REF KEYS                                            John Gibson May 1995

        COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1995. All Rights Reserved.

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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<       STRUCTURE KEYS        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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This file describes the various predicates  for use with keys and  those
used to define and manipulate new classes of object defined by the user.
Two distinct kinds of new object class can be constructed:  record-class
and vector-class.  In  addition,  the  specification  of  various  other
special attributes for a class is dealt with.
    This file also describes the production of procedures to access data
in external structures via external pointer-class records.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Introduction
      1.1   Classes of Object
      1.2   Accessing Keys of Items
      1.3   External Structures

  2   Predicates on Keys

  3   Accessing Key Fields
      3.1   Fields Applicable to All Keys
      3.2   Record and Vector-type Key Fields
            ... General
            ... Record-only
            ... Vector-only

  4   Constructing New Keys

  5   Field Specifiers for Poplog Data
      5.1   Notes on Allocation of Fields in Records

  6   Examples of Key Construction

  7   Constructing External Access Procedures

  8   Fields in External Structures

  9   Additional Field Specifiers for External Data

 10   Miscellaneous

1  Introduction

Every structure in the Poplog system has within it a field  containing a
pointer to a key structure, which identifies the class of the structure,
e.g. vectors contain a  pointer to vector_key,  procedures a pointer  to
procedure_key, and so  on. Keys  themselves are structures,  and so  are
also identified by a key (key_key). So for every structure class in  the
Poplog system (see REF * DATA), there  is an identifying key  structure.
For completeness, there are also  key structures for the simple  integer
and decimal data types.

    As well as identifying the class  of any object to the system,  keys
also serve as a  means of holding various  information about the  class,
e.g. which  procedure is  used  to print  objects  in the  class,  which
procedure is to be used by the operation = in comparing them, and  which
procedures are used to manipulate fields in the structure.

    The latter is, in particular,  the means of providing procedures  to
manipulate new classes of object defined by the user. The basic  process
of defining a new class of object consists of creating a new key for the
class with  the  procedure  conskey  described  below;  the  appropriate
procedures  to  construct  and  manipulate  the  new  objects  are  then
available from the key via the class_ procedures (also described later).

1.1  Classes of Object
Two distinct kinds of new object class can be constructed:  record-class
and vector-class. A record is a  structure containing a fixed number  of
distinct and possibly different fields,  whereas a vector consists  of a
variable  number  of   similar  fields.  (For   example:  a  pair   is a
record-class, whereas vectors and strings are vector-types. The built-in
classes in the system  also include other types  which do not fall  into
these  categories  and   which  cannot  be   user-defined,  e.g.   keys,
procedures, processes, etc.)

    In addition to the record/vector distinction, various other  special
attributes may be specified for  a class. These include the  'writeable'
and 'nonwriteable'  attributes (referring  to  the class'  treatment  by
sys_lock_system),  and  (for  records  only),  "external_ptr"  attribute
(which enables  records of  suitable  format to  behave as  pointers  to
external data).

    Finally on Poplog structures,  note that the  basic method of  class
construction using conskey as described here is not very convenient  for
most normal  programming  contexts;  a much  more  convenient  interface
(which enables  keys  to be  specified,  constructed, and  their  class_
procedures automatically  assigned to  identifiers) is  provided by  the
syntax construct * defclass. This is described in REF * DEFSTRUCT

1.2  Accessing Keys of Items
The key of any object is  accessed with the procedure datakey (or,  from
an object's dataword, with key_of_dataword). See REF * DATA

Note that  for  each built-in  data-type  there is  a  global  permanent
constant whose name  starts with the  dataword and ends  with _key,  and
whose value  is the  key  for that  type, e.g.  integer_key,  ratio_key,
biginteger_key, device_key etc.

1.3  External Structures
This file also describes the production of procedures to access data  in
external  structures  via  external  pointer-class  records.  The  basic
procedure for this is cons_access, although as with Poplog structures, a
more  convenient  programming  interface  is  provided  by  the   syntax
construct defexacc, also described in REF * DEFSTRUCT

2  Predicates on Keys

(See also class_attribute for determining special attributes of keys.)

iskey(item) -> bool                                          [procedure]
        Returns true if item is a key, false otherwise.

3  Accessing Key Fields

The following procedures can be divided into those which are  applicable
to all key fields  and those only applicable  to record and  vector-type
key fields only.

3.1  Fields Applicable to All Keys
class_=(key) -> equal_p                                      [procedure]
equal_p -> class_=(key)
        For any class key key, returns or updates the procedure used  by
        = in  comparing  items of  the  class represented  by  key.

        The default value for any key is the procedure run by sys_=. For
        the updater, if sys_=  is supplied as  equal_p then the  default
        procedure is restored. See REF * DATA

class_apply(key) -> apply_p                                  [procedure]
apply_p -> class_apply(key)
        Returns the apply procedure for the class key key. If an  object
        X of the  class is  applied (as if  it were  a procedure),  what
        happens is that apply_p is  called instead, with X as  argument.
        E.g. if the variable  X contains a structure  of class key  then
        the call  X()  will  turn into  apply_p(X).  Similarily  for  an
        updater call, i.e.-> X() will result in -> apply_p(X).
            The updater of class_apply assigns the procedure apply_p  to
        be the apply procedure  for the class  key key. (This  mechanism
        will NOT  change  what  happens  when  an  actual  procedure  is
        applied, i.e. assigning to the class_apply of the procedure  key
        has no effect.)

        WARNING: class_apply is  the means by  which array-type  indexed
        access on lists, words, vectors and strings is implemented, i.e.
        the facility to  use ITEM(N) for  subscrX(N, ITEM). In  general,
        the class_apply for these data types is a procedure like

                    if stacklength() /== 0 and isinteger(dup()) then
                        mishap(item, 1, 'EXECUTING NON-PROCEDURE')

        and similarily for  the updaters.  Since this  facility is  used
        WIDELY in both  system and  library procedures,  you can  expect
        trouble if you redefine class_apply for any of these data types.

class_dataword(key) -> word                                  [procedure]
        Returns the dataword of the class key key.

class_hash(key) -> hash_p                                    [procedure]
hash_p -> class_hash(key)
        For any class key key  returns or updates the hashing  procedure
        for objects  of  class  key, invoked  by  syshash.  The  hashing
        procedure takes  an  object of  the  class key  and  returns  an
        integer determined  by the  object, subject  to the  constraints
        that if two objects are = then they should be assigned the  same
        value by the hashing  procedure. The default hashing  procedures
        are described in REF * PROPS

class_print(key) -> print_p                                  [procedure]
print_p -> class_print(key)
        For any class key key, returns or updates the procedure used  by
        syspr to print an item in that class, the default value for  any
        key being sys_syspr. See REF * PRINT

class_recognise(key) -> recognise_p                          [procedure]
        Returns the recogniser  procedure of the  class key key,  i.e. a
        procedure which returns  true when  applied to a  member of  the
        class, false when applied to anything else.

class_field_spec(key) -> spec                                [procedure]
        Returns the specification  of the  class key key.  For a  vector
        class this is a single field specifier, for a record class it is
        a list of them (see Field Specifiers for Poplog Structures below
        for a description of  field specifiers). For  any other type  it
        returns false.

        (Thus the correct test for a record class is islist(spec);  note
        however that the length of its spec list is NOT the correct  way
        to determine how many fields are in the record;  datalength(key)
        should be used for this.)

class_attribute(key, attribute) -> info                      [procedure]
class_attribute(key) -> attribute_list
        Requests information about the attributes of the class key key.

        In the first form,  attribute may be one  of the following  (see
        conskey below for more details on some of these attributes):

                Returns  true   if   structures  of   this   class   are
                byte-accessible, false  otherwise  (see  Byte-Accessible
                Structures in REF * DATA).

                Returns true if this an external dereference class  key,
                false otherwise.

                Returns true  if  this an  external  pointer-class  key,
                false   otherwise   (this    attribute   also    implies

                Returns  true  if  objects  of  this  class  undergo  no
                conversion when passed externally  (or assigned into  an
                "exval"  field),  false  otherwise.  That  is,  true  is
                returned  for  anything  which  is  not  "external_ptr",
                "external_deref", (big)integer or (d)decimal.

                Returns true  if  this  an  external  pointer-class  key
                having the additional property that external_ptr_props
                can be applied to records of the class, false otherwise.

                Returns true  if this  class  of structures  are  always
                writeable by default, false  if always non-writeable  by
                default, and "undef" otherwise.

                For a  property entry  key, returns  the property  entry
                gc_type (see REF * PROPS), or false otherwise.

        In the second  form with  just a  key argument,  class_attribute
        returns the list of attributes that would be given to conskey to
        produce this key. That  is, the list contains  one or other  (or
        neither) of "writeable" or "nonwriteable", and one or other  (or
        neither) of "external_ptr" or "external_deref".

class_spec(key) -> spec                                      [procedure]
class_spec(key, attribute) -> info
        This  is  an  old  combined  version  of  class_field_spec   and

        In the  first  form  it returns  the  class_field_spec  of  key.
        However, to  maintain  upward  compatibility  with  versions  of
        Poplog prior to 14,  when applied to a  vector class it  returns
        not the  actual field  specifier but  the value_spec  result  of
        field_spec_info applied to it, i.e.

            field_spec_info(class_field_spec(key)) -> (value_spec, );

        (This means for example that class_spec(string_key) is 8  rather
        than "byte".) For a recordclass or any other kind of key, it  is
        identical to class_field_spec.

        The second form is the same as class_attribute(key, attribute).

3.2  Record and Vector-type Key Fields
The following procedures can be divided  into those which apply to  both
types of key fields, and those which apply to record or vector-type  key
fields only.

...  General
class_cons(key) -> cons_p                                    [procedure]
        For  a  record  or  vector-type  class  key  key,  returns   the
        constructor procedure for that  class. For a record-type  class,
        this procedure takes N arguments, where  N is the the number  of
        fields in  the record;  for  a vector-type  class, it  takes  an
        argument N and  constructs a  vector of  length N  with N  items
        taken off  the stack  (cf conspair  for records,  consvector  or
        consstring for vectors).

class_dest(key) -> dest_p                                    [procedure]
        For  a  record  or  vector-type  class  key  key,  returns   the
        destructor procedure for  that class (cf  destpair for  records,
        destvector or deststring for vectors).

...  Record-only
class_access(n, rec_key) -> access_p                         [procedure]
        For  a  record-type  class  key  rec_key,  returns  the   access
        procedure for  the n-th  field of  that record  class, i.e.  the
        procedure that returns or updates the n-th field.

        Since class_access is the class_apply of keys, this may also  be
        called as

                rec_key(n) -> access_p

        See also class_fast_access (below).

class_fast_access(n, rec_key) -> access_p                    [procedure]
        Uses  cons_access   to  create   a  non-checking   access/update
        procedure for  the  n-th  field  of  data  structures  with  key
        rec_key. See also class_access (above).

class_datasize(rec_key) -> n                                 [procedure]
        For a record-type class key rec_key, returns the length in words
        of the record.

...  Vector-only
class_init(vec_key) -> init_p                                [procedure]
        For a  vector-type class  key vec_key,  returns the  initialiser
        procedure for that class, i.e. a procedure that takes an integer
        N and constructs a new vector of length N (i.e. initv or  inits,
        etc). This has its components initialised to "undef" for a  full
        vector, zero for  a non-full one.  (See also initvectorclass  in
        REF * DATA, which initialises  a vector for  a given class  key,
        but with a specified initialising value.)

class_subscr(vec_key) -> subscr_p                            [procedure]
        For a  vector-type class  key vec_key,  returns the  subcripting
        procedure subscr_p for that class, i.e. a procedure with updater
        of the form

                subscr_p(N, vec) -> element
                element -> subscr_p(N, vec)

        which returns or updates  the N-th element of  a vector in  that
        class (cf subscrv, subscrs).
            Note that since the class_subscr procedure of a  vectorclass
        is by default its class_apply, a vector of the class can also be
        subscripted by

                vec(N) -> element
                element -> vec(N)

class_fast_subscr(vec_key) -> subscr_p                       [procedure]
        Like class_subscr, but  subscr_p is  a non-checking  subscriptor

4  Constructing New Keys

conskey(word, spec)                -> vec_key                [procedure]
conskey(word, spec, attribute_vec) -> vec_key
conskey(word, spec_list)                -> rec_key
conskey(word, spec_list, attribute_vec) -> rec_key
        Constructs and returns a key for a new record or vector class of
        structures, with  dataword word  and specification  as given  by
        spec or  spec_list.  The  optional  attribute_vec  argument,  if
        present, is  a  vector  of attribute  names  (words)  specifying
        additional information about the new class of structures.

        For a  vector  class, spec  is  a single  field  specifier  (all
        elements of a vector having the same specification).

        For a record  class, spec_list  is a list  of field  specifiers,
        where each specifier  in the  list refers  to one  field in  the
        record,  i.e.  the  record  has  length(spec_list)  fields.  (An
        exception to this is when  spec_list contains the 'dummy'  field
        specifier  ">->";   in  this   case,   the  record   will   have
        length(spec_list)-1 fields.)

        Permissible field specifiers in either case are described  below
        under Field Specifiers for Poplog Structures.

        Additional attributes for the key that can be specified by words
        in the attribute_vec argument are (currently) as follows:

            writeable, nonwriteable
                Sets the default treatment by sys_lock_system (and  also
                Popc compilation)  for  the  new  class  of  structures:
                "writeable" means always  keep in  writeable memory  (so
                fields can  be  updated), "nonwriteable"  means  put  in
                write-protected memory (so no updating is possible).
                    Note that when neither is specified for a class, the
                general default given  to sys_lock_system  or Popc  will
                apply. See REF * SYSTEM

            external_deref (Records Only)
                To have  this  attribute,  a record  class  must  have a
                "word"-sized field at the  pointer position (see  Format
                of Data Structures in REF * DATA). When a record of  the
                class is  passed to  an external  function (or  assigned
                into an "exval" field), the value of that word field  is
                used in its place. See REF * EXTERNAL

            external_ptr (Records Only)
                To have  this attribute,  a record  class must  have  an
                "exptr" field  at the  pointer position  (see Format  of
                Data Structures in REF * DATA); records of the class are
                then deemed to  be pointers  to external  data via  that
                field.  This  means   that  external  structure   access
                procedures can be used on them, or they can be  assigned
                into "exptr" or "exval" fields in other structures (they
                are  also  recognised   by  isexternal_ptr_class).   See
                REF * EXTERNAL_DATA
                    This attribute also implies "external_deref", i.e. a
                records's "exptr"  field is  passed  in its  place  when
                given as argument to an external function.
                    (Note also that  if the record  class starts  with a
                "full" field, i.e. its spec_list begins

                     [full exptr ... ]

                etc, then external_ptr_props can  be applied to  records
                of  the   class,   and  accesses   the   "full"   field.
                class_attribute can be used to test for this property on
                a given key.)

        (The values of  the above  attributes for existing  keys can  be
        determined with class_attribute, see above.)

5  Field Specifiers for Poplog Data

This section  lists the  permissible field  type specifiers  for  Poplog
data, i.e. that can appear in the spec or spec_list argument to  conskey
(spec_list is a list of type specifiers for a record class, and spec  is
a single one for a vector class).

Full Poplog Item
    This is  the quickest  field  type to  access  or update,  since  it
    requires no conversion  to and  from Poplog  representation, and  no
    check on values assigned into it, etc (see Representation of Data in
    Poplog in REF * DATA).

        Type        Meaning
        ----        -------
        "full"      Holds  a  single  Poplog  item,  and  occupies   one
                    'natural' machine word (64 bits in Alpha OSF, 32  in
                    all other current implementations).

'Packed' Integers
    These fields can contain integers  only, either signed or  unsigned,
    represented in a fixed number of binary bits.
        When accessed, such a field produces a Poplog simple integer  or
    a biginteger if the field value  is too large for a simple  integer.
    Similarily, a simple integer or biginteger within the range  allowed
    can be assigned into the field.
        The named types correspond to standard sizes on the host machine
    (and are always aligned on appropriate boundaries to be  efficiently
    accessible), whereas fields specified as  a specific number of  bits
    (i.e.  N  or  -N)  are  'bitfields'  and  are  generally  slower  to
    access/update (and in a structure, simply occupy the next N bits).

        Type        Meaning
        ----        -------
        "longlong"  Signed integer, as C  compiler type 'long long'  (64
                    bits in all current implementations). Range
                            -2**63 <= I < 2**63

        "ulonglong" Unsigned integer, as C compiler type 'unsigned  long
                    long' (64  bits  in  all  current  implementations).
                            0 <= I < 2**64

        "word"      Signed integer the size of a Poplog word (64 bits in
                    Alpha OSF, 32 in all other current implementations).
                            -2**63 <= I < 2**63     (Alpha OSF)
                            -2**31 <= I < 2**31     (others)

        "uword"     Unsigned integer the size of a Poplog word (64  bits
                    in   Alpha   OSF,   32   in   all   other    current
                    implementations). Range
                            0 <= I < 2**64          (Alpha OSF)
                            0 <= I < 2**32          (others)

        "long"      Signed integer, as C  compiler type 'long' (64  bits
                    in   Alpha   OSF,   32   in   all   other    current
                    implementations). Range
                            -2**63 <= I < 2**63     (Alpha OSF)
                            -2**31 <= I < 2**31     (others)

        "ulong"     Unsigned integer, as C compiler type 'unsigned long'
                    (64 bits  in  Alpha OSF,  32  in all  other  current
                    implementations). Range
                            0 <= I < 2**64          (Alpha OSF)
                            0 <= I < 2**32          (others)

        "int"       Signed integer, as C compiler type 'int' (32 bits in
                    all current implementations). Range
                            -2**31 <= I < 2**31

        "uint"      Unsigned integer, as C compiler type 'unsigned  int'
                    (32 bits in all current implementations). Range
                            0 <= I < 2**32

        "short"     Signed integer, as C compiler type 'short' (16  bits
                    in all current implementations). Range
                            -2**15 <= I < 2**15

        "ushort"    Unsigned  integer,  as  C  compiler  type  'unsigned
                    short' (16  bits  in all  current  implementations).
                            0 <= I < 2**16

        "sbyte"     Signed byte (8 bits in all current implementations).
                            -2**7 <= I < 2**

        "byte"      Unsigned   byte    (8    bits   in    all    current
                    implementations). Range
                            0 <= I < 2**

        -N          Signed bitfield of N bits, where 1 <= N <= 32. Range
                            -2**(N-1) < = I < 2**(N-1))

        N           Unsigned bitfield of  N bits,  where 1 <=  N <=  32.
                            0 <= I < 2**

        "pint"      Same as "word",  but declares the  field as  holding
                    only values  within the  range  of a  Poplog  simple
                    integer (pop_min_int <= I <= pop_max_int). When this
                    is known for  a "word" field,  using "pint"  instead
                    gives faster access/update.

    (N.B. All vector classes constructed on the types "byte" and "sbyte"
    are special insofar  as they are  guaranteed to be  null-terminated,
    i.e. to have a 0 byte following the last actual byte of the  vector.
    This costs on average an extra byte per vector, but allows data such
    as standard strings  to be  passed to external  C functions  without

    Any non-complex  number,  including  integers  and  ratios,  can  be
    assigned into these  fields, conversion and/or  rounding being  done
    where necessary  (but a  mishap will  occur if  the input  value  is
    outside the range of the field).
        Accessing an "sfloat" or "float" field always produces a  Poplog
    decimal;  accessing  a   "dfloat"  field  produces   a  decimal   if
    popdprecision is false  and a  decimal can contain  the value,  or a
    ddecimal otherwise (see REF * popdprecision).

        Type        Meaning
        ----        -------
        "dfloat"    A double-length  floating-point  number  in  machine
                    format (64 bits in all current implementations).

        "sfloat"    A single-length  floating-point  number  in  machine
                    format, (32 bits in all current implementations).

        "float"     Identical to "sfloat", EXCEPT  when specified as  an
                    external function  result  -- see  Additional  Field
                    Specifiers for External Data below.

External Data & Pointers
    There are two fields  of this type: "exptr"  and "exval". The  first
    holds a raw pointer value  derived from some external source,  while
    the second  holds any  external value  (which may  or may  not  be a
        On accessing the field, the  value (pointer or not) is  returned
    inside an external pointer record.  This record will be  constructed
    anew each time  the field is  accessed, EXCEPT when  the "exptr"  or
    "exval" spec is the sub_spec of a conversion procedure (see  below),
    or, for "exptr", the sub_spec  of an implicit access procedure  (see
    Additional Field  Specifiers  for  External Data  below).  In  these
    cases, a fixed record is used (avoiding the creation of  unnecessary
    garbage when the (pointer) value is being passed directly to  such a
    procedure -- 'fixed' here means that the same record is always  used
    for one particular field, but not the same one for all fields).
        When updating, either  type of  field allows  the pointer  value
    from any external pointer-class record to be assigned in.
        However, for "exval"  only, any  Poplog object  can be  assigned
    into the field. The actual value  inserted is got by processing  the
    object as if it were an  argument to an external function call  (see
    Calling External Functions, External Function Argument Processing in
    REF * EXTERNAL for full details). Note, however, that there are  two
    differences from the latter: (1)  (d)decimals are always coerced  to
    single float (since  the field only  occupies 1 word),  and (2)  Pop
    data structures  whose direct  address  will be  the value  MUST  be
    fixed-address (that is, any item for which

        class_attribute(datakey(item), "external_noconv")

    is true).

        Type      Meaning
        ----      -------
        "exptr"   A pointer to  external data,  occupying one  'natural'
                  machine word (64 bits  in Alpha OSF,  32 in all  other
                  current implementations).

        "exval"   Some external  data, occupying  one 'natural'  machine
                  word (64 bits in  Alpha OSF, 32  in all other  current

    See also REF * EXTERNAL_DATA

Conversion Procedure on Field
    This specifies  a field  with  an automatic  'conversion'  procedure
    built on top of it. The specifier itself is a closure of the form

        conv_p(% sub_spec, true %)

    where  conv_p  is  the  conversion  procedure  (with  updater),  and
    sub_spec is the type specifier  for the underlying field (which  may
    be anything described in this section, including another  conversion
    procedure). (The true frozval  distinguishes a conversion  procedure
    spec from an implicit access  procedure spec, which is only  allowed
    for the external access types described later in this file.)

    On accessing the field, its value is

        conv_p( <underlying field value> ) -> <converted field value>

    that is, conv_p  applied to the  value of the  underlying field;  on
    updating, the field must  have a converted  value assigned into  it,
    and the updater  of conv_p is  expected to convert  this back to  an
    underlying field value, i.e.

       -> conv_p( <converted field value> ) -> <underlying field value>

    (N.B. In compiling  code for  a conversion  procedure (and  external
    implicit access procedures), the  system guarantees to optimise  out
    calls to both identfn itself and closures of identfn of no arguments
    (identfn(%%)). This is of particular relevance to using a conversion
    procedure to type-check assignments  into "full" fields; the  access
    side of such a procedure can simply be identfn(%%), resulting in  no
    overhead on accessing the field.)

5.1  Notes on Allocation of Fields in Records
In a record class,  fields are allocated space  in the order  specified,
treating the  record as  a sequence  of  bits, and  starting at  bit  0.
However, as described in  Format of Data  Structures in REF * DATA,  the
key field  occupies  the second  word  of any  structure  (the  relevant
diagram from REF * DATA is reproduced below):

              +  +------------+
              |  |  field(s)  |   word 1
       header |  |------------|
              |  |    key     |   word 2
              +  |------------|
             >-> |            |   word 3
                 |  remaining |
                 |  field(s)  |

Therefore, if a  field would  straddle the key  (i.e. start  in the  the
first word  and finish  in the  second), it  is instead  started at  the
third. (Thus for example, the record spec_list

        [byte short byte int]

is preferable to

        [byte short int byte]

since it occupies 1 less word.)

    Also (as shown  in the diagram  by ">->"), pointers  to a  structure
actually point to the third word, not  the first; this is to allow  e.g.
an externally-processed  structure  to appear  to  consist only  of  the
contiguous  set  of   fields  from   its  pointer   onwards.  For   such
applications, it may be  necessary to prevent some  or any fields  being
allocated in the first word.

    This is  achieved by  including the  'dummy' field  spec ">->"  in a
record spec_list,  which  causes the  following  field to  skip  to  the
pointer position, i.e. the third word  (it is an error if this  position
has already been passed when ">->" is encountered). E.g.

        [>-> byte short byte int]

starts the first "byte" field  at the pointer (and  makes no use of  the
first word).

    Whereas a  bitfield of  N bits  (specified  with N  or -N)  is  just
allocated to the  next N bits,  all other named  field types imply  some
sort of alignment appropriate to the  type; for example, a "full"  field
is always started at  the next word boundary,  and other named types  at
least at the next byte boundary.  (The actual alignments are such as  to
be consistent with "struct"  definitions in the C  language on the  host

    Finally, note that the length of a record is always rounded up to an
exact number of words.

6  Examples of Key Construction

The following defines a new user vector-type class whose components  are
unsigned short integers:

        conskey("ushort", "ushort") -> ushort_key;
        class_cons(ushort_key) -> consushort;
        consushort(32, 64, 128, 3) -> a_ushort;
        a_ushort =>
        ** <ushort 32 64 128>

This corresponds to the defclass definition (see REF * DEFSTRUCT

        defclass ushort :ushort;


    The next  example  defines  a  new  user  record-type  class  with 4
different fields, representing a person's name, address, age and a field
to indicate sex (0=male, 1=female):

        conskey("person", [full full byte 1]) -> person_key;
        class_cons(person_key) -> consperson;
        ;;; get the access procedures for each field
        person_key(1) -> person_name;
        person_key(2) -> person_address;
        person_key(3) -> person_age;
        person_key(4) -> person_sex;
        consperson('Fred Bloggs', 'No fixed abode', 99, 0) -> fred;
        person_name(fred) =>
        ** Fred Bloggs
        person_age(fred) =>
        ** 99

This corresponds to the defclass example given in REF * DEFSTRUCT

        defclass person
            {   person_name,
                person_age :byte,
                person_sex :1

7  Constructing External Access Procedures

External structures are  data maintained  in memory  outside the  Poplog
system proper by external procedures,  i.e. those written in  non-Poplog
languages. Such data  is represented  and manipulated  inside Poplog  by
'external  pointer-class'   structures,   which  are   ordinary   Poplog
structures having  an  "exptr" field  at  the pointer  position;  access
procedures constructed  by  cons_access below  can  be applied  to  such
structures to extract or update  external data via their pointers.  (See
REF * EXTERNAL_DATA for  a full  explanation of  external  pointer-class

    As a special case, an external function or procedure can be  thought
of as a data  structure, where 'accessing'  the structure means  calling
the function  to produce  its  result (if  any). Thus  cons_access  also
constructs 'apply' procedures to call  functions pointed to by  external

    Because external structures  (a) do not  have to be  made by  Poplog
-style constructor procedures, (b) are not relocatable and always reside
in fixed memory  locations, and  (c) are  not processed  by the  garbage
collector, they allow  a greater range  of field types  than for  native
Poplog structures.  The additional  field  types allowed  are  described
below under Additional Field Specifiers for External Data; these include
fields which  are sub-structures  or  arrays, as  well as  fields  which
provide automatic access through pointers to underlying data.

    cons_access allows a  want or  want_list argument  to specify  which
procedure(s) and  their  updaters are  actually  wanted. A  single  want
argument has the following values:

      Value               Meaning
      -----               -------
      false or a          No procedure (false is returned instead)
      containing false

      A reference         A procedure without an updater
      containing a
      non-false value

      Anything else       A procedure with an updater (if it can have

A want_list argument is a  then list of wants,  one for each field  in a
record or external structure.

    Note that cons_access  can also  be used to  construct 'fast'  (i.e.
non-checking) access procedures for  Poplog structures. (Also note  that
in-line code corresponding to the procedures produced by cons_access can
be  generated  by  the  Poplog  Virtual  Machine  instruction  sysFIELD,
described in REF * VMCODE.)

cons_access(want_list, spec_list, check, mode) -> p_vec      [procedure]
cons_access(want,      spec_pair, check, mode) -> subscr_p
cons_access(want,      spec_vec,  check, mode) -> apply_p
cons_access(want,      spec,      check, mode) -> access_p
        This procedure constructs

            ¤ field access procedures for external structures or Poplog
              records (first form);

            ¤ a single subscriptor procedure for external arrays or
              Poplog vectors (second form);

            ¤ a single apply procedure for external functions (third

            ¤ a single access procedure for an external data type (last

        Which form is  applicable is  determined by  whether the  second
        argument is a list, a pair, a vector, or anything else.

        The mode argument
        This is an integer, the bits of which control the type of access
        as follows:

            Bits    Meaning
            ----    -------
            0 - 7   An integer 0  - 255, specifying  how many levels  of
                    external pointer need  to be  dereferenced to  reach
                    the  data.   A   value   of   0   indicates   Poplog
                    record/vector accessing; a non-zero value  (normally
                    1) indicates external accessing.

            8       If  set,  then  any  access  (external  or   Poplog)
                    producing an external pointer as result will produce
                    a fixed record  every time. See  the description  of
                    the "exptr" field  specifier under Field  Specifiers
                    for Poplog Structures above.

            9       External `address' mode:  If set,  then an  external
                    access returns a pointer to the data rather than the
                    data itself; that is, an access to a structure field
                    or array  element  will  return  a  pointer  to  the
                    component, etc. (This bit must be 0 for an  external
                    function call.)

            10      Like  bit  8,  but  only  applies  to  accesses  for
                    external compound  fields,  i.e.  fields  which  are
                    structures or  arrays  (where the  access  procedure
                    result is always an  external pointer for the  field

        For Poplog record/vector accessing,  the mode argument may  also
        be false -- this is the same as 0.

        The check argument
        A boolean  specifying  in the  external  case only  whether  the
        procedure(s) constructed  should  be fast  (false)  or  checking
        (true); in the  latter case, all  procedure(s) will check  their
        pointer argument  to  be  an  external  pointer-class  record, a
        subscriptor procedure  will  check its  array  subscript,  and a
        variadic function  call  procedure  will  check  its  number  of
        arguments. (In the  Poplog case  this argument  is ignored,  all
        procedure(s) being non-checking.)

        First Form (Field Access Procedures)
        For field  access  procedures,  spec_list is  a  list  of  field
        specifiers, allowable specifiers for Poplog records being as for
        conskey (i.e.  as described  above  under Field  Specifiers  for
        Poplog Structures).  For  external  structures,  all  these  are
        allowed plus those described in Additional Field Specifiers  for
        External Data below.  In the external  case, the structure  MUST
        also 'start at the pointer', that is, begin with the dummy field
        spec ">->".

        The want_list argument is  a list of  want values (as  described
        above), one  for for  each field  in the  structure/record;  the
        result p_vec is then a vector  of the same length as  want_list,
        containing either a procedure or false in each element.

        Second Form (Subscriptor Procedure)
        For a subscriptor procedure, spec_pair is a pair of the form

                 conspair(element_spec, N)

        where element_spec is a single  field spec for the element  type
        of the external array or Poplog vector (allowable values in each
        case as  before). The  N  value is  just  ignored for  a  Poplog
        vector, but for  external, N  is either  an integer  >= 0  for a
        sized array (of  N elements), or  false for an  unsized one.  As
        with vectors,  the  first  element  of  an  external  array  has
        subscript 1; thus  in the unsized  case, a checking  subscriptor
        procedure just checks its subscript >= 1, but in the sized  case
        <= N as well.

        The result subscr_p  is then a  subscriptor procedure or  false,
        depending on the want argument (as described above).

        Third Form (External Apply  Procedure)
        For  an  external  function   apply  procedure,  spec_vec   is a
        2-element full vector of the form

                 consvector(N, result_spec, 2)

        where (for a class of external functions with the same arguments
        and result), N specifies the number of arguments and result_spec
        the result type. (In this case, bits 0 - 7 of the mode  argument
        must be 1, and `address mode' must be clear.)

        N is either an integer  >= 0 for a  function of N arguments,  or
        false  for  a  variadic  function.  If  exptr  is  an   external
        pointer-class record  for the  external function,  then  apply_p
        will have the form

                apply_p(arg1, ..., argN, exptr)

        for fixed N, and

                apply_p(arg1, ..., argN, N, exptr)

        for the  variadic case  (i.e. the  number of  arguments must  be
        supplied as an additional last argument).

        See REF * EXTERNAL  for  a  description  of  how  arguments  are
        processed when passed to external functions. From Version 14.2+,
        the first element of spec_vec may also be a pair of the form

                conspair(N, fltsingle)

        where N is as  above, and fltsingle is  a (big)integer in  which
        bit B controls  whether a (d)decimal  supplied for the  (B+1)-th
        argument is passed  as a  machine single  float (bit  = 1)  or a
        double float (bit = 0). If spec_vec(1) is not a pair,  fltsingle
        defaults to 0.

        result_spec may be  any non-compound type  (i.e. structures  and
        arrays are excluded), or  "void" or false  if the function  does
        not return a result.

        The  result  apply_p  is  then  an  apply  procedure  or  false,
        depending on the want argument (as described above).

        Last Form (Type Access Procedure)
        For a single access procedure for an external data type, spec is
        the specifier for the type, and  the result access_p is then  an
        access procedure for that type  or false, depending on the  want
        argument (as described above).

8  Fields in External Structures

As with Poplog records, an external structure is specified by a list  of
field specifiers; this may occur either as the direct spec_list argument
to cons_access, or as a structure field in an outer structure or  array,
etc. In either  case, the structure  must `start at  the pointer',  i.e.
begin with the dummy field specifier ">->". For example,

        [>-> byte short byte int]

    Fields in an external structure  are allocated (and where  necessary
aligned) in the same way as  described in Notes on Allocation of  Fields
in Records above, but starting at 0 offset (as indicated by ">->").  The
overall size of a structure is  then obtained by rounding the  finishing
offset to a multiple of the structure's alignment, that is, the greatest
alignment required by any of its fields. (This rounding ensures that the
correct alignment will be maintained throughout an array of structures.)
A structure can also be unsized, i.e. have as its last field an  unsized
array (or other unsized structure).

    To allow alternate  versions of structures  (i.e. like C  `unions'),
the dummy field  specifier "|"  may appear  anywhere in  the list.  This
resets the process of field allocation `back to the beginning', and must
always be followed by  another ">->" to re-establish  0 offset from  the
pointer, e.g.

        [>-> byte short byte int | >-> dfloat int]

Thus the different alternatives overlay each other, and the size of  the
structure  is  determined  by  the  greatest  finishing  offset  of  any
alternative. (if any alternative is unsized, then the whole structure is
too). Similarily, the structure's alignment is the greatest required  by
any alternative.

9  Additional Field Specifiers for External Data

This section lists  the additional  field type  specifiers for  external
data, i.e. that can appear in the spec_list, element_spec,  result_spec,
or spec  argument  to  cons_access  with  mode  argument  specifying  an
external access.

    All  specifiers  described   under  Field   Specifiers  for   Poplog
Structures are  allowed  as  well,  of  course.  However,  there  is  an
important point regarding "full" fields in external data: these must  be
used with EXTREME caution. Unlike a record or vector class (which  has a
key  structure  describing  itself,   used  by  garbage  collection   in
determining the position  of "full" fields  containing Poplog  structure
pointers), external pointers contain no  description of what they  point
to. Thus a "full" field in  an external data structure is NOT  processed
by the garbage collector, and the assignment of a Poplog structure  into
such a field may result in it containing junk after a garbage collection
-- this will certainly be the case if the structure is not fixed-address
(see   Fixed-Address   Poplog   Structures    for   External   Use    in
REF * EXTERNAL_DATA). In an  attempt to  guard against  this, an  access
procedure for  such  a field  mishaps  if  its value  does  not  satisfy
is_poplog_item (which is by no means guaranteed to pick up all errors).

Array Field
    As  with  the  outer  spec_pair argument  to cons_access,  an  array
    field is specified by a pair of the form

        conspair(element_spec, N)

    where element_spec gives  the element type  of the array,  and N  is
    either an integer >= 0 for a  sized array (of N elements), or  false
    for an unsized one.

    Note that only the base field type of element_spec is relevant (that
    is, any implicit access or conversion procedures are stripped  off);
    moreover, the base field type must be sized (i.e. it must not be  an
    unsized array, or a structure ending with one, etc). The field  as a
    whole then has size <base type size> *  N if N is an integer, or  is
    unsized if N is false .

    Within a structure, an array field  will be aligned so as to  accord
    with the  alignment (if  any) necessary  for its  element type  (see
    Notes on  Allocation of  Fields  in Records  above). (Note  that  an
    unsized array can only appear as  the LAST field in a structure,  in
    which case that structure itself is unsized.)

    On accessing an array field, its value is an external pointer record
    pointing to the first element (which record is newly-constructed  or
    fixed in the same way as for  an "exptr" field, qv). An array  field
    cannot  be  updated  (thus   an  access  procedure  constructed   by
    cons_access for a field of this type never has an updater).

Structure Field
    A structure field is  specified by a list  of field type  specifiers
    as described in Fields in External Structures above.

    Within an (outer) structure or array, the size of a structure  field
    is that (sub-) structure's  size, and its  alignment is that  (sub-)
    structure's alignment. (An unsized  structure field can only  appear
    as the last  field in an  outer structure, in  which case the  outer
    structure is itself unsized.)

    On accessing a  structure field,  its value is  an external  pointer
    record pointing to the start  of the sub-structure (which record  is
    newly-constructed or fixed in the same way as for an "exptr"  field,
    qv). A structure field cannot  be updated (thus an access  procedure
    constructed by cons_access for a field  of this type never has  an

External Function
    As with  the outer  spec_vec argument  to cons_access,  an  external
    function (or more  properly, a  set of possible  functions with  the
    same number of arguments  and same result  type), is specified  by a
    full vector of the form

        consvector(N, result_spec, 2)


        consvector(conspair(N, fltsingle), result_spec, 2)

    Here N is the number of arguments, or false for a variadic  function
    (i.e. where the  number of  arguments is supplied  as an  additional
    last argument).

    fltsingle (defaulting to 0 in the  first form) is a (big)integer  in
    which bit B controls whether a (d)decimal supplied for the  (B+1)-th
    argument is actually passed as a single float (bit = 1) or a  double
    float (bit = 0).

    result_spec is  the result  type: it  may be  any non-compound  type
    (i.e. structures and arrays are excluded), or "void" or false for no

    Note that IN THIS  CONTEXT ONLY (i.e. as  a result_spec), the  field
    specifier "float"  behaves differently  from "sfloat".  Whereas  the
    latter assumes the  result is always  a single-float datum,  "float"
    assumes a  result as  returned by  a "float"  function in  C.  (This
    distinction is necessary  because on  some systems,  e.g. Suns,  a C
    "float" result  is actually  returned as  a double.  When  calling C
    functions, always use "float" rather than "sfloat".)

    Aside from the outer argument  to cons_access, an external  function
    can only appear as the spec in an implicit type access as  described
    below (that is, always specifying a POINTER to a function, never  an
    actual function).

Implicit Access Procedure on Pointer Field
    This specifies a  pointer field with  an automatic access  procedure
    built on top of it. The specifier itself is a closure of the form

        acc_p(% sub_spec, false %)

    where acc_p  is  the access  procedure,  and sub_spec  is  the  type
    specifier for the underlying field (the false frozval  distinguishes
    an implicit access procedure from a conversion procedure).

    The type specifier sub_spec must be something producing an  external
    pointer, i.e.  an "exptr"  field,  a structure  or array  field,  or
    another implicit access producing a pointer. (Note that it cannot be
    an "exval" field.)

    On accessing the field, its output value is

        acc_p( <underlying field pointer> ) -> <value>

    that is,  whatever  results  from  applying  acc_p  to  the  pointer
    produced from the underlying field. The field is updateable ONLY  if
    acc_p possesses an updater;  in this case, the  field is updated  by
    applying the updater  of acc_p to  the input value  and the  pointer
    from the underlying field, i.e.

        <value> -> acc_p( <underlying field pointer> )

    (If acc_p has  no updater  then an access  procedure constructed  by
    cons_access for the field will not have one either).

Implicit Type Access on Pointer Field
    A  special   kind  of   implicit  access   'procedure'  allows   the
    access/update code for  any type to  be generated directly  (without
    the overhead of having it as a separate procedure call). When  acc_p
    is a closure of the form

        identfn(% ":", spec %)

    (that is, the field specifier as a whole consists of

        identfn(% ":", spec %)(% sub_spec, false %)

    ), it  specifies an  implicit (or  'indirect') access  for the  type
    given by  spec  (which can  be  anything). In  this  case,  however,
    sub_spec can  be only  an  "exptr" field  or another  implicit  type
    access leading to  an "exptr" field  value (that is,  a type  access
    cannot be applied to anything producing a structure or array, or the
    output of an ordinary access procedure).

    The value of the  field is then whatever  results from an access  of
    the type spec through the  pointer produced by the underlying  field
    sub_spec, i.e. (treating the access code for spec as a 'procedure')

        <access code for spec>( <underlying field pointer> ) -> <value>

    Similarily, assigning to the field updates the type spec through the
    pointer from the underlying field

        <value> -> <access code for spec>( <underlying field pointer> )

    (thus the field is updateable if and only if type spec is, etc).

    Note, however, that a  special case arises when  spec is a  compound
    type (i.e. array, structure  or function). Since  in these cases  an
    access for spec  gives the address  of the field,  this is just  the
    same as returning the underlying field pointer (i.e. the access code
    for spec does nothing, and the value is the same as sub_spec alone).
    The whole field specifier  is therefore treated as  if it WERE  just
    sub_spec, i.e. spec is simply taken to be typing information on  the
    external pointer field given by sub_spec, and is otherwise  ignored.
    Consequently, a field  of this  type is updateable  (where a  direct
    compound type in a structure or array would not be), since  updating
    the address  of the  object is  the same  as updating  the  external
    pointer field sub_spec.

Pointer Value as Data
    This specifier enables the pointer  value of an external pointer  to
    be accessed as data in its own right. It consists of a reference  of
    the form


    where data_spec  is  restricted  to  being  a  packed  integer  spec
    ("word", "int", etc), "sfloat" or "full".

    This  specifier  may   only  appear  as   the  direct  argument   to
    cons_access, or as the spec of  an implicit type access; its  effect
    is to `back off' by one level of pointer, and then access or  update
    through a pointer to the pointer value according to data_spec. (Note
    that specifying a type smaller than  a pointer is taken to mean  the
    low-order   part   of   the   value,   e.g.   "byte"   returns   the
    least-significant byte of the pointer value.)

10  Miscellaneous

field_spec_info(spec) -> (value_spec, bitsize)               [procedure]
        Given  any  field  type  specifier  spec  (EXCEPT  an   external
        function, i.e. a  vector), returns  the number  of bits  bitsize
        occupied by the field; this is false for an unsized structure or
        array. The value_spec result indicates what the field value will
        be when accessed.

        If spec contains any  implicit access or conversion  procedures,
        then value_spec is false (since the system can't determine  what
        the field will produce).

        If spec is  for a compound  type (i.e. structure  list or  array
        pair) then value_spec = spec (which means "exptr" as far as  the
        field value is  concerned, but  spec is  returned to  indicate a
        non-updateable pointer).

        Otherwise, value_spec is as follows:

            value_spec    Meaning
            ----------    -------
            "full"        Any Poplog item
            N             Unsigned integer 0 <= I < 2**
            -N            Signed integer -2**(N-1) <= I < 2**(N-1)
            "decimal"     Decimal
            "ddecimal"    Ddecimal (or decimal, see * popdprecision)
            "exptr"       External pointer
            "exval"       External pointer or value

        Note in particular  that the value_spec  returned for "pint"  is
        -(number of bits in a simple integer).

key_key -> key                                                [constant]
        The constant key structure for key structures themselves.

+-+ C.all/ref/keys
+-+ Copyright University of Sussex 1995. All rights reserved. Logo