Steve Knight, January 1990 Revised Aaron Sloman, April 1992 Revised Robert Duncan, November 1995

uses objectclass;

An object-oriented extension to Pop-11. For an index of objectclass documentation see HELP * OBJECTCLASS_HELP.


Select headings to return to index

About Objectclass

This library makes available an object-oriented programming (OOP) extension to Pop-11, remarkable in the way that it neatly maps OOP ideas onto existing Pop-11 concepts. The correspondence of ideas is as follows:

        procedures, which act according to the type of their arguments
        records, the instance variables of which are simply the fields
        of the record and are accessed by appropriate methods
        keys, although the keys that  play the role of classes are given
        some extra fields (via hidden properties) so that they can
        provide inheritance of behaviour

Because this is a natural mapping, the overhead of a method call is relatively low. This means that the objectclass package provides an efficient means of doing object-oriented programming.

Getting Started

In order to use any objectclass syntax or procedures your program must include the line:

uses objectclass;

You should mark and load this line now if you want to compile any of the examples in this file.

A good way to start learning about the package is to do the above and then look at:


Alternatively, if you just want to browse the objectclass documentation and libraries without compiling anything you need only do:

uses objectclass_help;

which extends the appropriate search lists without compiling any code. This can be a lot quicker than loading the whole library.

Declaring Classes

New classes are introduced with the define-form *define_class. To illustrate, here's an example which creates a class of points in a 2-dimensional space such as might be used to represent points on a display screen.

uses objectclass;
    define :class point2d;
        slot xCoord = 0;
        slot yCoord = 0;

This creates a new class point2d and a set of associated procedures. The class itself is a standard, recordclass key and is assigned to the variable point2d_key:

point2d_key => ** <key point2d>

This is the same as if the key had been created by the more traditional *defclass form. Likewise, the procedures which define_class creates have similar functions and names to those created by defclass.

Firstly, there is a collection of constructors and destructors:

conspoint2d(x, y) -> P creates point P from coords x and y destpoint2d(P) -> (x, y) generates x and y from point P newpoint2d() -> P constructs a new default point

If you've used defclass then you'll have expected conspoint2d and destpoint2d. The constructors are described in more detail in the next section on creating objects.

Secondly, define_class creates a recogniser ispoint2d which returns true for 2D points and any sub-classes. Obviously those sub-classes haven't been written yet but when and if they are, ispoint2d will recognise them.

ispoint2d(P) -> bool recognises 2D points or sub-classes

Lastly, define_class creates two slots or instance variables. In this documentation we shall call them slots or fields but most other OOPS call them instance variables, following the name established by the famous language SmallTalk.

xCoord(P) -> x gets the x-coord of point P x -> xCoord(P) sets the x-coord of point P
yCoord(P) -> y gets the y-coord of point P y -> yCoord(P) sets the y-coord of point P

You can create 2D points with either conspoint2d or newpoint2d:

vars P = newpoint2d(); P => ** <point2d xCoord:0 yCoord:0>
conspoint2d(4, 5) -> P; P => ** <point2d xCoord:4 yCoord:5>

And the slot procedures let you read and modify a point's coordinates:

P.xCoord => ** 4
6 -> P.xCoord; P => ** <point2d xCoord:6 yCoord:5>

Note how objects print (by default) slightly differently from ordinary records by naming their fields as well as their values.

You can create a new derived class by inheriting from point2d. Such a class is called a sub-class, which is an odd name when you consider that it has more detail and structure than the original!

    define :class point3d is point2d;
        slot zCoord = 0;

This definition assigns to:

point3d_key conspoint3d(x, y, z) -> P destpoint3d(P) -> (x, y, z) newpoint3d() -> P ispoint3d(P) -> bool xCoord(P) -> x yCoord(P) -> y zCoord(P) -> z x -> xCoord(P) y -> yCoord(P) z -> zCoord(P)

3D points inherit from 2D points:

ispoint2d(newpoint3d()) => ** <true>
vars P = newpoint3d(); 77 -> P.xCoord; 22 -> P.yCoord; P => ** <point3d xCoord:77 yCoord:22 zCoord:0>

Notice that you cannot apply zCoord to a 2D point. This is the kind of mishap message that results

zCoord(newpoint2d()) => ;;; MISHAP - Method "zCoord" failed

The full syntax for creating objectclasses is described in


but what you've seen here is enough to start writing worthwhile programs.

Creating Objects

Objects (or instances) are records with as many fields as they have slots. This includes slots inherited from superclasses. There are several ways to create instances. They only differ in small ways but are designed to make your programs look tidier and more efficient.

The simplest way to build an object of class XXX is to call consXXX. This is exactly the same as a standard recordclass constructor and expects one argument for each slot. This isn't quite as useful as it is with recordclasses because of slot-inheritance. Inheriting slots means that you can't always work out how many slots a class has by looking at its own definition. The "ownership" of that information is now distributed throughout the superclass definitions. So if you want your programs to be modular, you may be obliged to pretend that you don't know how many slots a class has and therefore don't know how many arguments consXXX takes.

To get round this problem, there is another constructor called newXXX -- a nullary procedure that returns an object with all its slots set to default values. This means that you can create an instance without caring about the number of slots it has. You declare the default values of slots as part of the class definition (the point classes created above have their slots set to zero) and you can also use class "wrappers" to do more complex initialisations of new instances. These topics are discussed fully in REF * OBJECTCLASS.

The problem with newXXX is that you usually have to assign to quite a few slots immediately after you have created the object, which makes for some quite ugly code. You can combine object creation and slot assignment with the *instance syntax, like this:

    instance point3d
        xCoord = 77;
        yCoord = 22
    endinstance -> P;
P => ** <point3d xCoord:77 yCoord:22 zCoord:0>

And *define_instance is a minor variation that lets you give a name to the object at the same time:

    define :instance startPosition:point2d;
        xCoord = 77;
        yCoord = 22;
startPosition => ** <point2d xCoord:77 yCoord:22>

More detailed information on both these forms is provided in


Declaring Mixins

A variant of the objectclass define-syntax is that of mixins:

    define :mixin <name>;

The syntax is identical to a class definition but with the keyword :mixin replacing :class.

A mixin is an objectclass which cannot be instantiated. Since mixins cannot be instantiated, the :mixin declaration does not introduce the constructors or destructor. Furthermore, since mixins are only placeholders in the objectclass hierarchy they are very inexpensive.

An obvious question to ask is when do you use mixins? The answer is simply that you use them liberally! Whenever you think that it is useful to extract some commonality between two classes, it is so inexpensive to use a mixin and potentially so useful, you really should.

Recompiling Old Objectclass or Mixin Definitions

One question which naturally arises is, what happens when I recompile an existing objectclass (or mixin) definition? The answer is the same as for defclass: if the definition has remained unchanged, nothing happens, but if there has been a change, all the variables are re-assigned consistently with the new definition.

Re-assigning includes the key: if the definition is changed, a new key is created. Any existing instances created from the old definition can't be magically updated with the new key and so will not be recognised as belonging to the changed class. By default, even methods defined on the class will stop working on those instances. You can change this behaviour by setting the variable *pop_oc_sensitive_methods, but there's nothing you can do to make old instances grow any extra slots added by the new definition. This is something to bear in mind when recompiling, though the behaviour is much the same as for defclass. (Some object- oriented systems do enable the addition or deletion of fields from already-created instances but pay a significant efficiency penalty.)

Loops in the Inheritance Hierarchy

It is natural to wonder whether or not you can create loops in the inheritance hierarchy. This is impossible in objectclass.

If you try creating a circularity with something like

define :class foo is foo; enddefine;

then the :class syntax is able to detect a mistake and will either give an error if this is the first definition of class foo, or else warn you that the new class has an old version of itself as a superclass. This is only a warning because it is -- just about -- possible that this is what was intended!

Defining Methods

In objectclass, a method is just a procedure which is constrained to operate only on arguments of specified types (classes). For example, you could write a method for finding the distance of a point from the origin:

    define :method distance(p:point2d);
        sqrt(p.xCoord ** 2 + p.yCoord ** 2);
distance(conspoint2d(3, 4)) => ** 5.0

The argument p is constrained to be of class point2d. It's the responsibility of objectclass to enforce this constraint, so that if you apply distance to something other than a point you'll get

distance(6) => ;;; MISHAP - Method "distance" failed

But constraints do respect inheritance, so this method will work on anything for which ispoint2d returns <true>:

distance(conspoint3d(3, 4, 12)) => ** 5.0

You can define several methods with the same name, provided that they all have different constraints. This allows you to define different versions of an operation appropriate to different classes. A more sensible implementation of distance for 3D points would take into account the z-coordinate too:

    define :method distance(p:point3d);
        sqrt(p.xCoord ** 2 + p.yCoord ** 2 + p.zCoord ** 2);
distance(conspoint3d(3, 4, 12)) => ** 13.0

A set of methods all having the same name combine into a composite object called a generic procedure. The first method defined with a particular name creates the generic procedure. Subsequent definitions with the same name add themselves to it. The name itself is used to denote the generic procedure as a whole rather than any particular method. So when you apply distance, it's really the generic procedure that's being applied. It examines the arguments it's been supplied with and chooses a method which is best suited to them. If there's no applicable method defined, it mishaps with the "Method failed" error.

Sometimes there may be more than one method that could apply to a particular argument set. Applied to a 3D point, either method of distance would be legitimate. In these cases, objectclass will always choose the most specific method, i.e. the method whose constraint classes are closest in the inheritance hierarchy to the actual classes of the supplied arguments. Given a choice of point2d and point3d methods, it's natural to choose the point3d method for an actual 3D point.

Since the method parts of a generic procedure are related only by name, there's no actual requirement that they should all do the same thing with respect to their constraint classes. However, it is a good idea to make sure that a given generic procedure does have a consistent meaning for all the classes to which it applies, or your programs will rapidly become incomprehensible.


A method definition may constrain more than one of its arguments, as in this definition which computes the angle between two points:

    define :method angle_between(p:point2d, q:point2d);
        arctan2(p.xCoord, p.yCoord) - arctan2(q.xCoord, q.yCoord);

This support for so-called "multi-methods" distinguishes objectclass from some other object-oriented systems which give one argument ("this" or "self") special status. The multi-method approach fits more naturally into the Pop-11 programming style. But for some combinations of constraints it can become ambiguous as to which method should be applied to any particular set of arguments. This is resolved in objectclass by treating the rightmost arguments as more "significant" than those on their left. Normally this isn't important but you can check out the whole story in REF * OBJECTCLASS.

The constraints on method arguments are optional. If you leave off the constraint for a particular argument, then that argument can have any type. If you leave off all the constraints, then the method will apply to any combination of arguments. This provides a useful catch-all definition, to be used when no other more specific method can be applied.

    ;;; catch-all
    define :method angle_between(p, q);
        arctan2(p.xCoord, p.yCoord) - arctan2(q.xCoord, q.yCoord);

A catch-all like this is called a default method. A generic procedure with a default method can never fail.

Using call_next_method

It is often useful to be able to extend a method without having to redefine it all over from scratch. This is achieved in objectclass by the syntax form *call_next_method. Its syntax is similar to that of a procedure call:

call_next_method(<expr1>, ..., <exprN>)

You treat call_next_method in exactly the same way as a call to the method itself, passing the appropriate arguments and so on. What it does is to force execution to begin at the next applicable method definition to the one that's currently executing.

For example, the distance method defined above on 3D points could have been written

    define :method distance(p:point3d);
        sqrt(call_next_method(p) ** 2 + p.zCoord ** 2);
distance(conspoint3d(3, 4, 12)) => ** 13.0

Here, call_next_method applies the distance method next-best suited to 3D points, clearly that defined on point2d. This may not be the most sensible thing to do here when compared to the earlier version, but illustrates how call_next_method allows derived classes to share and incrementally extend code defined by their superclasses.

The fact that call_next_method is a syntax word means that you can call the next method without ever getting a handle on it. As a rule, objectclass won't let you see individual method parts, only the generic procedure as a whole.

Private Methods

It is often the case that you want to hide certain methods from the outside world. This is normally because you want to prevent other parts of the program from relying on the particular implementation you've used. The objectclass library elegantly allows you to do this through ordinary Pop-11 declarations.

Firstly, you can localise identifiers using Pop-11 sections. This works in the normal fashion so there's not much to add to this. If you don't know about sections you can read HELP * SECTIONS.

Secondly, the define_class syntax allows you to make individual slot methods lconstant or lvars. For example,

    define :class myclass;
        slot lvars left;            ;;; the left and right methods are
        slot lvars right;           ;;; made local to the file.
        slot direction = 0;

In addition, you can make all the class identifiers private by default by putting a declaration after the :class keyword. Here's the same definition done using that technique.

    define :class lvars myclass;    ;;; make all identifiers lvars
        slot left;
        slot right;
        slot vars direction = 0;    ;;; ...except for direction

Finally, you can add declarations to method definitions too:

    define :method lconstant reverse(x:myclass);
        (x.left, x.right) -> (x.right, x.left);

Note that such a declaration applies to the name (here reverse) and so to the generic procedure as a whole, not to the individual method part being defined. In other words, you can't add to a public generic procedure a private method part which becomes invisible outside its defining lexical scope.

Updater Methods

Generic procedures can have updaters just as ordinary procedures do. Called in update mode, a generic procedure will select from any updater methods defined for it. To define an updater method, add the *updaterof keyword to the method header:

    define :method polarCoords(p:point2d) -> (r, theta);
        dlocal popradians = true;
        lvars r = distance(p);
        lvars theta = arctan(p.yCoord/p.xCoord);    ;;; when x /= 0
    define :method updaterof polarCoords(r, theta, p:point2d);
        dlocal popradians = true;
        r*cos(theta) -> p.xCoord;
        r*sin(theta) -> p.yCoord;
vars P = newpoint2d(); (1, pi/4) -> polarCoords(P); P => ** <point2d xCoord:0.707107 yCoord:0.707107>

Further Reading

An extended example, based on documentation for the flavours package, is provided by


It is well worth working through this file to get a fast understanding of the "typical" way in which the objectclass package gets used.

For the fine detail, see


A full list of other objectclass documentation is provided in


--- C.all/lib/objectclass/help/objectclass --- Copyright University of Sussex 1995. All rights reserved.