How to configure VED for your terminal.
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Default terminal selection and initialisation is performed by the procedure *VEDINITTERM called from *VEDSETUP. Without any intervention by the user, VEDINITTERM will try to determine the terminal type automatically. How this is done differs depending on the host operating system: on UNIX systems, VED uses the value of the $TERM environment variable; on VMS, VED interrogates the terminal's answer-back message with *VEDTERMINALSELECT. In either case, if the terminal type is unavailable or is not one which VED can make use of, VEDINITTERM will prompt you for an alternative terminal type to try.
The mechanism is described more fully in REF * VEDTERMINALS.
The default terminal initialisation will often get things right, but may not do so: it may not be possible to determine the correct terminal type (not unusual if there are several machines and terminal types networked together) or the terminal may not be one which VED can recognise or make use of. In these circumstances you can select a terminal type explicitly for yourself: the code for this should go in your "vedinit.p" file, since VEDSETUP compiles this file before calling VEDINITTERM, giving you the opportunity to preempt the automatic selection strategy. If you're unfamiliar with the "vedinit.p" file, read HELP * INITIAL (the section on ``Initialising VED'').
The procedure *VEDUSETERM is used to initialise VED for a particular terminal type. For example, if you always use a VT220-type terminal, you can put the following in your "vedinit.p" file:
veduseterm("vt220") -> ;
This will search for a terminal library for the given terminal type or (on UNIX systems) use the TERMCAP database. The result of the call is a flag indicating whether the initialisation succeeded: strictly speaking you should test this, as VED won't work if the result is <false>, but for a library-supported terminal like the VT220 it should always return <true>. A list of terminal libraries is given in REF * VEDTERMINALS.
This is fine provided that you always use the same terminal type. More often than not, the terminal type will vary depending on some condition:
if its_tuesday() then veduseterm("vt220") -> else veduseterm("sun") -> endif;
What the condition is will vary enormously between sites and individuals. Useful indicators to consider are the machine name and type (from *SYS_HOST_NAME, *SYS_MACHINE_TYPE) or any of the information recorded in the property *POPHOST.
Such information may still not be sufficient to uniquely identify the terminal type. For this situation, VED provides the *VEDTERMINALSELECT mechanism for interrogating the terminal and using the ``answer-back'' message to determine its type. VEDTERMINALSELECT is a variable which, if set, should be a list containing either strings to send out to the terminal to try to elicit an answer-back message, or associations of possible replies and their corresponding terminal types. For a proper description see the reference in REF * VEDTERMINALS, but as an example consider the following assignment:
[ '\^[Z' ['\^[[?1' 'vt100'] ['\^[[?62' 'vt200'] ] -> vedterminalselect;
This will cause VED to send out the string '\^[Z', i.e. <ESC> Z, and compare the reply (if any) with the given alternatives, selecting the terminal type 'vt100' or 'vt200' as appropriate.
An assignment to VEDTERMINALSELECT should go in your "vedinit.p" file too. A word of warning when using this: don't type ahead while waiting for VED to come up - characters received just as the answer-back is expected will cause confusion. Wait until VED has rung the terminal bell, or if you've disabled *VEDSCREENBELL, wait until the screen has been set. (You should anyway avoid type ahead with VED, because it changes the terminal modes which can cause loss of input.)
As an alternative to calling VEDUSETERM, you can load a terminal library by name by doing:
lib vedvt220;
etc. in your "vedinit.p" file. This often has much the same effect, but some terminal libraries can only be loaded this way, especially if they need some kind of special tailoring. See REF * VEDTERMINALS for details. It's even possible, because the terminal libraries are autoloadable, to call the terminal initialisation procedure directly, as with:
This is particularly useful if used in conjunction with a saved image (see below). Beware, however, of inadvertently autoloading more than one library, as the results will be unpredictable. It's better to ``quote'' the procedure calls with *POPVAL to delay autoloading to the last minute:
All these methods still rely on there being an existing library (or possibly a TERMCAP entry) which describes the selected terminal. If there isn't, you'll probably have to write your own library from scratch - see below for instructions on how to do this. You can however try some of the more basic terminal configurations (such as *VEDANSI, *VEDVT52, *VEDVT100) which may allow VED to at least work on the terminal, if not in the most efficient way.
Two cases need to be distinguished, depending on whether XVed or terminal VED is being used.
CASE (a) VED is used with an X windows server in a window created by a program that provides a terminal emulation. POPLOG currently recognises two such terminal emulators, "xterm" and "dxterm". See HELP * VEDXTERM and HELP * VEDDXTERM respectively.
CASE (b) Use of VED with special X windows interface for VED, including mouse and menu-driven interaction and the use of different windows for different files. See HELP *XVED and REF *XVED.
If configuring VED for your terminal requires loading a library, this can prolong startup time. Some users prefer to build saved images which have the library code built-in, so avoiding this overhead. The library LIB * MKVEDIMAGE can simplify this process. For example, to make a save image called "myved" which has the VT220 configuration code built in, simply type the following to the shell or DCL prompt:
pop11 mkvedimage myved.psv vedvt220
The first argument instructs Poplog to make a VED image; the second argument is the image name ("ved.psv" in the current directory) and the last is the name of a terminal library to load.
This image could be run with the command
pop11 +myved
For general information about creating and running saved images, see HELP * INITIAL, REF * SYSTEM.
An image built in this way will behave just like the standard "ved" command; in particular, it will still call VEDSETUP as its first action, and hence VEDINITTERM to choose the terminal type. The only difference is that if the terminal type selected (either explicitly or automatically) is a VT220, the library code to initialise it will already be compiled and so the startup time will be shorter. It does not restrict the image to being used on a VT220 terminal. You can in fact include several libraries into the image to cater for all the terminal types you might possibly use, e.g.
pop11 mkvedimage myved.psv vedvt220 vedsun vedxterm
If there's nothing already available which allows VED to work with your terminal, you'll have to write your own library for it. This is quite easily done, if you follow the rules given below. You'll need your terminal manual on hand to find out what control sequences it responds to.
A terminal library is typically built from three separate files. For the sake of illustration, we'll assume from now on that the terminal name is "abacus". In this case, the three files would be called:
vedabacusscreen.p vedabacuskeys.p vedabacus.p
Filenames for other terminals are constructed in the same way. Only the first (the "screen" file) is really essential: it and the "keys" file provide an interface to VEDUSETERM; the last is a wrapper which simplifies loading the library explicitly in a "vedinit.p" file or as part of a saved image.
The file "vedabacusscreen.p" must define a global procedure
to perform the following actions:
(1) Set the terminal name
The terminal name ("abacus") should be assigned to VEDTERMINALNAME; the value <false> should be assigned to VEDTERMINALSELECT. These assignments must be done first: they indicate that the terminal type has been selected and initialised, so disabling any subsequent automatic initialisations.
(2) Set the screen dimensions
The number of usable lines on screen (i.e. ignoring any status lines) should be assigned to VEDSCREENLENGTH; the number of usable columns on screen should be assigned to VEDSCREENWIDTH. If the terminal has automatic margins, so that lines which are wider than the terminal screen are automatically broken, then you should assign <true> to the variable VEDSCREENWRAP. If you're not sure whether the terminal has this feature, or if it's optional, you should still set VEDSCREENWRAP: it's better for VED to think this feature is present when it's not than vice versa.
(3) Set screen control sequences
Screen control sequences are used to activate terminal functions such as moving the cursor, deleting a character etc. Control sequences are sent to the terminal by the procedure *VEDSCREENCONTROL. This will accept a single character, a string or a procedure as argument. Characters and strings are sufficient for most cases; a procedure value is appropriate where the control sequence is not a fixed string (dependent on the position of the cursor perhaps) or where more work is needed than just character output. Procedures should output any characters to the terminal using *VEDSCR_CHAR_OUT.
The control sequences which VED can make use of are described next. You must provide values for at least the variables
vvedscreencharup vvedscreencharright vvedscreencleartail vedscreenxy
or VED will not be able to work at all; others are optional, as not all terminals provide the corresponding functions. A value of *NULLSTRING is used to indicate an unsupported feature; most of the variables have this as a default value, so you can just ignore those you can't (or don't want to) use. Where the default value is different to this is clearly indicated in the text: you may have to change some of them.
The names of most screen control variables start with "vvedscreen", so string values may be assigned to them using the SCREEN keyword of *VEDSET.
(3.i) Moving the cursor
The control sequence to move the cursor up one line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCHARUP; this must be set. The control sequence to move the cursor one place to the right should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCHARRIGHT; this must also be set. The control sequence to move the cursor down one line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCHARDOWN; the default value for this is `\n` (newline). The control sequence to move the cursor one place to the left should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCHARLEFT; the default value for this is `\b` (backspace). The control sequence to move the cursor to the first column of the current line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENSCREENLEFT; the default value for this is `\r` (carriage return).
These control sequences are never used at the boundaries of the screen.
A procedure for moving the cursor to given screen coordinates must be assigned to VEDSCREENXY; a template for this procedure is
procedure(col, line); lvars col, line; /* * code to output the appropriate escape sequence goes here */ col -> vedscreencolumn; line -> vedscreenline; endprocedure;
where (col,line) are the screen coordinates: the north-west corner of the usable screen has coordinates (1,1). Note the assignments at the end: these must be present. You can write this procedure from scratch, or there are two predefined versions which work on several terminals: *VEDANSISCREENXY which uses ANSI conventions and *VEDVT52SCREENXY which outputs a VT52-type sequence based on *VVEDSCREENPOINT. For more details see REF * VEDTERMINALS.
(3.ii) Clearing the screen
The control sequence to clear from the cursor position to the end of the current line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCLEARTAIL; this must be set. The control sequence to clear the entire screen should be assigned to VVEDSCREENCLEAR.
(3.iii) Inserting and deleting characters
If your terminal has a separate insert mode, the control sequence to enter insert mode should be assigned to VVEDSCREENINSERTMODE and the sequence to resume normal (overstrike) mode should be assigned to VVEDSCREENOVERMODE. If in addition the terminal requires an escape sequence to be sent immediately prior to inserting each character, this should be assigned to VVEDSCREENINSERTCHAR. If it's not possible to move the cursor while in insert mode, you should assign <true> to the variable VEDNOMOVEINSERT.
If instead of a separate insert mode, your terminal has a control sequence to open up a single space at the current cursor position, you should assign this to the variable VVEDSCREENINSERTCHAR.
The control sequence to delete the character under the cursor should be assigned to VVEDSCREENDELETECHAR. If the terminal has a separate delete mode, you can often construct a delete-one-character sequence by concatenating the sequences for enter-delete-mode, delete-character and exit-delete-mode.
If the terminal doesn't support character insert and delete, VED can get by with redrawing parts of the screen as needed.
(3.iv) Inserting and deleting lines
The control sequence to insert a blank line at the current cursor position (moving the current and subsequent lines down the screen) should be assigned to VVEDSCREENINSERTLINE; the control sequence to delete the current line (moving subsequent lines up) should be assigned to VVEDSCREEDELETELINE.
(3.v) Scrolling the screen
The control sequence to scroll the screen up one line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENSCROLLUP; this is only ever used on the last line of the screen or scrolling region and has default value `\n` (newline). The control sequence to scroll the screen down one line should be assigned to VVEDSCREENSCROLLDOWN; this is only ever used on the first line of the screen or scrolling region.
If the terminal supports scrolling regions (like the VT100), a procedure for setting a scrolling region should be assigned to VEDSETSCROLLREGION. A template for this procedure is:
procedure(top, bottom); lvars top, bottom; .... endprocedure;
where -top- and -bottom- are the line numbers of the first and last lines (inclusive) of the selected region. The first usable line of the screen is numbered 1. You can write this procedure from scratch, but there is a predefined version *VEDANSISETSCROLLREGION which uses ANSI (VT100) conventions.
( Initialisation
The control sequence to initialise the terminal for editing should be assigned to VVEDSCREENINIT; this is output each time VED is reentered and whenever the display is refreshed with *VEDREFRESH. The control sequence to reset the terminal to normal (non-edit) mode should be assigned to VVEDSCREENRESET. The control sequence to enable a separate function keypad should be assigned to VVEDSCREENSETPAD; the control sequence to disable the keypad should be assigned to VVEDSCREENRESETPAD.
(3.vii) Miscellaneous
The control sequence for ringing the terminal bell (or for flashing the screen if a "visible bell" is preferred) should be assigned to VVEDSCREENBELL; the default for this is `\^G`. The control sequence to set the terminal into alternate character set (or graphic) mode should be assigned to VVEDSCREENGRAPHIC; the control sequence to reset the terminal to normal (alphabetic) mode should be assigned to VVEDSCREENALPHA.
(4) Set graphic characters
If the terminal has an extended character set, you can improve the appearance of the VED screen by writing a version of VEDSCREENGRAPHTRANS to translate the standard graphics-character codes defined by VED into an appropriate form for your terminal (the default value of VEDSCREENGRAPHTRANS just translates them all to ordinary printing characters). See REF *VEDSCREENGRAPHTRANS.
(5) Set display of character attributes
Characters in a VED buffer can have a number of attributes attached to them, such as 'bold', 'underline' etc. The procedure VEDSCREENCHARMODE deals with sending codes to the screen to make it display characters appropriately. You can either redefine this procedure altogether, or just change some of the control sequences it sends out. See REF *VEDSCREENCHARMODE.
(6) Set other variables
If the terminal scrolls slowly or distractingly, you can assign <false> to *VEDSCROLLSCREEN to make VED redraw the screen rather than scroll in some circumstances; this is a matter of taste. You might also consider setting the variable *VEDWIGGLETIMES to change the delay used by *VEDWIGGLE to match the terminal speed: the value to use is best obtained by experiment.
There is a widely used "standard" set of screen facilities that can be set up for any terminal with a VT100 emulation by running the procedure
as is done in LIB * VEDVT220 for example. Some of these emulations, but not all, will support fast character insertion and deletion, and for such terminals the procedure
can be run to set up the relevant screen control variables. This will considerably speed up scrolling left and right, among other things.
The procedure vedvi200screen() can be used for terminals with a VT52 screen emulation. For other options see REF * VEDTERMINALS
The file "vedabacuskeys.p" defines any function key bindings appropriate to the terminal keyboard. This is optional: you need not create this file if the terminal has no special function keys, or if you don't wish to use them. If you do use this file, it should define a global procedure
of no arguments which will define the function key bindings when called. Keys may be defined either by using *VEDSET with the KEYS keyword or by calling *VEDSETKEY directly.
There are some widely used built in procedures for setting default key bindings.
vednewkeys() This sets the default key mapping described in HELP * VEDKEYS.
vedoldkeys() This sets up an older mapping used as the default prior to Version 14.5 and described in HELP * VEDOLDKEYS.
vedvi200keys() This sets up a mapping originally devised for the Visual 200 terminal, which emulates a VT52 and provides additional function keys. It is the same as vedoldkeys, plus mappings for the keypad.
vedvt100keys(); This corresponds to a VT100 keyboard. It is extended by LIB VEDVT220KEYS
Having the "screen" file (and optionally the "keys" file too) allows the library to be loaded automatically by VEDUSETERM. This may be sufficient. If the third file "vedabacus.p" is to exist as well, it need only be a wrapper for the other two to simplify loading the library explicitly.
If you do create this file, here is a model version to work from:
uses vedabacusscreen; uses vedabacuskeys;
define global vars vedabacus(); veduseterm("abacus") -> ; identfn -> vedabacus; enddefine;
if iscaller(vedsetup) then vedabacus() endif;
Including the "uses" statements means that loading this one file is sufficient to load all three. The procedure -vedabacus- itself just calls VEDUSETERM to avoid duplicating any work; it then redefines itself to *IDENTFN so that it can be called more than once without penalty (this can simplify a complex setup process). The test at the end of the file means that the procedure will be called automatically if the file is compiled inside *VEDSETUP: this would be the case if the line
lib vedabacus;
were executed in a "vedinit.p" file. The procedure will not be called if the library is loaded elsewhere - when building a saved image for example.
HELP * VED Overview of online information on VED
REF * VEDTERMINALS General information about VED and terminals; lists all the terminal libraries
HELP * INITIAL On initialising Poplog
HELP * VEDKEYS Default key bindings in VED.
HELP * LOGICAL_KEYS A list of frequently used logical names for VED functions accessible from the keyboard.
HELP * VEDEMACS Alternative EMACS-like key bindings
HELP * VEDSET Notation for tailoring VED
HELP * VEDSETKEY Altering individual keyboard mappings
HELP * VEDSCREENCONTROL The procedure used for communicating with the screen
Other useful online information referred to above: HELP * VEDUSETERM, * VEDINITTERM, * VEDSETUP, * VEDTERMINALSELECT REF * SYSTEM, * VEDVARS
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