A.Sloman March 1989


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vars <variable1>, <variable2>, <variable3> = <initalisation>, ...;

For the present, commas may be omitted except after an initialisation, but it is recommended that they be used.

For a tutorial introduction to variables, see TEACH *VARS.

VARS is used to declare dynamically scoped variables. Lexically scoped variables are also available in POP-11, and are declared with LVARS, described in HELP *LVARS. (See HELP *EFFICIENCY for information on the difference.) Additional facilities are provided by LCONSTANT and DLVARS, explained in the section on lexical scoping in REF *VMCODE.

VARS is used to declare variables of various kinds. See HELP *CONSTANT for declaring constant identifiers. See also HELP *GLOBAL.

VARS is the first word of a variable declaration for dynamically scoped variables, local or global. Undeclared input or output locals in procedure definitions are assumed to be dynamically scoped, as if declared using VARS.

For example

vars x, y;

tells the compiler that you want to use two ordinary variables called x and y (the POP-11 compiler distinguishes between upper and lower case names for variables). If the declaration occurs within a procedure definition then the variables are also declared as local to that procedure. Any number of variables can be declared in a single VARS statement, but the list must be terminated by a semicolon.

Variables can also be given a precedence, allowing them to be used as 'infix' operators. For example

vars 5 ++;

declares '++' to be a variable of precedence 5. This means that an expression like

x ++ y;

will mean 'apply ++ to X and Y'. If the precedence of '**' is 4, as it would be if we executed

vars 4 **;

then the expression

x ++ y ** z;

will mean 'apply ++ to X and the result of applying ** to Y and Z'. Variables can also be declared as type *MACRO, for example, the statement

vars macro d;

declares D to be a macro. When the compiler reads in a macro word it applies its value (which, therefore, had better be a procedure). The procedure may return results which are spliced into the compiler input in place of the macro call.

vars procedure foo;

declares FOO to be a procedure variable. Attempts to assign anything but a procedure to it thereafter will cause an error. Uses of FOO in other procedures will by-pass the type-check for a procedure, and will therefore be more efficient.

Finally, words can be declared as syntax words, for example:

vars syntax enddo;

This declares ENDDO to be a syntax word (see HELP *SYNTAX). This won't have much effect unless a SYNTAX procedure somewhere makes use of this new word. The advantage of declaring such a word as a syntax word, if for example it is meant to be a closing bracket, is that more informative error messages will occur when illegal syntax is used.

A declaration does not alter the value of any variables - it only signifies that the variable is going to be used. See HELP *DEFINE, for the implications of this for local variables.

The only time a declaration can change the value of a variable is when the initialisation and declaration of a variable are performed at the same time, e.g.,

vars x; [goodbye]-> x; x=> * [goodbye]
vars x = [hello]; x=> ** [hello] vars y = x, p = [goodbye], n = [how are you]; y=> ** [hello] n=> ** [how are you] p=> ** [goodbye]


Strictly speaking, it is important to distinguish

  1. the WORD, e.g. "+", "enddo", "x",
  2. the IDENTIFIER which is (currently) associated with that word and defines its syntactic character for POP-11 (e.g. whether it is a macro, a syntax word, an ordinary identifier, an infix operator, etc.)
  3. the variable, which is a location in memory where the value is stored.

The relationship between a word and the identifier depends on which SECTION is the current one. See HELP * SECTIONS for details. Changing from one section to another may cause a word to be associated with an entirely different identifier.

The procedure *IDENTPROPS when applied to a word returns the syntactic category of the associated identifier in the currently active section. *IDENTTYPE provides more information. The procedure *SYSSYNONYM enables a word to be associated with the identifier already associated with another word. So this gives the new word the same syntactic properties as if it had been declared in the same way as the old word, as well as enabling it to refer to the same thing.

The VARIABLE associated with an identifier is the only object that needs to exist when the programs using the variables run. The word and the identifer are required when the program is being compiled, or if the user later wishes to access the value of the variable by typing in the name, or using *VALOF. At present POP-11 uses a part of the identifier record as the variable, but in principle this could change, in order to save space in situations where identifiers are not preserved. Computing terminology generally confuses words, identifiers and variables, and many of the POPLOG help files do so too. Fortunately it is normally clear from the context which is meant. See HELP *IDENTIFIERS

Using VARS in declarations

Declarations may specify a type, then all identifiers of that type in parentheses,e.g.

vars procedure(proc1, proc2, proc3), 5 (++, op2), x, y;

similarly with 'constant' instead of 'vars'.

Variable names can be of any length but must obey the following rules:

(1) A variable name that starts with a letter can have any sequence of letters, digits or underscore (ie '_') following it.

(2) A variable name that starts with a sign letter, ie one of the characters

! # $ & = - ~ ^ | \ @ + * : < > ? /

can contain only sign letters.

The following are valid:

+ *** --- -<+ == cat goat x23 x1b2c3 cat_lover

But not

23x cat-lover cat:lover :a:


TEACH VARS - tutorial introduction to POP-11 variables. REF *REFFILES - lists REF files describing POP-11 identifiers HELP *VEDVARS - variables controlling the behaviour of VED HELP *ACTIVE_VARIABLES - active variables HELP *CONSTANT - on the use of constant identifiers HELP *GLOBAL - on the declaration and use of global identifiers HELP *MACRO - on defining macros in POP-11 HELP *DEFINE - on the form and content of procedure definitions HELP *SYNTAX - a brief overview of POP-11 syntax

REF *POPSYTAX - Pop-11 syntax REF *VMCODE - describes relevant poplog virtual machine instructions

--- C.all/help/vars ---------------------------------------------------- --- Copyright University of Sussex 1987. All rights reserved. ----------