviously  one
    for a variable, not a constant). In this case, attribute if  present
    has only only one permissible  value, the word "nonactive"  (meaning
    that the non-active value of the identifier is to be local).

    For a dynamic local expression, thing has the form

                                 |                         |
                 +------------+  |        +------------+   |
        --- % ---| expression |--+-- , ---| expression |---+-- % ---
                 +------------+           +------------+

    where the first expression  is the access  part, and the  (optional)
    second expression is the update part; if the second is omitted, then
    the update part defaults to  being the first expression compiled  in
    update mode.

    attribute if present  specifies the multiplicity  of the  expression
    (i.e. how many values  it produces), and must  be an integer in  the
    range 0 - 255. If omitted, it defaults to 1.

4.15  Procedure Definition

...  procedure                                                  (syntax)
...  define                                                     (syntax)

-- define --| specs |--+
            +-------+  |
                       |   +--------+   +---------+   +------+
                       |---| inputs |---| outputs |---| with |--- ; --+
                       |   +--------+   +---------+   +------+        |
--- procedure ---------+                                              |
         |                              +---- enddefine -----
         |    +--------------------+    |
         +----| statement-sequence |----|
              +--------------------+    |
                                        +---- endprocedure ---

    inputs have  two possible  forms;  conventionally, the  second  form
    without parentheses or commas is used only for macro definitions:

                 |       +------------+       |
        --- ( ---+-------| identifier |-------+--- ) ---
                     |   +------------+   |
                     +--<----  ,  ----<---+

                 |       +------------+       |
           ------+-------| identifier |-------+----
                     |   +------------+   |

    outputs may be  empty, ->  followed by  a single  identifier, or  ->
    followed by a comma-separated list of identifiers in parentheses:

            |             +------------+     |
         ---+----  ->  ---| identifier |-----+---

         ---  ->  --- ( -------| identifier |------- ) ---
                           |   +------------+   |
                           +--<----  ,  ----<---+

    The with clause is:

            |       +--------+   +---------+       |
         ---+-------| with_x |---| literal |-------+---
                |   +--------+   +---------+   |

    where with_x may be either with_nargs or with_props, each  occurring
    at most  once.  For with_nargs,  literal  must be  an  integer;  for
    with_props it  may be  any item,  the word  false being  interpreted
    specially as <false>.

    In the define syntax form, specs are:

        |              |     +-------------+     +------------+
     ---+- updaterof --+-----| declaration |-----| identifier |---
                             +-------------+     +------------+

    where declaration declares the procedure name identifier, and can be

                       |                   |
     ----- dlocal -----+--- nonactive -----+----


        +------>----+  +---------->--------+  +--------->--------+
        |           |  |  +-------------+  |  |  +------------+  |
     ---+- global --+--+--| declarator  |--+--+--| identprops |--+---
                          +-------------+        +------------+

    In the  second  form,  declarator  follows the  same  rules  as  for
    Identifier  Declarations,  i.e.  lvars,  dlvars,  lconstant,   vars,
    constant, or iconstant,  but vars  or constant only  when global  is
    present. If declarator is omitted,  the default declaration made  is
    controlled by the variable popdefineconstant.

    identprops has the  same values as  for Identifier Declarations.  If
    omitted, it defaults to  "procedure" if popdefineprocedure is  true,
    or 0 otherwise.

    A special case for the define statement is when identprops  declares
    an ordinary operator. In this  case, identifier is amalgamated  with
    the inputs which  would normally  follow it, and  together take  the

        +------>---------+ +-------->-------+ +------->--------+
        | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |
     ---+-| identifier |-+-+-| identifier |-+-+-| identifier |-+---
          +------------+     +------------+     +------------+

    i.e. 1, 2 or 3 occurrences of identifier. The name being defined  is
    then the first identifier  if 1 or 2  are present (nonary and  unary
    prefix forms), and the second if 3 are present (binary infix form).

+-+ C.all/ref/popsyntax
+-+ Copyright University of Sussex 1996. All rights reserved. Logo