REF DEFSTRUCT                                       John Gibson Aug 1992

        COPYRIGHT University of Sussex 1992. All Rights Reserved.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  POP-11 SYNTAX FOR DEFINING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   AND ACCESSING STRUCTURES  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                             >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The file REF * KEYS  describes the procedures  conskey and  cons_access,
which allow  the  construction  of new  user-defined  record  or  vector
classes and/or  procedures to  access the  data within  them. This  file
describes the associated Pop-11 syntax interface to the same  facilities
(which in normal programming contexts allows  them to be used in a  more
convenient way). Information  is given  on defclass  which provides  for
making new Poplog record and vector classes and the procedures to access
their fields. Details  are also given  of defining externally  accessing

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Introduction

  2   Basic Field-Type Specifications
      2.1   N.B.

  3   Defining New Record/Vector Classes
      3.1   Examples
      3.2   Note on Recompiling Record and Vectors

  4   Declaring New Field Types
      4.1   Examples

  5   Field Value Conversion Procedures

  6   External Data Accessing: Overview
      6.1   Another  N.B.

  7   External Compound Types
      7.1   Structures
      7.2   Overlaid Fields in Structures
      7.3   Arrays
      7.4   Functions

  8   Defining External Access Procedures
      8.1   Example

  9   Implicit Access Procedures in External Type Specs

 10   Implicit Type Access and Typing on External Pointers
      10.1  Pointer Typing

 11   In-Line Code for External Access
      11.1  Examples

 12   Address Mode Accessing

 13   Updating External Data: Non-Writeable Types
      13.1  General Points
      13.2  Using "!"
      13.3  Compound Types

 14   Pointer Values as Data

 15   External Structure Fields in Records

 16   Summary of typespec Syntax

 17   Notes on Efficiency

 18   Miscellaneous

1  Introduction

The construct defclass provides for making new Poplog record and  vector
classes and procedures for accessing their fields.

    For external data,  i.e. that referenced  by external pointer  class
records, access code can either be generated in-line with the  construct
exacc, or produced  as procedures with  defexacc (this includes  calling
external functions, which is a special kind of data access).

    These constructs require data types  to be specified for the  fields
within the structures being  defined (i.e. whether  a field can  contain
any  Poplog  item,   a  packed   integer  field  of   a  given   size, a
floating-point quantity, etc).  While the basic  allowable field  values
are governed by a set of built-in types, 'conversion' procedures can  be
added on  top of  basic types  to enable  field values  to be  converted
automatically in any appropriate way.

    New types including such  procedures can then  be declared with  the
constructs  p_typespec  or  l_typespec  (where  the  different  prefixes
control the scope of the declaration).

2  Basic Field-Type Specifications

Throughout this file, the meta-notation <typespec> is used to indicate a
type specification for a data field. Later sections will elaborate  this
in full,  but for  now we  just  define the  basic forms.  The  simplest
<typespec> is a colon followed by a <basetype>, i.e.

        <typespec> -->  :<basetype>

The values  for <basetype>  are given  below (these  are described  only
informally here;  for  a fuller  description  see Field  Specifiers  for
Poplog Structures in REF * KEYS):

        Type            Field Value
        ----            -----------
        full            Any Poplog item
        word            Signed   integer (natural wordsize of machine)
        uword           Unsigned integer (natural wordsize of machine)
        pint            As "word", but value within Poplog simple int
        long            Signed integer   (as C type 'long')
        ulong           Unsigned integer (as C type 'unsigned long')
        int             Signed   integer (as C type 'int')
        uint            Unsigned integer (as C type 'unsigned int')
        short           Signed integer   (as C type 'short')
        ushort          Unsigned integer (as C type 'unsigned short')
        sbyte           Signed byte
        byte            Unsigned byte
        -N              Signed field of integer N bits
        N               Unsigned field of integer N bits
        dfloat          Double length float-point
        sfloat          Single length floating-point
        float           As "sfloat", except for external function
                            results (see REF * EXTERNAL
        exptr           Pointer to external data (m/c wordsize)
        exval           Any external data value (m/c wordsize)

Thus for example, ':full' specifies a field to contain any Poplog  item,
while ':-17' specifies a signed integer bitfield of 17 bits.

    The next <typespec> form defines the layout of a structure, that  is
an aggregate of (zero or more) fields  in a given order. Each field  has
an identifying name and a individual <typespec> to say what it can hold:
together these two form a <fieldspec>, i.e.

        <fieldspec> --> <fieldname> <typespec>

The syntax for the overall structure <typespec> is then

     <typespec> --> { <fieldspec-1>, <fieldspec-2>, ..., <fieldspec-N> }

that is,  a  comma-separated list  of  <fieldspec>s contained  in  curly
brackets. For example:

        {   person_name     :full,
            person_address  :full,
            person_age      :byte,
            person_sex      :1

specifies a 4-field structure.

    Note that,  for  Poplog  records  and vectors  only  (i.e.  NOT  for
external structures),  a  <typespec> may  also  be empty  to  indicate a
'full' field. Thus

    { person_name, person_address, person_age:byte, person_sex:1 }

is equivalent to the above. The <fieldname> may also be omitted for  any
field: this is generally only  useful for external structures, where  it
prevents the generation of an access procedure for that field.

2.1  N.B.
A structure  may  also  contain  one occurrence  of  the  special  ">->"
fieldname, with no associated <typespec>, e.g.

        { field1, >-> field2:int }

etc. This  is  relevant only  for  a  record class  structure  which  is
required to be  used by  external procedures; the  'pointer' symbol  >->
causes the fields following it to  be allocated starting at zero  offset
from  the  structure  pointer.  See  "Format  of  Data  Structures"   in
REF * DATA and "External Structure Specification" below.

3  Defining New Record/Vector Classes

Two distinct  kinds of  new Poplog  object classes  can be  constructed:
record-class and  vector-class. A  record  is a  structure  containing a
fixed number of distinct and possibly different fields, whereas a vector
consists of a variable number of similar fields. (For example, a pair is
a  record-class,  whereas   standard  full  vectors   and  strings   are
vector-types. The  built-in classes  in the  system also  include  other
types which  do not  fall  into these  categories  and which  cannot  be
user-defined, e.g. keys, procedures, processes, etc.)

defclass                                                        [syntax]
        Used to construct new record and vector classes. It uses conskey
        to create a new key structure  for the class being defined  (see
        REF * KEYS), and then assigns to identifiers both the key itself
        and all the "class_" procedures it contains.

        The construct has the form

           defclass <declaration> <dataword> <attributes> <typespec> ;

        with the following parts:

            Specifies the declaration for the identifiers to receive the
            key and the procedures, and is identical in all respects  to
            the  declaration  in  a  define  header,  including  default
            declarations  when  omitted.  (Except  that  dlocal  is  NOT
            allowed, and if "procedure" identprops are specified  either
            explicitly or by default, this applies only to the procedure
            identifiers, not to the key identifier.)

            The dataword of the new class (i.e. its class name).

            This is optional; if present it is a (square) bracketed list
            of names specifying special  attributes for the class  (e.g.
            [writeable]  ).  Permissible  attributes  are  described  in
            * conskey.

            A <typespec>  as described  above. If  this is  a  structure
            (i.e. {...}  )  it  specifies a  record  class,  otherwise a
            single type specifies a vector class.

The identifiers declared  and initialised correspond  to the  procedures
contained by the key,  some being prefixed/suffixed  by the class  name.
Calling this X, the following identifiers are common to both records and

        X_key           (class key)
        isX             (recogniser procedure)
        consX           (constructor procedure)
        destX           (destructor procedure)

These three are specific to vectors,

        initX           (initialiser procedure)
        subscrX         (subscriptor procedure with updater)
        fast_subscrX    (fast subscriptor procedure with updater)

while  for  records,  each  field  name  in  the  structure  defines  an
identifier of that name containing the field access/update procedure (if
a field name is omitted from the structure definition, no identifier  is
generated, but the procedure is still in the key).

3.1  Examples
To turn the structure  given in the  section above into  a new class  of
Poplog records:

        defclass person
            {   person_name,
                person_age :byte,
                person_sex :1

This defines a record class whose class name is "person", and  instances
of the class will contain the given fields. The identifiers defined are

        isperson, consperson, destperson,
        person_name, person_address, person_age, person_sex

For vectors,

        defclass unsigned :uint;
        defclass lconstant eyefull;

create vector classes  with class  names "unsigned"  and "eyefull",  and
whose element types are  respectively "uint" and  "full" (the latter  by
default for an empty <typespec>). The identifiers defined by the  second

        iseyefull, conseyefull, desteyefull, initeyefull,
        subscreyefull, fast_subscreyefull

and similarily for the first, etc.

3.2  Note on Recompiling Record and Vectors
A potential problem can arise when re-compiling a defclass statement for
which records/vectors of the  class have already  been created (and  are
still in  existence). Since  all  objects are  identified by  their  key
(which is  unique for  a given  class), the  creation of  a NEW  key  on
recompilation would invalidate  all such existing  structures using  the
old key (in the  sense that they  would no longer  be recognised by  the
procedures associated with the new key).

    To obviate  this  problem  (at least  when  <declaration>  specifies
permanent  identifiers),  defclass  operates   as  follows:  If  a   key
identifier (i.e.  X_key)  already exists  for  the class  name  X  being
defined, and contains a key  whose class_field_spec exactly matches  the
<typespec> of  the  current definition  (and  which also  has  the  same
<attributes>), then this key is used instead of creating a new one.  The
rest continues as  normal, i.e.  the identifiers  (including X_key)  are
(re)declared and the key and its procedures assigned to them.

    If you wish to stop  the old key being  used, you can simply  assign
any non-key object to X_key before the defclass statement, e.g.

        undef -> X_key

    For lexical identifiers (e.g. lconstant), the strategy of trying  to
use  an   existing  key   from  X_key   doesn't  work   (because   being
lexically-scoped, the X_key identifier will  have ceased to exist  after
the initial compilation). In this case,  if the problem arises you  will
have to deal with it in some other way.

4  Declaring New Field Types

p_typespec                                                      [syntax]
l_typespec                                                      [syntax]
i_typespec                                                      [syntax]
        These constructs can be used to declare new named field types in
        terms of existing ones.  The three differ only  in the scope  of
        the declaration  being  made  (see  below),  and  are  otherwise
        identical, so x_typespec will be used to represent any of them.

        The format of  an x_typespec statement  is very simple:  letting
        <name-typespec> mean a name followed by a <typespec> (as defined
        elsewhere in this file), i.e.

            <name-typespec> -->  <typename> <typespec>

        it is just

            x_typespec <name-typespec-1>, ..., <name-typespec-N> ;

        that is, a comma-separated  list of <name-typespec>s  terminated
        by a semicolon. The effect of the statement is to associate each
        <typespec> with its given  <typename>; the <typename>s can  then
        occur  anywhere  a  <basetype>  can,  i.e.  the  definition   of
        <typespec> can be extended to include

            <typespec> -->  :<typename>

4.1  Examples
After writing

            an_age  :byte,
            a_bit   :1

we could employ the  new types declared to  rewrite the "person"  record
class example from the last section:

        defclass person
            {   person_name,
                person_age :an_age,
                person_sex :a_bit

    To enable type  declarations to  be scoped  in a  manner similar  to
ordinary program identifiers,  the x_typespec forms  store and  retrieve
the details of  each type  declared from  an identifier  (whose name  is
derived from the typename, e.g. "an_age:typespec"). The declarations  of
these identifiers (and thus the  scope required) may then be  controlled
by using the construct with the appropriate prefix, i.e.

        Construct       Typename Scope
        ---------       --------------
        p_typespec      permanent (identifier declared as constant)
        l_typespec      lexical   (identifier declared as lconstant)

The i_typespec form is for .ph include files, and behaves as  l_typespec
in a #_INCLUDEd  file, but  p_typespec when directly  compiled (this  is
achieved   by   testing   the   variable   used   by   #_INCLUDE,    see

5  Field Value Conversion Procedures

Although defining a new type name for a basetype is useful, it does  not
affect the actual value that can  result from accessing a field of  that
type in a structure (for example, defining the "person_sex" field in the
last section as

        person_sex :a_bit

makes no difference to the  result of applying the person_sex  procedure
to a "person" record, which will still be 0 or 1).

    However, field typespecs also allow for the inclusion of one or more
'conversion' procedures. These are applied successively when accessing a
field, to convert its actual value to some final output form.  Moreover,
since data in  that same form  should also  be input to  the field  when
updating it,  corresponding procedure(s)  are  required to  convert  the
input value back to  the actual value to  be assigned into the  field. A
convenient way of doing this is to require each conversion procedure  to
have an updater which performs the opposite conversion (and the updaters
are run in the opposite order).

The syntax for specifying a conversion procedure is

        <typespec> -->  <typespec> # <identifier name>

where <identifier name>  is the  name of  an identifier  whose value  is
taken as the conversion procedure (N.B. its current, compile-time  value
- the <typespec> cannot  indirect through a  variable at run-time).  The
procedure must also have  an updater (at least,  it must for record  and
vector class fields; for  external fields that are  not assigned to  the
updater may be absent).  A conversion procedure  conv_p and its  updater
are called as

           conv_p(value) -> converted_value
           -> conv_p(converted_value) -> value

(N.B. Inasmuch as the updater is expected to return a result, this  is a
somewhat strange way of using updaters!)

    Applying conversion  procedures to  the  above example,  suppose  we
wanted the  "person_sex"  field  to  produce  "male"  or  "female"  when
accessed  (by  the   field  procedure  person_sex   or  the   destructor
destperson), and to take the same values when updated (by person_sex  or
the constructor consperson). The following procedure would achieve this:

        define lconstant bitval_to_sex(bit);
            lvars bit;
            if bit == 0 then "male" else "female" endif
        define updaterof bitval_to_sex(sex);
            lvars sex;
            if sex == "male" then
            elseif sex == "female" then
                mishap(sex, 1, 'male OR female NEEDED FOR FIELD VALUE')

The procedure could then be specified directly in the definition of  the
'person_sex' field

        person_sex :1#bitval_to_sex

or incorporated into a new type first

        p_typespec sex :1#bitval_to_sex;

and the field defined as

        person_sex :sex


6  External Data Accessing: Overview

'External' data is data maintained  in memory outside the Poplog  system
proper  by  external  procedures,  i.e.  those  written  in   non-Poplog
languages. Such data  is represented  and manipulated  inside Poplog  by
'external pointer-class' structures, which  are ordinary Poplog  records
having an "exptr" field  in a fixed position.  Access code generated  by
exacc, or access procedures defined by defexacc, can then be applied  to
such structures to  extract or  update external data  via their  pointer
fields. (See  REF * EXTERNAL_DATA for  a  full explanation  of  external
pointer-class structures.)

    A special  case of  an external  data structure  is a  function  (or
procedure -- the names mean the  same); here 'accessing' the data  means
calling the function  to produce  its result  (if any).  Thus exacc  and
defexacc can  also be  used to  call functions  pointed to  by  external
pointers. (REF * EXTERNAL  deals in  more detail  with calling  external

    Because external  data structures  (a) do  not have  to be  made  by
Poplog -style constructor procedures, (b) are not relocatable and always
reside in  fixed memory  locations, and  (c) are  not processed  by  the
garbage collector, they allow  a greater range of  field types than  for
native Poplog structures. In  particular, they allow 'compound'  fields,
i.e. fields which are sub-structures or arrays, and for which the access
procedure can  return the  address  of the  field (as  another  external

    Alternatively, such address-value fields (as well as "exptr"  fields
directly containing  an  address)  can include  in  their  specification
automatic access through the address  to the underlying data, either  in
terms   of    further   type-specifications    for   that    data,    or
previously-defined access procedures for it.

6.1  Another  N.B.
While "full" fields  can be used  in external structures,  they must  be
used with EXTREME caution. Unlike a record or vector class (which  has a
key  structure  describing  itself,   used  by  garbage  collection   in
determining the position  of "full" fields  containing Poplog  structure
pointers), external pointers contain no  description of what they  point

Thus a "full"  field in an  external structure is  NOT processed by  the
garbage collector, and the assignment of a Poplog structure into  such a
field may result  in it containing  junk after a  garbage collection  --
this will certainly be  the case if the  structure is not  fixed-address
(see   Fixed-Address   Poplog   Structures    for   External   Use    in
REF * EXTERNAL_DATA). In an  attempt to  guard against  this, an  access
procedure for  such  a field  mishaps  if  its value  does  not  satisfy
is_poplog_item (which is by no means guaranteed to pick up all errors).

7  External Compound Types

7.1  Structures
Note first  that  (to allow  the  material prior  to  this point  to  be
concerned mainly with  defining Poplog structures),  the description  of
the x_typespec constructs above omitted  to stress that structure  types
can be declared, e.g. as in

        p_typespec timeval
                    { tv_sec :long,
                      tv_usec :long

This is of limited  relevance for Poplog  structures because such  types
cannot be specified as elements of record or vectors (although they  can
be 'exploded'  as multiple  fields in  a record  class, see  below).  In
addition, it should be  noted that (as described  under 'Format of  Data
Structures' in  REF * DATA),  a Poplog  structure  has a  2-word  header
BEHIND the structure pointer, and that by default, structures  specified
to defclass will use the spare  word in this header where possible  (and
thus do not necessarily start at the pointer).

While Poplog records that are required to be used externally can include
the `pointer' symbol >-> in their structure spec to force data to  start
at the  pointer,  structures  declared  with  x_typespec  (or  given  to
defexacc) AUTOMATICALLY do so (i.e. they have >-> added before the first

    A structure type as above (or indeed an explicit structure) can thus
appear as a field in an external structure. For example:

        p_typespec rusage
                    { ru_utime :timeval,
                      ru_stime :timeval,
                      ru_maxrss :int,
                      <rest of fields>

As mentioned  above,  a  sub-structure field  such  as  "ru_stime"  is a
`compound' field;  this means  that an  access procedure  for the  field
returns an external pointer  to the start of  the field data (i.e.  when
applied to  an pointer  to an  "rusage" structure).  The result  pointer
could then in  turn be  used with  an access  procedure for  one of  the
'timeval' structure fields, etc.

7.2  Overlaid Fields in Structures
To allow alternate  sets of  fields within a  single external  structure
(like `unions' in C), the symbol "|" may occur anywhere between  fields,

        p_typespec foo
                    { a1_fld1 :int, a1_fld2 :int
                    | a2_fld1 :dfloat
                    | a3_fld1 :short, a3_fld2 :byte

The effect of "|" is simply to reset the offset of the next field to  0,
i.e. back to the pointer position. Thus the fields in each alternate set
will actually  overlay  each  other  in memory  (and  the  size  of  the
structure as a whole is the greatest of any overlay).

Aside from this, "|" has no other effect; each field in the structure is
accessed  just  like  a  field  in  a  structure  without  overlays  (in
particular, "|" does not allow alternatives in the sense of re-using the
same name for different fields, etc).

7.3  Arrays
The second compound type allowed is a sized or unsized array (currently,
only 1-dimensional). Defining <element-typespec> by

        <element-typespec>  -->  :<basetype or typename>
                            -->  { <fieldspec>, ... }

an array is a <element-typespec> followed by square brackets  containing
an integer >= 0 for sized, or nothing for unsized, i.e.

        <typespec> -->  <element-typespec> [ <integer> ]
                   -->  <element-typespec> []

Some examples:

            timeval2    :timeval[2],
            bytearray   :byte[],
            direct  { dir_off    :long,
                      dir_ino    :long,
                      dir_reclen :short,
                      dir_namlen :short,
                      dir_name   :bytearray

As with structures, the access procedure for an array-type field returns
a pointer  to  its  first  element. Thus  when  applied  to  a  "direct"
structure, the field procedure for "dir_name" would return a pointer  to
its first  byte; this  could  then be  used  with a  subscriptor  access
procedure for a byte array.

Note that subscript values within arrays are as for Poplog vectors, i.e.
the  first  element  is  numbered  1.  A  (non-fast)  array  subscriptor
procedure therefore checks its subscript >= 1; if in addition the  array
is sized, the subscript is checked <= size. (For obvious reasons,  there
are various restrictions on the use  of unsized arrays: in a  structure,
an unsized array  type can  only appear as  the last  field, and  such a
structure cannot itself be arrayed, or  appear as anything but the  last
field in an outer structure, etc.)

7.4  Functions
The  final  compound  type  is  an  external  function.  A  function  is
characterised by the number of arguments  it takes, and the type of  its
result (if any). Syntactically, this is specified by

        <typespec> -->  ( <arglist> ) <typespec>
                   -->  ( <arglist> ) :void
                   -->  ( <arglist> )

where <typespec> refers to the result of the function.

The result <typespec> is restricted  to non-compound types (i.e.  cannot
be a structure, array or function, although  it can be a POINTER to  any
of these). It  can also be  given as :void  or omitted altogether  for a
function not returning a result.

Although the result of an  external function is `statically typed',  its
arguments are `dynamically typed'. That is, the actual values passed  to
a function depend solely on the run-time arguments you supply to it, and
(with the  exception  of (d)decimals),  any  particular kind  of  Poplog
object is always passed  in the same way.  Argument processing is  dealt
with  in  detail   in  the   section  Calling   External  Functions   in

Syntactically therefore, all that needs to be specified is:

    ¤   The number of  arguments to the  function if this  is fixed,  or
        alternately,  that  the  function  is  variadic,  i.e.   takes a
        variable number of  arguments. In  the latter  case, the  actual
        number of arguments  to a  given call  of the  function must  be
        supplied as an extra last argument.

    ¤   The treatment of pop decimals or ddecimals when passed for given

<arglist> is thus a comma-separated sequence of zero or more <argspec>s,

        <arglist> -->  <argspec>, <argspec>, ..., <argspec>

where each <argspec> can be either

    ¤   A simple argument name, e.g.

                (x, y, z)

        Except for the name "N" (see below), no significance is attached
        to the names; they merely serve to mark the argument  positions,
        and can be omitted if desired, e.g.

                ( , , )

        has the same effect.

    ¤   An integer, standing for that number of arguments. E.g.

                (x, y, 4, z)        ;;; = 7 arguments altogether

    ¤   The special  argument  name  "...". This  must  come  last,  and
        specifies an  indeterminate number  of further  arguments,  i.e.
        that the function is variadic:

                (x, y, z, ...)

    ¤   Any of  the above  followed by  <SF>. This  indicates that  if a
        (d)decimal is passed  for any  of the  argument(s) in  question,
        then it should be passed as a machine single float rather than a

                (x, y<SF>, ...)
                (x, y, 4<SF>, z)
                (x, y, z, ...<SF>)

        (You can  also use  <DF> to  indicate double,  but this  is  the
        default so is  never required.)  In the  variadic case,  ...<SF>
        applies to all the remaining arguments.

        Note that <SF> is not a 'type' on the argument(s), in the  sense
        of implying type-checking or conversion for other values passed;
        it merely says "if (d)decimals are passed for these argument(s),
        pass  them  as  single".  See  Calling  External  Functions   in
        REF * EXTERNAL for details of when to use <SF>.

(N.B. In previous versions of the  system, the single argument name  "N"
indicated a variadic function, i.e. (N) was used instead of (...). Since
this usage is still supported for backward compatibility, you cannot use
`N` for the name of the first argument.)

Some example declarations (of standard C library functions):

            malloc(nbytes) :exptr,
            atan2(x, y) :dfloat,
            exit(status) :void,            ;;; no result
            printf(string, ...) :int,      ;;; variadic

Note that (unlike structures and arrays), a function spec cannot  appear
as an element of  a structure or an  array; it can only  be used as  the
direct argument  to exacc  or defexacc,  or as  an implicit  type on  an
external pointer field (that is, specifying  a POINTER to a function  --
implicit pointer types are dealt with in a later section).

8  Defining External Access Procedures

External data can  be accessed  (or functions called,  etc) either  with
in-line code generated by the syntax construct exacc, or with procedures
defined by defexacc.  This section describes  defexacc; exacc (which  is
generally more convenient  for calling  functions), is  dealt with  in a
later section.

defexacc                                                        [syntax]
        Used to  construct  new access/update  procedures  for  external
        data. It uses cons_access (see REF * KEYS) to create a procedure
        or procedures appropriate to  the <typespec> argument  supplied,
        and  then  assigns   the  procedure(s)   to  identifiers.   (The
        procedures constructed will accept  as their input argument  any
        external pointer-class structure -- see REF * EXTERNAL_DATA.)

        The construct has the form

            defexacc <declaration> <name> <attributes> <typespec> ;

        with the following parts:

            Specifies the declaration for  the identifier(s) to  receive
            the procedure(s), and  is identical in  all respects to  the
            declaration  in   a   define   header,   including   default
            declarations  when  omitted.  (Except  that  dlocal  is  NOT

            An optional word. If supplied it determines the names of the
            identifier(s) to receive the procedure(s) -- see below.

            This is  optional:  if present,  it  consists of  a  square-
            bracketed  list  of  attribute  names  (words),   optionally
            separated by commas. Valid attributes are

                @       See "Address Mode Accessing" below.
                nc      See "Notes on Efficiency" below
                fast    See "Notes on Efficiency" below

            (For example, [@,nc,fast] .)

            A <typespec> as  described in  elsewhere in  this file.  The
            type of this determines what procedures are constructed.

                Type        Procedure(s)
                ----        ------------
                Structure   Access procedures for named structure fields
                Array       Subscriptor procedure for array elements
                Function    Apply procedure for function
                Other       Access procedure for non-compound type

            The table above shows the mapping.

        Note that  whether  or  not the  constructed  procedure(s)  have
        updaters depends  on whether  <typespec> specifies  a  writeable
        type (see Updating External Data: Non-Writeable Types  below).
        (An apply procedure for a function never has an updater.)

The identifier names declared by -defexacc are determined as follows:

    ¤ For a structure, the field  access procedures are named after  the
      structure fields,  with "<name>_"  prefixing  these if  <name>  is
      supplied (no procedures are generated for unnamed fields).

    ¤ For an array, the subscriptor  procedure is just called <name>  if
      that is supplied.  Otherwise the  <typespec> must be  of the  form
      :<typename>  or  :<typename>[..],  and  the  procedure  is  called

    ¤ For a function, the apply procedure is just called <name> if  that
      is supplied. Otherwise, the procedure is called "exapp<nargs>"  or
      "exapp<nargs>_<typename>",  where   <nargs>  is   the  number   of
      arguments or "N" for a variadic function, and where  "_<typename>"
      is present  if <typespec>  is of  the form  (..):<typename>  (i.e.
      specifying a result of <typename>).

    ¤ For the last case, the access  procedure is just called <name>  if
      that is supplied.  Otherwise the <typespec>  must consist of  just
      :<typename>, and the procedure is called "exacc_<typename>".

In all cases, "fast_" is prefixed to the name(s) if the "fast" attribute
is present but not <name> (i.e. if you supply <name> this is assumed  to
include any prefix you may or may not want).

8.1  Example
With the definition of the "direct" structure as in the section above,

            direct  { dir_off    :long,
                      dir_ino    :long,
                      dir_reclen :short,
                      dir_namlen :short,
                      dir_name   :byte[]

the  following  will  generate   access  procedures  dir_off,   dir_ino,
dir_reclen, dir_namlen and dir_name:

        defexacc :direct;

In this structure  (which is a  SunOS Unix directory  entry), the  field
"dir_namelen" gives the length in  bytes of the "dir_name" field.  Since
the latter is an array, the  procedure dir_name will return an  external
pointer to the field, the bytes  of which could then be accessed  with a
byte subscriptor procedure exsub_byte:

        defexacc :byte[];

Thus if a_direct contains an external pointer-class record pointing to a
"direct" structure, then

        exsub_byte(N, dir_name(a_direct))

would return the N-th byte of the structure's "dir_name" field. However,
since in this particular example the  bytes in the "dir_name" field  are
guaranteed to be null-terminated (i.e. end with ASCII 0), a simpler  way
to access the whole  name field would be  to use the built-in  procedure
exacc_ntstring, which given a pointer  to a null-terminated sequence  of
bytes extracts them as a Poplog string. Thus


would return the whole name as a string.

9  Implicit Access Procedures in External Type Specs

In the above  example, it would  be convenient if  the "dir_name"  field
could be specified so as to  produce a Poplog string automatically  when
accessed; this can be done by specifying exacc_ntstring as an  'implicit
access' procedure.  The syntax  for  this is  similiar to  a  conversion
procedure, but using "." instead of "#", i.e.

        <typespec> -->  <typespec> . <identifier name>

where the procedure is taken from  <identifier name> in the same way  as
for a conversion procedure. An  implicit access procedure ACC_P and  its
updater are called as

        ACC_P(EXPTR) -> RESULT
        RESULT -> ACC_P(EXPTR)

where EXPTR is  an external pointer  record and RESULT  is whatever  the
procedure accesses from it. (N.B. Unlike conversion procedures, implicit
access procedure  updaters  accord  with 'normal'  updater  usage;  this
includes the fact that in a sequence of them, only the last is called in
update mode -- see the next section.)

    Using exacc_ntstring as an implicit access procedure, the definition
of the field "dir_name" could now be rewritten

        dir_name :byte[].exacc_ntstring

after which


would produce a string directly. (Better still, we can declare a general
field type for a null-terminated string and recast the field  definition
to use that, e.g.

        p_typespec ntstring :byte[].exacc_ntstring;
        dir_name :ntstring

etc.) Alternatively, reverting back  to accessing individual bytes,  the
field could be declared

        dir_name :byte[].exsub_byte

giving a field procedure

        dir_name(N, a_direct)

that returns the N-th byte of the name.

    It is important to note that  access procedures may only be  applied
on  top  of   address-value  fields,  that   is,  (a)  compound   fields
(structures, arrays and  functions), (b)  "exptr" fields,  or (c)  other
access procedures producing a pointer. (It might be thought that in  the
example exacc_ntstring  could be  specified  as a  conversion  procedure
anyway, but  this  NOT the  case:  while conversion  procedures  may  be
applied to "exptr" fields, they cannot be used with compound fields. The
reason concerns the semantics of updating  the field -- see the  section
on updating.)

Of course,  conversion  procedures  can  be layered  on  top  of  access
procedures. A typical example might be to turn the "ntstring" type  into
one that produces a Poplog word:

        define string_to_word()
        define updaterof string_to_word()
        p_typespec ntword :ntstring#string_to_word;

and so on.

(Note that where an external <typespec> is given as the direct  argument
to exacc or  defexacc, it  may consist  of access/conversion  procedures
only. Thus something like

        defexacc foobaz .exacc_ntstring#string_to_word;

is valid, but the above <typespec> is not valid for a structure field or
array element,  etc. This  facility is  mainly useful  for a  <typespec>
given to exload, see REF * EXTERNAL.)

10  Implicit Type Access and Typing on External Pointers

The idea of  implicit access  can be taken  a stage  further to  include
'implicit type access' specification. Suppose  we have an "exptr"  field
(either a single one, or part of a structure), which we know  contains a
pointer to say, an "int" value. We could use exacc_int as defined by

        defexacc :int;

as an implicit access procedure on top of the "exptr" field, to obtain a
procedure which returns the "int" value indirectly through the  pointer,

        defexacc exacc_int_indir :exptr.exacc_int;

However, the type-specification  mechanism allows this  to be  expressed
more succinctly (and generating more efficient code) as


that is, we can use ':int' as an implicit access 'procedure'.

    More generally,  any  <typespec> can  be  used in  this  way,  which
syntactically gives

        <typespec> -->  <typespec> . <typespec>

For  a  non-compound  type,  its  use  for  implicit  access  is  simply
equivalent to using the  procedure that defexacc  would produce for  it;
however, for compound types the situation is different.

    The system is  designed on the  basis that an  access to a  compound
sub-field of a structure (or a compound element of an array) finishes by
returning the address of the compound  item as a pointer (which  pointer
will then be used by another access procedure appropriate for the  type,
i.e. another field, subscriptor or apply procedure). defexacc and  exacc
thus generate field, subscriptor  and apply procedures/code for  direct,
'top-level' structures, arrays and functions only; elsewhere, these just
mean mean 'return the address'. (Thus for example

            defexacc :byte[];

generates a subscriptor, but the same type for a structure field

            dir_name :byte[]

does not.)  So, when  used for  implicit access,  compound types  merely
return an address -- which in fact, means they do nothing. To see  this,
consider a type such as


This 'expands out' to


which is equivalent to just


i.e. the '.:byte[]' part doesn't do anything.

10.1  Pointer Typing
In general therefore, an implicit compound type merely has the effect of
'typing' the pointer that precedes it.  A special case of this is  where
one appears at the end of a typespec, as in the following two examples:

            ;;; pointer to byte array
            ;;; pointer to pointer to 1-arg function returning int

Not only do these have the same results as ':exptr' and  ':exptr.:exptr'
respectively, but the system in fact  treats them as IDENTICAL to  those
(i.e. both fields are just considered to be the final external pointer).
The important  point  in  this  respect is  that  it  gives  a  sensible
interpretation to UPDATING these fields (namely of assigning a new  byte
array or function address into them, etc).

    In addition, the  'typing' property  of implicit  compound types  is
used by  the syntax  construct exacc  (described below),  to enable  one
exacc applied to the result of another producing an external pointer, to
determine the result  pointer type (making  it unnecessary to  respecify
that type).  There  is  a special  convention  associated  with  this: a
structure consisting of just one field with no field name, i.e.

            { <typespec> }

can be used to 'bracket' <typespec> for the purpose of typing a pointer.
For example,


types the pointer as pointing to "int". Note that in terms of the  field
value there is nothing  special about this (it  being just a  particular
case of an implicit compound type). However, when extracting the type of
a pointer, exacc recognises such 1-field 'bracket' structures and strips
off any number of levels of  them; thus it recognises the above  example
as a pointer to "int", not to a 1-field structure.

    For consistency, this convention is also recognised by defexacc,  in
that it too strips outer 'bracket' structures from its argument. Thus

            defexacc {:int};

is the same as 'defexacc :int;',  etc. (A bracket structure is also  the
correct way  to make  a non-compound  structure field  or array  element
produce the address of the data rather than its value; for example, with

            defexacc { f1 :int, f2 {:int} };

the f2 procedure would return a pointer to "int".)

11  In-Line Code for External Access

As an alternative  to constructing procedures  with defexacc, the  exacc
syntax form is provided for  generating in-line code to access  external
data and  call  functions.  This  saves the  time  overhead  of  calling
procedures (and can also save  the space overhead of procedure  records,
although since each piece of in-line code generally takes a little  more
space than a procedure call, a procedure may be more space-efficient for
multiple uses of the same access).

    exacc is also usually  a more convenient  form for calling  external
functions; it  is  particularily  designed  for  use  with  pointers  to
external functions  and data  loaded with  the exload  syntax form  (see
REF * EXTERNAL), since  this has  the option  to automatically  generate
typespec declarations under  the names of  the identifiers being  loaded
(which therefore  require no  further <typespec>  declaration when  used
with exacc).

exacc                                                           [syntax]
        Used to generate  in-line access/update code  for external  data
        (for which  it  uses the  Poplog  VM instruction  sysFIELD,  see
        REF * VMCODE).

        This construct has the general form

        exacc <attributes> <typespec> <pointer expression> <access part>

        where the parts are as follows:

            This is  optional:  if present,  it  consists of  a  square-
            bracketed list  of  attribute  names as  for  defexacc  (see

            An optional type  'cast' for <pointer  expression>. This  is
            mandatory  only  if  a  <typespec>  cannot  be  derived  for
            <pointer expression>; if supplied, it overrides any  derived

        <pointer expression>
            An  expression  whose   run-time  evaluation  produces   the
            external  pointer-class   record   to  be   used   for   the
            access/update. This can have three forms:

                (1) A simple  identifier <name>,  meaning the  value  of
                    that identifier. If <typespec> is not present,  then
                    <name>  must   have  a   current  declaration   as a
                    typename, and the <typespec> assumed is :<name>.

                (2) Another exacc  construct  enclosed  in  parentheses,
                    i.e.  (exacc  ...),  meaning  an  external   pointer
                    resulting from  that access.  If <typespec>  is  not
                    supplied,  then  the  result  pointer  type  of  the
                    enclosed exacc must must be derivable (see below).

                (3) Any other Pop11 expression enclosed in  parentheses,
                    meaning the value of that expression. In this  case,
                    <typespec> must be supplied.

        <access part>
            This  part  depends  on  the  kind  of  access/update  being
            performed, as specified  by <typespec>  (and corresponds  to
            the type  of procedure  that would  be generated  for it  by

            Structure Field:
                For <typespec> a structure, a dot followed by the name
                of the field to be accessed, i.e.

                        . <fieldname>


                        exacc struct.field

            Array Element:
                For <typespec> an array, a Pop11 expression for the
                array subscript enclosed in square brackets, i.e.

                        [ <expression> ]


                        exacc array[n+1]

                For <typespec> a function, a Pop-11 expression sequence
                for the function arguments enclosed in parentheses, i.e.

                        (ARG_1, ARG_2, ..., ARG_N)


                        exacc func(1,2,3)

                For <typespec> a non-compound type, nothing.

                       exacc pointer

        Note that  an exacc  construct can  be used  for updating,  i.e.
        appear after ` -> `; however, a compile-time mishap will  result
        in this case if <typespec>  specifies a non-writeable type  (see
        'Updating  External  Data:   Non-Writeable  Types'  below).   (A
        function call in update mode will always produce a mishap).

11.1  Examples
Before discussing form (2) for  the pointer expression (where one  exacc
is applied to the result of  another), we illustrate forms (1) and  (3).
Suppose (returning  to the  example  in the  section on  defexacc)  that
get_direct is a Pop procedure returning an external pointer-class record
pointing to a "direct" structure, defined as

        p_typespec direct { dir_off    :long,
                            dir_ino    :long,
                            dir_reclen :short,
                            dir_namlen :short,
                            dir_name   :byte[]

Then (using form (3)),

        exacc :direct (get_direct()).dir_namlen

would access the "dir_namlen"  field (a short  integer). If instead  the
procedure result were assigned to  a variable a_direct first, then  form
(1) can be used:

        get_direct() -> a_direct;
        exacc :direct a_direct.dir_namlen

However, if the name "a_direct" is itself declared as a typename,

        l_typespec a_direct :direct;

then the type cast can be omitted:

        get_direct() -> a_direct;
        exacc a_direct.dir_namlen


    Now suppose that  instead of  a Pop  procedure we  have an  external
function readdir, again returning a pointer to a "direct" structure  (it
takes an argument stream, but  this isn't relevant for the  discussion).
If the function is declared

        p_typespec readdir(stream) :exptr;

then as before, the result could be assigned to a_direct first:

        exacc readdir(stream) -> a_direct;
        exacc a_direct.dir_namlen

On the other hand,  form (2) could  be used, applying  one exacc to  the
result of another. With a type cast this is

        exacc :direct (exacc readdir(stream)).dir_namlen

as with the Pop procedure, but we would like to omit the cast and write

        exacc (exacc readdir(stream)).dir_namlen

As things  stand however,  this  will produce  a compilation  mishap  --
because although the result of the  function is known to be an  external
pointer, it hasn't been declared as  a pointer to a "direct"  structure.
Redeclaring the function with  a typed pointer  result enables exacc  to
derive this information:

        p_typespec readdir(stream) :exptr.{:direct};

(note that in  this case  the 'bracket' structure  around :direct  isn't
strictly necessary, because :direct is  already a compound type, but  it
makes sense always  to use  it, since  it is  required for  non-compound

Finally, consider  the "dir_name"  field:  as declared,  this  returns a
pointer to a byte  array. The pointer could  be assigned to a  variable,
and bytes accessed from there, e.g.

        l_typespec bptr :byte[];
        exacc (exacc readdir(stream)).dir_name -> bptr;
        exacc bptr[1] -> byte;

Alternatively, the pointer could be given directly to exacc_ntstring  to
return a Pop string:

        exacc_ntstring(exacc (exacc readdir(stream)).dir_name)

Note though,  that exacc  can derive  the pointer  type produced  from a
compound field in  a structure  or array; thus  a single  byte could  be
accessed directly with

        exacc (exacc (exacc readdir(stream)).dir_name) [1]

(which is probably  not very useful  in this case,  but illustrates  the

12  Address Mode Accessing

As described above, both exacc and defexacc can take the `@`  attribute.
This is `address mode', and makes the result of the access be a  pointer
to the data rather than the data itself.

In this case, the the (explicit or derived) <typespec> may only  specify
a structure field, array  element or simple type  (i.e. not an  external
function). The result is an  external pointer pointing to the  specified
component; since the address of the component is returned, only the base
type of <typespec> is relevant,  i.e. any implicit access or  conversion
procedures it contains are ignored. (The `@` attribute cannot be used in
update mode.)

For example, with the structure "direct" as defined in the last section,

        exacc[@] :direct a_direct.dir_namlen

would return  a  pointer to  the  "dir_namlen" field,  rather  than  its
integer  value.  For  a  compound  component,  address  mode  makes   no
difference, since the  access returns  its address anyway;  thus if  the
field "dir_name" is defined as just

        dir_name   :byte[]

then the `@` in

        exacc[@] :direct a_direct.dir_name

has no effect. On the other hand, with "dir_name" defined

        dir_name   :byte[].exacc_ntstring

the field is non-compound, and without `@` will produce a string; if  it
is with `@`, then it will behave as before.

13  Updating External Data: Non-Writeable Types

This section concerns using exacc and procedures constructed by defexacc
in update mode.

To restrict the  use of exacc  in update mode  (i.e. when the  construct
follows ` -> `),  and to allow control  over the generation of  updaters
for defexacc procedures, the symbol  "!" (exclamation mark) can be  used
anywhere in a <typespec> instead of ":". In general, "!" can be used  to
flag types  as  `non-writeable';  an  update  mode  exacc  applied  to a
non-writeable type  then  gives  a  compile-time  mishap,  and  defexacc
procedures for non-writeable types have no updaters generated for them.

13.1  General Points
Note first  that `writeability'  as  applied to  a compound  type  never
refers to  the status  of a  POINTER to  that type,  but always  to  the
COMPONENTS of  that  type. An  implicit  compound type  on  an  external
pointer (e.g. ':exptr.:int[]'  etc), is  ignored in the  sense that  the
field value is taken to be the preceding external pointer (as  described
above in 'Pointer Typing'),  and so such a  <typespec> is NOT  compound.
When a compound  type does  not follow  an external  pointer (i.e.  as a
component of a structure or array), its field value is a pointer,  which
is simply not updateable anyway. Thus


is writeable  (i.e. the  pointer can  be updated  even if  the "int"  it
points to can't), whereas the structure field

        bytefield :byte[]

is non-writeable (i.e. the pointer value returned for the field can't be
updated, although the bytes it points to can).

    Another important aspect  of updating  that needs  to be  understood
when using "!" is the following: as with Pop-11 procedure calls (e.g. as

        x ->

where only the  last procedure hd  has its updater  run), only the  last
type or access  procedure in  a <typespec> actually  performs in  update
mode; hence  in general,  this last  type or  access procedure  is  what
governs writeability. (Conversion procedures at the end of a  <typespec>
have no effect on in  this respect -- if a  type is writeable, then  all
conversion procedures on it must have updaters.)

13.2  Using "!"
Thus a <typespec> can be made  non-writeable by making its last type  or
access procedure 'non-writeable'. For a type, this means using "!" ; for
an access procedure, it means not  giving the procedure an updater.  For


is non-writeable, and

is writeable if and only if foo has an updater.

    However, to make it  possible not to have  to bother about the  last
type or access procedure,  a <typespec> STARTING with  an explicit !  is
always considered non-writeable. Thus


are both non-writeable (in  the second case,  regardless of whether  foo
has an updater or not).

Note that "!" always overrides ":". Thus, after

        p_typespec nw_ntstring !ntstring;

types such as


are non-writeable. (On the  other hand, because of  the rule about  only
the last type being updated, a non-writeable pointer type like

        p_typespec nw_exptr !exptr;

does NOT prevent


being writeable, etc.)

13.3  Compound Types
As explained previously, writeability for a compound type always  refers
to the components of that type.

    Functions are a special case: a function can be thought of as having
one 'component', its result, which  is NEVER writeable; thus a  function
is always non-writeable (i.e. can't be called in update mode).

    For structure fields and array  elements, "!" overrides ":" as  with
all other types. So in the structure

        p_typespec timeval { tv_sec :long, tv_usec !long };

the field tv_sec is writeable, but not tv_usec; on the other hand, using
"!" on the typename,


will make all fields non-writeable.

14  Pointer Values as Data

A further extension to the <typespec> syntax allows the pointer value of
an external  pointer to  be accessed  (or updated)  as data  in its  own
right. It has the form

            <typespec> -->  ^ <typename>

where this may only appear as  the direct argument to exacc or  defexacc
(or as an implicit type access on a pointer or "exval" field).

    <typename> is  restricted to  being an  integer <basetype>  such  as
'int' or N, etc,  a single-float "sfloat", or  "full" (or a renaming  of
any of these). The effect of this form is to `back off' by one level  of
pointer, and  then perform  the specified  access on  a pointer  to  the
pointer value. E.g. if ptr contains an external pointer, then

             exacc ^uint ptr

would return  the  pointer value  as  an unsigned  integer.  (Note  that
specifying a type smaller than a pointer is taken to mean the  low-order
part of the value, e.g.

             exacc ^byte ptr

would return the least-significant byte of the pointer value.)

15  External Structure Fields in Records

Although  a  Poplog  record  cannot  contain  structures  declared  with
x_typespec as  single  fields,  such structures  can  be  'exploded'  as
multiple fields in a record class. For example, with "timeval" declared

        p_typespec timeval { tv_sec :long, tv_usec :long };

the form

        defclass timeval :timeval;

creates a record with fields tv_sec and tv_usec (where tv_sec starts  at
the pointer). Alternatively, something like

        defclass foo { foo_1, foo_2, foo :timeval };

creates a record with  4 fields, where the  names for the  sub-structure
fields are got by prefixing "<outer fieldname>_" to the structure  field
names (i.e. foo_tv_sec and foo_tv_usec in this case).

16  Summary of typespec Syntax

    ¤ named type

        <typespec>  -->  : <typename>
                    -->  ! <typename>
                    -->  ^ <typename>

    ¤ structure

        <typespec>  -->  { <fieldspec-1>, ..., <fieldspec-N> }
       <fieldspec>  -->  <fieldname> <typespec>

    ¤ array

        <typespec>  -->  <element-typespec> [ <integer> ]
                    -->  <element-typespec> []
        <element-typespec> --> :<typename>
                           --> !<typename>
                           --> { <fieldspec>, ... }

    ¤ function

        <typespec>  -->  ( <arglist> ) <typespec>
                    -->  ( <arglist> ) :void
                    -->  ( <arglist> )
         <arglist>  -->  <argspec>, ..., <argspec>   (0 or more)
         <argspec>  -->  <dummy name>
         <argspec>  -->  <integer>
         <argspec>  -->  ...                         (variadic)
         <argspec>  -->  <argspec> <SF>

    ¤ implicit type access

        <typespec>  -->  <typespec> . <typespec>

    ¤ implicit access procedure

        <typespec>  -->  <typespec> . <identifier name>

    ¤ conversion procedure

        <typespec>  -->  <typespec> # <identifier name>

N.B. While there are a number  of potential ambiguities in this  syntax,
they are not  likely to  represent a  problem in  practice. Although  no
general provision  is  made  for  bracketing  a  <typespec>  to  resolve
ambiguities, this can always be done  by defining it as a new  typename.
The most  serious  potential  problem  is  the  <typespec>  specifying a
function  result,  which  can  absorb  something  following  that's  not
intended to be part of it, e.g.

        defexacc app_func (ARG):int;

defines an  apply  procedure  for  a function;  if  this  is  used  in a
<typespec> to apply a function pointer, e.g.


then '.app_func'  will incorrectly  be  taken as  part of  the  function
result. However,  since  functions  only type  external  pointers,  they
should always be put in 'bracket' structures anyway (which resolves  the


17  Notes on Efficiency

    ¤   The "fast"  attribute  to  exacc  or  defexacc  means  that  the
        code/procedure  produced  will  not  check  its  input   pointer
        argument to be an external pointer-class structure. In addition,
        an  array  subscriptor  will  not  check  its  subscript,  and a
        variadic function call will not check its number of arguments.

    ¤   Any <typespec>  producing an  external pointer  result (e.g.  an
        "exptr" field, or an address-mode  access, etc) will by  default
        construct a new external pointer record on each acccess. However
        (so as to avoid creating unnecessary garbage), when the  pointer
        is being passed to a  conversion procedure or external  implicit
        access procedure, a fixed record is used instead (i.e. fixed for
        each exacc  or  access  procedure  defined  by  defexacc).  This
        optimisation should not cause problems, because (presumably) the
        procedure receiving  it  is  always going  to  return  something
        derived from the pointer, not the the pointer itself.

        On the other hand,  this behaviour can be  forced with the  "nc"
        (`non-constructing')  attribute  to  exacc  or  defexacc;   when
        supplied, an external  pointer result will  use a fixed  record.
        You must ensure that this pointer  is no longer in use the  next
        time the exacc code or defexacc procedure is executed, otherwise
        it will be overwritten.

        You can  also force  a fixed  record to  be returned  by  simply
        specifying identfn  as a  final conversion  procedure or  access
        procedure.  <typespec>  syntax  caters  for  this  specially  by
        allowing a  missing <identifier  name> after  "#" or  "." to  be
        replaced with "identfn", e.g.

           defexacc :exptr#;

        (Note that  this  has  no  effect on  the  writeability  of  any
        external type using it  with "." ; moreover  when used with  "#"
        the fact that identfn has no updater doesn't matter either.)

    ¤   In  compiling  code  for  conversion  procedures  and   external
        implicit access procedures,  the system  guarantees to  optimise
        out calls to both identfn itself  and closures of identfn of  no
        arguments (identfn(%%)).

        This is of particular relevance to using a conversion  procedure
        to  type-check  assignments  into   "full"  fields  (all   other
        <basetype>s are  checked  anyway);  the access  side  of  such a
        procedure can simply be identfn(%%), resulting in no overhead on
        accessing the field.

18  Miscellaneous

TYPESPEC                                                        [syntax]
        This syntax construct takes a <typespec> (in procedure  brackets
        (...)) and plants a PUSH  of the spec data structure  associated
        with  it,  suitable  for  use  with  field_spec_info  etc..  For
        example, if we have declared the typespec

                p_typespec foo {a:full, b:int};

        then we might use TYPESPEC thus:

                field_spec_info(TYPESPEC(:foo)) =>
                ** [>-> full full] 64

        TYPESPEC  respects  the  scoping  constraints  as  specified  by
        p_typespec (permanent scope) and l_typespec (lexical scope) etc.

SIZEOFTYPE                                                       [macro]
        This macro produces the base type size of a <typespec>, that  is
        the amount of  space it  would occupy  as a  structure field  or
        array element etc. It has two forms, viz

              SIZEOFTYPE( <typespec> )
              SIZEOFTYPE( <typespec> , <unit-typespec> )

        In the second form, the size of <typespec> is given in units  of
        the size of <unit-typespec>; in the first form,  <unit-typespec>
        defaults to :byte, i.e. the size in bytes. E.g.


        gives the size of a "timeval" structure in bytes, whereas


        is the number of bits in an "int", etc.

        If  the  size  of  <typespec>  is  not  an  exact  multiple   of
        <unit-typespec> it is rounded up to the next multiple; thus


        equals 1 (byte).

        Note that  both <typespec>  and  <unit-typespec> must  be  sized
        types,  i.e.  cannot  be   unsized  structures  or  arrays,   or
        functions. (This macro uses field_spec_info, see REF * KEYS.)

FIELDOFFSET                                                      [macro]
        This macro produces  the offset  of a field  within a  structure
        <typespec>. Usage is

              FIELDOFFSET( <typespec> , <fieldname> )

        For example, where structure "foo" is defined

                p_typespec foo {a:full, b:int};



        would produce 4.

        Note that the value is returned in units appropriate to  address
        the given field; in all  current Poplog implementations this  is

EXPTRINITSTR                                                     [macro]
        A macro  that creates  and returns  a fixed-address  "exptr_mem"
        structure big enough to hold a a given external type. Usage is

            EXPTRINITSTR( <typespec> )

        where <typespec> specifies  the external  type/structure. It  is
        simply equivalent to the code


        See   the    description    of   "exptr_mem"    structures    in
        REF * EXTERNAL_DATA, `Poplog Structures as External Data'. (Note
        that since exptr_mems are fixed-address structures, it is  never
        necessary to use writeable on them.)

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