REF ASYNC                                           Roger Evans Dec 1987
                                            Revised John Gibson Sep 1996

     COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1996. All Rights Reserved.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<     ASYNCHRONOUS TRAPS      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<        AND SIGNALS          >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This REF  file describes  asynchronous trap  procedures and  signals  in

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Introduction

  2   Asynchronous Trap Procedures
      2.1   ast_p Argument Values
      2.2   ASTP Execution

  3   Signals
      3.1   INCLUDE * SIGDEFS

  4   Processing Asynchronous Traps & Signals

  5   The Signal Table
      5.1   Handlers & Flags
      5.2   The Initial Signal Table
            ... Table (1) - Logical Signal Name to Initial Handlers
            ... Table (2) - Logical Signal Name to Signal Number
      5.3   Built-in Signal Handlers
            ... SIG_HUP & SIG_TERM
            ... SIG_INT
            ... SIG_TSTP and SIG_TTIN

  6   Other Signal Operations

  7   Detection of Asynchronous Events

1  Introduction

Various facilities in  Poplog make use  of asynchronous trap  procedures
(ASTPs), that is, procedures which are executed outside the normal  flow
of control. For example, a timer  set going with sys_timer will  execute
its ast_p  argument  when  the timer  expires;  this  execution  happens
asynchronously, i.e.  inside whatever  other  procedures the  system  is
currently executing.

In addition  to trap  procedures associated  with individual  facilities
(sys_timer, sys_fork  and  sys_async_io),  there is  a  second  type  of
asynchronous event: signals. A signal is a global condition (like typing
Ctrl-C to interrupt the system), which has a specific handler  procedure
to be run asynchronously when the signal occurs.

Under certain  conditions, asynchronous  trap procedures  and/or  signal
handlers may  be blocked:  this  means that  instead of  being  executed
immediately, a procedure is queued (on pop_ast_queue) until such time as
the blocking condition is released.

ASTPs and signals can  also be raised  synchronously with the  procedure
sys_raise_ast.  Synchronous  raising  is  basically  equivalent  to   an
ordinary call  of the  handler procedure,  except that  it respects  any
blocking condition  currently in  force,  and so  provides a  model  for
handling events within  a program  which is the  same as  that used  for
asynchronous events.

2  Asynchronous Trap Procedures

An asynchronous event (such as a timer expiring) causes the  asychronous
trap procedure (ASTP) associated with the  event to be raised. (See  the
section Detection  of  Asynchronous Events  below  for more  details  on
asynchronous event detection.)

Alternatively, ASTPs  may be  raised  synchronously with  the  procedure

In all cases, individual ASTPs can have flags associated with them which
specify that the  trap should  be blocked under  certain conditions;  in
addition, global blocking of all traps is possible by assigning false to
the  active  variable  pop_asts_enabled.

If blocked, the trap procedure  is queued (on pop_ast_queue) until  such
time as the blocking condition is released.

Whenever any trap is raised, ASTPs that were previously queued but  have
now become enabled are  executed first. Thus as  far as possible,  ASTPs
are executed  in  the order  in  which  they were  raised.  (After  each
execution of  a  trap  procedure,  queue  processing  resumes  from  the
beginning of the queue,  on the assumption that  the handler might  have
processed the queue in  some way, so the  "current" queue context is  no
longer valid.)

2.1  ast_p Argument Values
In addition to sys_raise_ast for raising a trap procedure synchronously,
the procedures

        * sys_timer
        * sys_fork
        * sys_async_io

all take  an  argument ast_p,  which  is an  ASTP  to be  run  when  the
appropriate event  occurs  (timer  firing, child  process  dying,  input
becoming available on device).

In all cases, this argument may  be either the trap procedure  directly,
or a pair of the form

        conspair(p, flags)

where p is the actual procedure, and the (integer) flags value specifies
blocking (and other) conditions for its execution.

Symbolic  names  for  the  flags  bits  are  defined  in  INCLUDE * AST.
Currently, these are:

                    If set, recursive invocations of the trap  procedure
                    are blocked; it will  be executed only when  outside
                    any calls of itself.

                    If set, the  trap procedure will  not be run  inside
                    callback from  external code;  it will  be  executed
                    only when  the system  is in,  or has  returned  to,

                    (N.B. If  a trap  procedure with  this flag  set  is
                    queued inside the  Poplog X toolkit  wait state,  or
                    inside  a  toolkit   callback,  etc,  an   automatic
                    XptSetXtWakeup is performed.)

                    If set, the  trap procedure will  never be  blocked,
                    even when pop_asts_enabled is  false. (This flag  is
                    HIGHLY DANGEROUS -- avoid using it, or (if you must)
                    do so only with procedures that perform the simplest
                    of operations  (like  assigning  to  a  variable). A
                    procedure using  it must  not create  garbage,  call
                    external procedures,  or  do any  other  complicated

                    If set, any invocations of this trap which have been
                    raised, but are currently  blocked and queued,  will
                    be deleted from the queue  if an error occurs  (i.e.
                    on  a  call  of  mishap  or  setpop).  In  addition,
                    supplying this flag for  sys_timer causes the  timer
                    to be cancelled altogether on an error.

                    If set, the ast_p argument pair is temporary and can
                    be reclaimed when the trap procedure is executed.

                    If set, the trap procedure p is a temporary  closure
                    and can be garbaged (with * sys_grbg_closure)  after
                    execution.   Also   in    this   case,   the    flag
                    ASTP_BLOCK_RECURSIVE  is  taken  to  refer  to   the
                    * pdpart of  the  closure, i.e.  different  closures
                    with the  same pdpart  will not  be run  inside  one

Note that for  an actual procedure  ast_p argument (i.e.  with no  flags
specified), the flags value defaults to just ASTP_BLOCK_RECURSIVE.

2.2  ASTP Execution
Asynchronous  trap  procedures  and  signal  handlers  are  executed  at
arbitrary points inside the running system. Hence they must not

    (1) Leave the user stack in  a changed condition after  execution. A
        mishap will  result  if  the  stack  length  has  changed  after
        executing an ASTP.

    (2) Assume that standard global  variables will have any  particular
        values, if these are likely to be dynamically localised and  set
        to different values by procedures in the main program.

Of particular relevance  to (2)  is the variable  * cucharout. To  allow
ASTPs to print output  safely, this is locally  set to * charout  during
ASTP execution. (Other  variables that affect  printing must be  locally
set by the ASTP itself.)

3  Signals

A signal  is  a global  asynchronous  event  such as  typing  Ctrl-C  to
interrupt the system. Signals are represented by small positive integers
(typically some signal numbers are  reserved by the operating system  to
have special  meanings,  but  the  user may  also  add  new  signals  if

Signals are handled similarily to  asychronous traps, except that  there
is only  one global  handler  procedure for  each signal  (specified  by
sys_signal_handler for the signal number), and blocking actions are more
limited (specified by sys_signal_flag for the signal number).

As with  asynchronous  trap  procedures,  signals  can  also  be  raised
synchronously, by  giving a  signal number  to sys_raise_ast.  Assigning
false to pop_asts_enabled blocks signals as well as ASTPs.

Note that  to  enable Poplog  to  implement more  modular  and  powerful
facilities  itself  (such  as  sys_timer),  certain  Unix  signals   are
commandeered by the system,  and the user handlers  for these are  never
invoked (see the  section on  the initial  signal table  below for  more

INCLUDE * SIGDEFS is a  library defining  iconstant macros  for all  the
operating system signals available  on the system  you are running.  The
constant names consist  of SIG_  followed by the  signal name  (SIG_INT,
SIG_ALRM, etc). If  the signal is  not defined on  your system,  SIGDEFS
will not define a macro for it. Thus to achieve a degree of portability,
you can do, for example:

        myhandler -> sys_signal_handler(SIG_USR1);


4  Processing Asynchronous Traps & Signals

pop_asts_enabled -> bool                               [active variable]
bool -> pop_asts_enabled
        This active variable  provides global control  over blocking  of
        asynchronous traps and signals. If false, all ASTPs and  signals
        are blocked, that  is, when  raised they  are added  to the  AST
        queue but  not acted  upon. Setting  this variable  true  allows
        ASTPs and signals in the queue  to be processed, and causes  any
        currently in the queue that  are not individually blocked to  be
        dealt with.

sys_raise_ast(ast_p_or_signum_or_false)                      [procedure]
        This procedure raises an asynchronous trap procedure ast_p or an
        an instance of the signal signum (an integer) and processes  the
        AST queue (if necessary -- see description above) in an  attempt
        to handle it. If  the argument is false,  it just processes  the
        queue without raising a new trap.

        Note that for a signal, if the handler expects an argument (that
        is, its pdnargs is 1), the  signal number is passed as  argument
        to it.

pop_ast_queue -> list                                  [active variable]
list -> pop_ast_queue
        This  variable  returns   a  copy  of   the  current  queue   of
        asynchronous    trap    procedures    and    signals    awaiting
        execution/handling (a list of astp_p values and signal numbers).

        When updated, it makes a copy of the list given (which must  not
        be a dynamic list), and assigns it to be the current queue. (The
        reason for the copying in these operations is to ensure that the
        actual queue is private  to the system,  so it can  successfully
        inhibit the creation of garbage during normal operation.)

        Note  that  assigning  []  to  pop_ast_queue  also  clears   any
        internally-queued asynchronous  events that  have not  yet  been

5  The Signal Table

The key data  structures of the  signal mechanism is  the signal  table,
which contains the information needed to handle each signal. The  signal
table actually consists of two  structures: a vector of signal  handlers
(one for each signal), and  a corresponding vector of flags  controlling
whether the signal is enabled for handling or not.

5.1  Handlers & Flags

sys_max_signal -> int                                  [active variable]
int -> sys_max_signal
        This variable returns the  largest signal currently defined  (an
        integer). Initially, this value is set to the number of  signals
        defined by the  operating system  (which varies  from system  to
        system), and  it is  not permitted  to set  it lower  than  this
        value. It  can,  however,  be increased,  thereby  creating  new
        signals, but such signals can only be raised synchronously.

sys_signal_flag(signum) -> flag                              [procedure]
flag -> sys_signal_flag(signum)
sys_signal_flag(sig_vec) -> flag
flag -> sys_signal_flag(sig_vec)
        Returns/updates the status value(s) associated with the
        specified signal signum, or with those given by the vector of
        signals sig_vec.

        For a single signum, legitimate values for flag are:

            Handling is  blocked --  the  signal will  be added  to  the
            signal queue but not acted upon. (Setting the flag to a true
            value again will  automatically cause queued  signals to  be

        {signum1, ... signumN}  (i.e. a vector of signals)
            Handling is enabled, with handling of all the signals  given
            in the vector  blocked while  the handler  is running,  i.e.
            sys_signal_flag is set false for  each signal in the  vector
            before running  the  handler, and  restored  afterwards  (at
            which point, any queued signals resulting from the  blocking
            will be actioned).

        true  (the default for most signals)
            This is  equivalent to  {signum}, i.e.  a vector  containing
            just signum itself  -- thus  while the  handler is  running,
            only signum itself is blocked. This value is the default, on
            the basis that most handlers will not want to be re-entrant,
            i.e. invoked again while already running (typically  because
            of problems with global data structures, etc). A handler can
            be made re-entrant by using {}, i.e. an empty vector.

        When a set of signals sig_vec is given, the flag value  returned
        depends on whether all signals  in sig_vec have the same  value.
        If so, then that value is returned, but otherwise the result  is
        a list of values, one for  each signal in sig_vec. Similarly  on
        updating, either a single flag value for all signals in  sig_vec
        can be given, or a list of different values for each signal.

        Note that  since the  signal  raising mechanism  changes  signal
        flags locally  while running  a handler,  any changes  to  those
        flags made by the handler procedure will be lost.

sys_signal_handler(signum) -> handler                        [procedure]
handler -> sys_signal_handler(signum)
        This  procedure  returns/updates  the  signal  handler  for  the
        specified  signal   (a  positive   integer  not   greater   than
        sys_max_signal). Legitimate values for handler are:

        A procedure
            which is  called  to handle  the  signal. If  the  procedure
            expects an  argument (that  is,  its pdnargs  is 1),  it  is
            passed the signal number.

        A procedure identifier
            whose idval is used  as the handler.  The syntax word  ident
            (see REF * IDENT)  can  be  used to  access  the  identifier
            associated with a variable, with the effect that the handler
            will be the current  value of that  variable. Note that  the
            variable must  be declared  as  a procedure  variable.  Once
            again, if the handler expects an argument, it is passed  the
            signal number.

        true or false
            for operating-system-defined signals in Unix systems,  these
            values cause  the  signal  handling to  be  set  to  SIG_DFL
            (default behaviour) and SIG_IGN (ignore signal) respectively
            (see UNIX * signal  etc).  The Poplog  signal  mechanism  is
            bypassed completely for asynchronous raises, which result in
            default/ignore  behaviour   outside  Poplog   control.   For
            synchronous raises of these signals, and all raises of other
            signals (ALL signals in  non-Unix systems), a boolean  value
            is equivalent to  assigning identfn as  the handler, ie  the
            signal is effectively ignored.

5.2  The Initial Signal Table
When Poplog first starts up, the signal table is initialised with values
for the  signals which  can be  raised asynchronously  by the  operating
system. (Users can extend the table to include new synchronous  signals,
of course.) Exactly which signals these are varies from operating system
to operating system.  The enable  flag for all  signals is  set to  true
initially. Table  (1) below  defines the  initial handlers  for  logical
signal names (not  all signals  are available in  all systems  however),
table (2) defines the mapping of signal names to signal numbers for  the
different operating systems:

...  Table (1) - Logical Signal Name to Initial Handlers

   Signal      Initial Handler
   ------      ---------------
   HUP         Exit, writing files, etc.
   INT         ident keyboard_interrupt
   QUIT        mishap - see note 1
   ILL         mishap - see note 3
   TRAP        mishap
   IOT         mishap
   EMT         mishap - see note 3
   FPE         mishap - see note 2
   KILL        mishap - see note 6
   BUS         mishap - see note 3
   SEGV        mishap - see note 3
   SYS         mishap
   PIPE        false - see note 9
   ALRM        See note 4
   TERM        Exit, writing files, etc.
   USR1        mishap
   USR2        mishap
   CHLD        true (i.e., ignored) - see note 7, 9
   PWR         mishap
   WINCH       false - see note 9
   URG         mishap
   IO          See note 5
   POLL        mishap
   STOP        mishap - see note 6
   TSTP        Reset terminal state, move cursor to bottom of screen,
   CONT        false - see note 9
   TTIN        Move cursor to bottom of screen, stop
   TTOU        true (i.e., stop) - see note 8, 9
   VTALRM      See note 4
   PROF        mishap
   XCPU        mishap
   XFSZ        false - see note 9
   LOST        mishap

NOTES: Although handlers are provided  for all the system signals,  some
signals are trapped by low level system routines. For these signals, the
handler in  the table  is not  always invoked  if the  signal is  raised
asynchronously. Instead, the following actions are taken:

    1)  When an asynchronous QUIT is  received, Poplog waits one  second
        and then executes setpop. If during  this wait a second QUIT  is
        received,  Poplog  exits  immediately  (without  tidying).  This
        mechanism allows Poplog  to be interrupted  cleanly at ANY  TIME
        during its execution - regardless of the settings of the various
        control flags.

    2)  When an  asynchronous  FPE  signal is  received,  Poplog  checks
        system dependent error codes to determine exactly what has  gone
        wrong. FPE  signals  can result  in  any one  of  (a)  immediate
        handling, if  Poplog  can  recover  from  the  error,  (b)  user
        handling (default - mishap), if  Poplog cannot recover from  the
        error, (c) "SYSTEM  ERROR" mishap if  the error is  recoverable,
        but the data  required for recovery  is not present  (eg if  the
        error occurs in externally loaded code).

    3)  When an asynchronous EMT, ILL,  BUS or SEGV signal is  received,
        Poplog interprets it as a system error condition which cannot be
        handled by user routines.  Instead, Poplog always mishaps,  with
        SYSTEM STRUCTURE" for  BUS, and "STACK  EMPTY" for SEGV.  (Note:
        this also explains why these mishaps sometimes occur during  the
        execution of incorrect externally loaded routines.).

    4)  Poplog reserves the asynchronous ALRM and VTALRM signals for the
        management  of  interval  timers  installed  by  sys_timer  (see
        REF * TIMES).

    5)  Poplog reserves the asynchronous IO signal for the management of
        asynchronous input on devices (see REF * SYSIO).

    6)  The KILL and  STOP signals  cannot be handled ---  Poplog  exits
        (KILL) or suspends  (STOP) without any  further action if  these
        signals are received asynchronously.

    7)  Poplog reserves the asynchronous CHLD signal for the  management
        of child  processes  created  by  sys_fork  and  sys_vfork  (see
        REF * SYSUTIL).

    8)  The default  action for  TTOU is  to stop  immediately. In  this
        case, unlike TTIN and TSTP, Poplog does no tidying or  restoring
        of the screen before or after the stop.

    9)  Signals whose handler value is  boolean are ignored when  raised

...  Table (2) - Logical Signal Name to Signal Number

   Signal        SVR4        IRIX       HP-UX      Ultrix         VMS
   ------        ----        ----       -----      ------         ---
   HUP             1           1           1           1
   INT             2           2           2           2           1
   QUIT            3           3           3           3
   ILL             4           4           4           4
   TRAP            5           5           5           5
   IOT             6           6           6           6
   EMT             7           7           7           7
   FPE             8           8           8           8
   KILL            9           9           9           9
   BUS            10          10          10          10
   SEGV           11          11          11          11
   SYS            12          12          12          12
   PIPE           13          13          13          13
   ALRM           14          14          14          14           2
   TERM           15          15          15          15
   USR1           16          16          16          30
   USR2           17          17          17          31
   CHLD           18          18          18          20           3
   PWR            19          19          19
   WINCH          20          25          23          28
   URG            21          24          29          16
   IO             22          23          22          23           4
   POLL           22          22
   STOP           23          20          24          17
   TSTP           24          21          25          18
   CONT           25          28          26          19
   TTIN           26          29          27          21
   TTOU           27          30          28          22
   VTALRM         28          26          20          26
   PROF           29          27          21          27
   XCPU           30          31                      24
   XFSZ           31          32                      25
   LOST                                   30          29

5.3  Built-in Signal Handlers
As well as the signals discussed above which are handled at a low  level
by Poplog,  some  of the  other  signals have  built-in  handlers  which
perform useful functions, briefly described in table (1). The  functions
are discussed in more detail in this section. Note, however, that  these
handlers can be overridden and so are not guaranteed. Note also that not
all the  signals  discussed  here  are  available  on  all  systems,  in
particular, only INT and  ALRM are available on  VMS systems (see  table

When HUP or TERM is received,  Poplog exits "cleanly". That is it  calls
sysexit, which  calls  popexit, writes  Ved  files etc.  However  before
exiting, it sets pop_exit_ok false, and this inhibits generation of  any
terminal IO (see entry on pop_exit_ok in REF * SYSTEM). It also disables
any further signals. Note:  the earlier behaviour  of HUP (exit  without
any  tidying)  can  be  recovered  by  assigning  the  system  procedure
fast_sysexit as handler.

...  SIG_INT
When  INT   is  received,   Poplog   invokes  the   variable   procedure
keyboard_interrupt, which  by  default  calls  the  procedure  interrupt
(whose default value in  turn is setpop).  INT is sent  (asynchronously)
when the  user  types  the  interrupt sequence  (often  Ctrl-C)  on  the

keyboard_interrupt()                                [procedure variable]
        The procedure  in  this  variable is  called  asynchronously  in
        response to a  SIG_INT signal  -- which is  usually produced  by
        Ctrl-C typed on the keyboard.

        The default value is a procedure which just calls interrupt().

interrupt()                                         [procedure variable]
        The procedure in this variable  is called by the standard  value
        of keyboard_interrupt.

        interrupt is also called by mishap after it has printed a mishap
        message and before  it calls setpop  (thus redefining  interrupt
        can be  used to  alter the  action taken  after mishaps  --  see
        REF * MISHAPS).

        The default value of this variable is setpop.

When TSTP  or TTIN  is received,  Poplog suspends  after performing  the
following tidying  up  operations: First  it  invokes a  user  procedure
popsuspend discussed below.  Then it  saves the current  Ved state,  and
moves the cursor to the bottom of the screen Then if the signal is  TSTP
it restores the terminal to the state  it was in when Poplog started  up
(or last  resumed  after a  suspension).  Then it  suspends  itself,  by
setting the the  signal handler to  the Unix default  and resending  the

When Poplog is restarted, it undoes the tidying done by the suspend:  it
saves the current  state of  the terminal (to  be restored  on the  next
suspend, or exit) and resets it to what Poplog expects.

It then  restarts Ved,  if  it was  active  when Poplog  suspended.  For
non-windowed Ved, the  variable vedstop_refresh_both is  used to  decide
how to do this: if false (the  default), only the last window edited  is
redisplayed, if true both windows (if appropriate) are redisplayed.

Finally it runs popsuspend again (defined below).

popsuspend(s)                                       [procedure variable]
        The procedure  popsuspend  provides  a  way  of  attaching  user
        actions to suspending and continuing without having to  redefine
        the handlers themselves. It  takes one argument identifying  the
        context of use as follows:

        positive integer s:
            about to suspend in response to signal s

        negative integer s:
            continuing after suspension due to signal s

        The default value of popsuspend is erase.

There are a number of known problems with these stop handlers.  Firstly,
the STOP signal  cannot be handled  and so cannot  be brought into  this
scheme. It is recommended therefore that TSTP is used to suspend  Poplog
rather than STOP. Indeed TSTP is the signal sent when the user types the
suspend sequence (usually ctrl Z, ctrl  Y or ctrl \) from the  terminal.
It is also the signal raised  (synchronously) by the stop macro and  the
Ved <ENTER>  stop  command  (see HELP * STOP).

Finally note that Poplog gets sent a CONT signal when it restarts  after
a suspension, which is ignored by default.

6  Other Signal Operations

sys_send_signal(pid, signum) -> bool     (unix only)         [procedure]
        Sends the  signal number  signum to  the process  whose  Process
        IDentification number  is the  integer  pid, returning  true  if
        successful. false is returned if the specified process does  not
        exist, or you do not have  the privilege to send that signal  to

        If pid refers to a  Poplog process, this causes an  asynchronous
        raise of signal signum in that process.

syskill(pid) -> bool                                         [procedure]
        In Unix, this is the same as sys_send_signal(pid, 9), i.e.  send
        a "kill" signal to the process specified by pid.

        In VMS,  it  attempts to  kill  the VMS  process  whose  Process
        IDentification number  is the  integer  pid, returning  true  if

sys_reset_signal()    (unix only)                            [procedure]
        Restores Poplog's  low-level  signal  handling  routines  to  be
        consistent    with    the    signal    table.    Signals    with
        procedure/identifier handlers are set to the Poplog standard low
        level handler,  those with  boolean-valued handlers  are set  to
        SIG_DFL/SIG_IGN for  true/false respectively.  This should  only
        need to be used to tidy up after an external routine has altered
        the signal-handling.

7  Detection of Asynchronous Events

Asynchronous traps  and signals  can  occur at  any time  during  Poplog
processing. However,  Poplog cannot  immediately  interrupt what  it  is
currently doing to handle the event, because there is no guarantee  that
the system is in  an appropriate state for  running a user procedure  at
the moment the event occurs (for example, Poplog may be in the middle of
a  garbage  collection).   Thus  Poplog's  immediate   response  to   an
asynchronous event is to record which event has occurred (on an internal
low-level queue), set  a flag indicating  that asynchronous handling  is
required, and then  return to whatever  processing it was  doing at  the
time the event arrived.

    In order for such events to  actually be handled, Poplog must  check
(during normal processing) whether the flag  has been set. It does  this
frequently, but  only  at times  when  it is  safe  to run  the  handler
procedure. If it finds  the flag has been  set, it retrieves the  event,
finds the appropriate ASTP or  signal number, then does a  (synchronous)
raise of that (as if with sys_raise_ast). From that point on, it behaves
exactly as if the user program had raised the ASTP or signal.

    So that this approach can work satisfactorily, Poplog must check for
asynchronous events frequently. Checks are automatically carried out  at
the beginning  of each  user procedure,  and whenever  control  branches
backwards, in  particular, inside  every loop  construct. (But  see  the
compile_mode:vm flags -pentch  and -bjmpch  in HELP * compile_mode.)  In
addition, certain system procedures also check for asynchronous  events.
All of this  ensures that  in normal  operation, ASTPs  and signals  are
handled promptly.

    Nevertheless, there can be situations  where checking does not  take
place for several seconds (the main one being garbage collections). This
can cause Poplog's low-level queue to accumulate a number of events, all
of which will  be handled  at the next  check; however,  the queue  only
allows space for 64 events, and  if more than this arrive without  being
handled, only the last 64 will be processed.

The following  active variable  allows users  to block  the checking  of
asynchronous events. The only possible use for this is in an application
which must not under circumstances perform a garbage collection; in  all
other contexts, assign false to  pop_asts_enabled (so that at least  the
contents of  the  low-level  queue  are  constantly  being  drained  and
transferred to the higher-level pop_ast_queue):

pop_enable_interrupts -> bool                          [active variable]
bool -> pop_enable_interrupts
        This variable  provides global  control  over the  disabling  of
        asynchronous events. While false, asynchronous events are  added
        to an  internal  low-level  queue, and  not  raised  until  this
        variable becomes true  again (but synchronous  raising is  still

        The only exceptions to this are certain signals that are trapped
        by the low level routines:  in particular in Unix systems,  QUIT
        will    allow    Poplog    to    be    interrupted    even    if
        pop_enable_interrupts is false.

        (Note that internally queued asynchronous signals can be cleared
        by assigning [] to pop_ast_queue.)

+-+ C.all/ref/async
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