
Select headings to return to index


Keywords: standards, documentation, library, format

This HELP file includes:

(a) General rules for online Poplog documentation files, apart from REF files, which use their own conventions (described in REF * REFFORM) and (b) some minimal conventions and guidelines for Poplog library programs.

These conventions have not been followed in all Poplog library files, as many were written before the standards emerged. The libraries are gradually being updated. This standards file will be enlarged from time to time as new conventions emerge.

It may be useful to study the information in DOC * SYSSPEC about the structure of the Poplog system, and the organisation of its libraries.

CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)


Language naming conventions

The name of the system should be written as "Poplog". The names of the constituent languages should be written as follows: "Pop-11", "Lisp" (or "CLisp"), "Prolog", "SML".

Documentation file headers

Headers of online documentation files should have the format:

<CATEGORY OF FILE> <FILENAME> <author> <date>

If the file has been updated, the new <author> date information may be added on following lines. See the heading of this file for illustration.

There should be a blank line after the header.

Categories include: HELP DOC TEACH REF PLOGHELP. New categories may be introduced, using the mechanisms described in HELP * VEDGETSYSFILE.

HELP file format

HELP files should all follow a standard format consisting of the following sections separated by blank lines:

  1. Name of the file, who wrote it and when (as above),
  2. A short (one line if possible) description of the contents of the file,
  3. If it is a help file for a procedure, a variable, a syntactic form, or a Prolog predicate, then a sample call of the procedure, or form, Prolog predicate, etc. If a procedure has an updater include a sample call of the updater. If it is just a variable indicate the types of possible values.
  4. A list of keywords that may aid automated accessing mechanisms.
  5. If the file is long, then there should also be a list of the contents of the file, produced by VED_INDEXIFY. (See below)
  6. the main text, with section headers produced using VED_HEADING.
  7. a section headed RELATED DOCUMENTATION, providing a list of documentation files relevant to the current topic.

The sample call should show how the procedure (and its updater if appropriate) are invoked, so that readers can see at a glance how many arguments it takes, what they are, what kinds of results are produced, etc. The summary pattern should be followed by a blank line, then explanatory text.

If the HELP file does not describe a procedure, the header line should be followed by a title and brief description, then, if the file is long enough a table of contents produced by <ENTER> indexify (described below). For example see the top of this file.

Some HELP files are overview files rather than descriptions of particular facilities. They can start with a brief summary, or a table of contents, after the header. E.g. see HELP *CONTENTS, HELP *CLASSES

Examples of HELP file headings

An example of a Pop-11 HELP file heading.

HELP SUBSTRING <name> <date>
Accessing or updating a substring of a string or word.
substring(<index>,<length>,<string|word>) -> <string> <string> -> substring(<index>,<length>,<string|word>)
Keywords: string, substring, word
This procedure takes two numbers and a string or word, and ....

If the procedure takes optional arguments, specify these by putting a slash or vertical bar between them.

If the sample call takes up more than a line, break the line at the bracket boundaries as follows:

                    <access procedure|offset>,
                    <mapping boolean>) -> <array>;

Put the output of a procedure call in angle brackets. If the number or types of results can vary, put slashes or vertical bars between the options.

If there are several different possible formats, list them separately, as in HELP *FOR.

Example of Prolog HELP file heading

PLOGHELP ARG Kathryn Seifert July 1986

Predicate which determines the Nth argument of a given term

?- arg(N, Term, Arg).

Keywords: term, arguments, structure

Pop-11 help files referenced in Prolog HELP files should be flagged by HELP as in HELP * DATABASE.

General Format: vedlinemax 72, vednotabs true

Restrict documentation files to 72 characters across. This looks better than 80 columns when files are printed and is more readable online.

<ENTER> rcol 72

to set VEDLINEMAX to 72 (see HELP *VEDCOMMS/ved_rcol)

Set VEDNOTABS true, so that there are no spurious tabs in the file. (See HELP * VEDNOTABS, HELP *VEDCOMMS/ved_tabs)

If you are frequently writing documentation, then you can define VEDVEDDEFAULTS in your vedinit.p to include something like:

    if issubstring('/help/',vedpathname)
    or issubstring('HELP ',subscrv(1,vedbuffer))
    or issubstring('/teach/',vedpathname)
    or issubstring('TEACH',subscrv(1,vedbuffer))
        72 -> vedlinemax; true -> vednotabs

Alternatively you can use -vedfiletypes-, e.g.

] {vedlinemax 72} {vednotabs true}] ..... ] -> vedfiletypes; See HELP *VEDVEDDEFAULTS, HELP * VEDFILETYPES Right alignment of text files is a matter of taste. Most Poplog help files are not right-aligned, partly in order to save space. Where right-alignment is required use <ENTER> jj or <ENTER> jjp, to justify and align marked range or current paragraph. Indentation can be controlled using VEDLEFTMARGIN or <ENTER> lcol. See HELP * FORMAT for more information on VED-based formatting facilities.

Programming examples in TEACH or HELP files

The following guidelines are recommended for examples of programs and interactions. ? prompt when using READLINE. - Include output as the program outputs it - if it is edited, say so. The VED command <ENTER> output . is useful for getting sample output into a file. (See HELP *LMR) forevery <list of patterns> do <actions> endforevery - Use similar notation in text to refer back to the example. E.g.: <actions> can include arbitrary Pop-11 instructions. - Present code as you would write it, for example, do not put more than one space between items in a list. Hence [2 3 4 5] -> x; as opposed to: [ 2 3 4 5 ] -> x ; - Language names should be written as described above (see 'Language naming conventions'). Variable names should be written enclosed in hyphens, which serves to clearly indicate their nature, and also to stop small variable names from getting lost in the text. E.g.: In Pop-11 conditionals are indicated by -if- or -unless-, and -cucharout- is a user-assigned variable. The procedure -foo- takes as its argument an integer -i-. Note that this does not apply to the descriptions of procedures in REF files, where arguments are conventionally written in upper case, e.g.: sysread(DEV, BSUB, BYTESTRUCT, NBYTES) -> NREAD

Cross references: in text and at end

A process can be recognised with *ISPROCESS (further details in REF *PROCESS)

Naming keys and illustrating key strokes

- If a key normally has a label printed on it refer to it by the name in angle brackets, e.g. <ESC>, <ENTER>, <CTRL> etc. For example To write the current file do: press: <ENTER> type: w press: <RETURN> See HELP *LOGICAL_KEYS for a list of standard logical names for keys. - Occasionally a HELP or TEACH file may recommend assigning a VED procedure to a key using *VEDSETKEY. It is best not to be too specific about the key(s) to be used. E.g. rather than saying redefine <CTRL> l to be VEDNEWPROCEDURE say something like: redefine a suitable key or key-sequence to be VEDNEWPROCEDURE SINCE <CTRL> l may be a critical key sequence on some terminals, or may have been preempted by user-tailoring of VED.

Table of contents: ved_heading, ved_indexify, ved_g

Begin long TEACH or HELP files with a "contents" section so that readers can go quickly and easily to the part of the file wanted using <ENTER> g as described in HELP *ENTER_G. Facilities are provided for formatting headings and creating tables of contents automatically, as was done for this file. After typing, or modifying, a section heading line do: <ENTER> heading This will turn it into a heading in the standard format, with two preceding hyphens and a trailing row of hyphens. If there is no table of contents in the file then <ENTER> indexify will build one on the line immediately after the cursor. If there is one already it will be rebuilt in the same place, to match the current state of the section headings. See HELP * ENTER_G for details. This mechanism can also be used to indexify program files, as long as the headings are inserted between /* ... */ comments so that they can start at the beginning of a line.


Program library headers

These should have the form of comments including the name of the file, the author, date, summary of the purpose of the program, cross references to relevant documentation and lists of related files. Update information in reverse chronological order can go at the end of the file.

System library headers

At Sussex University, where Poplog is built, all the public Poplog files are kept in one master directory network. Each file is in a directory $usepop/master/C.???/... which is a mirror of the $usepop/pop/... tree, and this is shown in the headers of library files. For an example see SHOWLIB *VTURTLE The C.??? component specifies what kinds of machines the file is suitable for. Examples are: C.unix - for any unix machine C.gec - for any GEC Series 63 machine C.vms - for any vms machine. (Sussex users only: See *NEWLIB for details on installing files by the same name in different parts of the master network.)

Use of sections

Pop-11 library programs should use either lexical scoping (see below) or sections, or both, to prevent clashes between subroutine or variable names used in a library and names used outside the library, either by other libraries or by users. See HELP * SECTIONS for an introduction to SECTIONS and REF * SECTIONS for full details. Even if no section is used, start the file with 'section;' and end with 'endsection;'. This will ensure that if the file happens to be compiled by another program in the middle of a section, the library identifiers will be available in the top level section. Identifiers that are to be available in all sections, or all sections below the one in which they are made available need to be declared as global, e.g. global vars foo, procedure(proc1,proc2); global constant myhomedir=popdirectory; define global factorial(x); See HELP * GLOBAL for more on this. Many library utilities are in a section called $-library. Many VED utilities are in the section called section $-ved. A family of related library programs may go into their own section, exporting only the identifiers that need to be globally accessible.

Settings for compiler flags: compile_mode

Most libraries now produced for Poplog use the COMPILE_MODE syntax (see HELP *COMPILE_MODE) to set various compiler flags to provide the required degree of strictness during compilation. It is recommended that the line compile_mode:pop11 +strict; be included at the top of library files.

Use of lexical scoping

Lexical scoping of identifiers can be used for efficiency (see HELP * EFFICIENCY). It also plays an important role in preventing clashes of identifiers. Lexical scoping is achieved using LVARS, LCONSTANT, DLVARS. See HELP *LEXICAL for a summary. Full details are given in REF * VMCODE and REF * IDENT. In Poplog lexically scoped identifiers can be used globally in a file, in which case their scope is restricted to a call of the compiler on a particular file (or stream). So a library file that declares global procedures and variables using LVARS or LCONSTANT need not use sections to prevent clashes with other library files. It is possible to merge two files into one compilation stream by "including" one of them in the other, as described in HELP * INCLUDE. A package of related files can then share some "include" files which use lconstant to define macros and other identifiers required only at compile time.

Preventing names in a package from clashing with user identifiers

When creating a package that might be used in connection with other programs it is usually a good idea to start all identifier names in the package with a unique prefix, to reduce the risk of clashing with software developed by others. Sections and lexical scoping can remove the risk as far as identifiers "private" to the package are concerned, but this leaves the risk of a clash for any identifiers that are exported from the package. Selecting a common prefix to use for all their names reduces the risk. Unfortunately this convention was not followed from the beginning of Poplog's life, so identifier names are somewhat chaotic, as with many other widely used large systems.

Creating a sub-directory tree for a package

If you add a package that includes a variety of sub-directories, e.g. auto, lib, help, teach, ref, etc. then it is advisable to include ONE file that adds the directories to appropriate search lists. For an example see LIB * POPXLIB. This library extends various search lists to include the X library and documentation directories. As these search lists can shadow the general Poplog search lists, it is a good idea to choose names that are unlikely to clash, e.g. using a prefix as suggested above. Alternatively, instead of using the standard commands for accessing such files (HELP, TEACH, etc) you can define new categories of files with their own documentation, using the mechanism described in HELP * VEDGETSYSFILE, * VEDSYSFILE. The "uses" mechanism for ensuring that a file required has been compiled can be copied by copying and modifying the libraries LIB * LOADLIB, LIB * USESLIB, LIB * POPUSESLIST, LIB * USES,

Efficiency issues

HELP * EFFICIENCY mentions some of the things to bear in mind. Do not be tempted to make your programs fast at the cost of safety by using 'fast_' or 'fi_' procedures, unless you indicate that you have done so by prefixing procedure names with 'fast_'. Since one of the features of Pop-11 is the availability of dynamic lists it is important that if user lists are operated on, HD TL and DEST should be used rather than FRONT, BACK and DESTPAIR, so that users can employ dynamic lists. (SEE HELP *PDTOLIST). Exceptions may be 'fast_' procedures. Judicious use of fast_ procedures can be used to speed up programs quite safely, e.g. if null(list) then .... else hd(list) .... tl(list) .... can safely be replaced by if null(list) then ... else fast_front(list) .... fast_back(list) .... This is because 'null' will already have checked that list is a pair, and if it is a dynamic list will have 'solidified' (or 'expanded') the fist link of the list so that it is unnecessary to us 'hd' or 'tl' repeat the check or ensure expansion. (See HELP * PDTOLIST)

Variable naming conventions

Pop-11 global variables that users can update tend to have names starting with 'pop'. VED extensions should start with "ved_" if they are to be used as <ENTER> commands, otherwise just use the prefix "ved". When in doubt about whether to separate syllables with an underscore, do so, apart from avoiding spurious "ved_" prefixes. (This underscore convention should have been done from the beginning in Pop-11, but wasn't. For the convenience of users, we shall not change this until there is a user-driven standardisation movement.) Use meaningful names wherever possible, but beware of choosing identifiers that are likely to clash with others. (See previous sections on packages)

Avoiding file name clashes on UNIX SystemV

For autoloadable libraries (See DOC *SYSSPEC) identifier names map onto file names, followed by the suffix for the language in question, e.g. '.p', '.pl', '.lsp' etc. So 'member' is defined in a file called 'member.p'. HELP files use just the name of the identifier, e.g. 'member'. On AT&T Unix systems there is a most unfortunate limit of 14 characters per file name, including any suffixes. The "." in 'foo.p' is one of the characters. This means that the file names may require the identifier part to be truncated. The language suffix MUST be included, however. A consequence is that if two identifier names differ only after the 14th character then they cannot have different help files. Worse, if Pop-11 identifiers differ after the 12th character, or Prolog identifiers after the 11th or Lisp identifiers after the 10th, then they cannot be included in separate files program files. E.g. newanypropername and newanypropersize would map into newanyproper.p newanyprop.lsp This will cause problems when the libraries are ported to UNIX SystemV machines.

Macros vs syntax words

It is generally preferable to define new syntactic forms as syntax words rather than as macros. There are two reasons for this: Generally speaking, macros should only replace themselves with a stream of items on proglist, and not cause any other side-effects; anything that does otherwise should be a syntax word. However it is often easier to use macros, and sometimes the task cannot be done using syntax words since incomplete expressions have to be read in and rearranged, as in LIB *SWITCHON. When defining new syntax words, don't forget to define any closing brackets as syntax words too (if there are any).

New looping syntax in libraries

If you define a new looping format, don't forget to plant labels that can be used by nextloop (nextif, nextunless) and quitloop (quitif, quitunless). sysNEW_LABEL creates new labels, pop11_loop_start plants the label for nextloop (etc) and pop11_loop_end plants the label for quitloop (etc). See REF *POPCOMPILE. For an example SHOWLIB * FOREACH

Use of SYSSTRING for buffers

This is a global variable holding a long character string of length SYSSTRINGLEN that can be used as argument for *SYSREAD in library programs that need to read in files, provided that no other programs likely to use SYSSTRING are invoked between the call of SYSREAD and accessing its contents. Using SYSSTRING avoids the garbage collection overhead of creating strings when needed, and the space overhead of having a different string for each utility. For an example of its use SHOWLIB *DISCAPPEND

Temporary files: SYSTMPFILE

If a library program needs to create a temporary file use SYSTMPFILE. See REF * SYSUTIL/systmpfile

Hard Wired Filenames

It is a bad idea to use "hard-wired" filenames in programs. If your program needs to refer to a particular file, even if it's always going to have exactly the same file specification (e.g. '/etc/passwd'), then it is good practice to declare a constant at the top of the file and use the name of the constant throughout the program. This is particularly useful if the file has a different specification on different operating systems. For example: constant passwdfile = '/etc/passwd'; or lconstant passwdfile = '/etc/passwd'; --- Operating System Specifics ----------------------------------------- Poplog programs often have to have slight differences to work on different operating systems. For example file specifications may be different. Sometimes it is possible to write code that will work on different operating systems by using some of the tools provided such as dir_>< which sticks a file name and directory name together in a form appropriate for the machine it is on. The procedure SYSFILEOK should also be used to ensure that a file specification is suitable for the operating system (e.g. SYSFILEOK will truncate names if necessary). sysfileok(<string>) -> <legal file name> Sometimes, however, these procedures are not sufficient and you may need an action that depends on the operating system of the computer that the program is running on. For example the command to get the operating system to list the files in a directory is different for VMS and UNIX. In this case you can use the compile time conditional.

Conditional compilation: #_IF

#_IF <condition> <statement-set-1> #_ELSE <statement-set-2> #_ENDIF #_IF is read by the compiler and the attached condition is evaluated at compile time. If it is not false then the <statement-set-1> is compiled and <statement-set-2> is ignored by the compiler as if it were commented, otherwise the second set of statements is compiled and the first set is ignored. As with "if" you can have #_IF ... #_ENDIF, #_IF ... #_ELSE ... #_ENDIF or #_IF ... #_ELSEIF ... #_ELSE ... #_ENDIF with any number of #_ELSEIF conditions being allowed. Unlike IF no THEN is required - the condition is read until the end of the line, so the condition must all be on the same line as the #_IF (or #_ELSEIF) and it must be the only thing on that line (apart from comments). To make this unusual feature stand out it is good practice not to indent any #_ statements. #_IF is often used in conjunction with the -DEF- macro, which tests whether a word is defined: see HELP * DEF.

Information about current system: SYSDEFS, POPHOST

Library programs can find out details of the host machine and operating system by using the libraries LIB * SYSDEFS and LIB * POPHOST. See HELP * SYSDEFS, * POPHOST. For example, to define a Pop-11 macro LSC to print out a directory listing in columns, which will work for both Unix and VMS systems: uses sysdefs; ;;; for definition of VMS/UNIX flags define macro lsc; lvars filespec; dlocal popnewline; true -> popnewline; rdstringto([; ^newline ^termin]) -> filespec; false -> popnewline; #_IF DEF UNIX sysobey('ls -C ' >< filespec); #_ELSEIF DEF VMS sysobey('dir/versions=1 ' >< filespec); #_ELSE mishap('lsc not defined for this operating system', sys_os_type); #_ENDIF enddefine;

Different files for different machines

Using compile time conditional is useful where the difference between the program on one machine and another only amounts to a line or two, or where one procedure is different, but if the program needs to be radically different on different machines then it is possible to write two separate files, though this will imply that when one is changed it will be necessary to remember to change the other.

NEWS files

All new items should be announced in HELP *NEWS, if in the public library and in HELP *LOCALNEWS if in the local library. It is very important to maintain this central chronological record of changes. Additions to Prolog and Lisp can go into the help files *PLOGNEWS and *LISPNEWS.

Updating overview files

It is important to enter new facilities in summary files even if they have their own help files. In addition there are various categories of overview files that describe a range of facilities then point to particular help files in that range. For examples see HELP *CONTROL, *CLASSES, *DATASTRUCTURES, *STRINGS and PLOGHELP *PREDICATES [Sussex only] Any new HELP files in the main pop/help directory should be entered into the overview file HELP *CONTENTS. New TEACH *FILES in the main pop/teach directory should go into TEACH *TEACHFILES. (Possibly these will be renamed for consistency).

Automating the production and checking of documentation

This possibility will be investigated. There are serious difficulties in automating documentation for a system as complex and varied as Poplog, especially as many of the files are overview files. However, by adopting appropriate conventions in program files we may be able to do something about automating part of the process.


DOC * SYSSPEC - overview of Poplog file structure HELP * ENTER_G - tools for formatting documentation files HELP * LOGICAL_KEYS - logical names for VED key sequences --- C.all/help/standards --- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------