J.Gibson and A.Sloman June 1984 (Updated A.Sloman Jun 1990)

lvars <word 1>, <word 2>, <word 3> = <initialisation>, ...;

lconstant <word 1> = <init 1>, <word 2> = <init 2>, ...;

dlvars <word 1>, <word 2>, <word 3> = <initialisation>, ...;

lvars and lconstant can be used to declare lexically scoped variables. "define lvars" and "define lconstant" can also be used, by analogy with "define vars" and "define constant". "dlvars" is used for efficiency in special cases, explained below. Initialisations are compulsory for lconstant declarations, optional for the others.


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"lvars" and "lconstant" are syntax word used for declaring a variable as "lexically" scoped rather than having a "permanent" scope (sometimes misleadingly called "dynamic" scope. See HELP * LEXICAL for an explanation of the difference. For more detailed and technical discussion see REF * VMCODE).

The syntax for lvars and lconstant declarations is just as for vars and constant declarations, and for the duration of any file or procedure in which they occur will override any dynamic declaration for the same name.

If used at the top level in a file or compilation stream lvars and lconstant declarations are analogous to vars and constant declarations, except that they identifiers they declare are accessible only within that compilation stream. (See REF * PROGLIST and REF * POPCOMPILE for technical information on the compilation stream.)

For general information on non-lexically scoped variable declarations see HELP *VARS.

For general information on lexical scoping see HELP * LEXICAL. This also explains the use of the syntactic form

lblock <statement sequence> endlblock

to create a block of program within which lexical identifiers can be declared with scope restricted to the block, and without requiring an extra level of procedure call.

For information on "file-local" lexicals see HELP * LEXICAL and HELP * DLOCAL

In older versions of POP-11 and POP-2, and in older LISP systems (e.g. Interlisp), only dynamically scoped variables are provided.

Why use lexical variables? (1 - efficiency)

One of the advantages of LVARS over VARS within procedure definitions is efficiency, since lexical local variables are allocated either to registers or to cells in the procedure stack frame (giving faster access and more compact code).

Thus of two procedures that differ only in that the second declares its local variables as lexically scoped, thus:

    define foo(x, y, z) -> w;
    define baz(x, y, z) -> w;
        lvars x, y, z, w;

The second will generally be more efficient.

If a procedure contains an lconstant declaration then it must include initialisation. The intialisation expression will be evaluated ONCE at compile time and the result inserted wherever the lconstant identifier occurs. Thus

    define foo();
        lconstant list = [a b c];

Is equivalent to

lconstant list = [a b c];
define foo();
... #_< list >_# ... ... #_< list >_# ...

Where the #_< .. >_# brackets specify compile time evaluation as explained in HELP * HASH_

Restrictions on lexically scoped identifiers

various operations on the lexically scoped variables will not work as for non-lexical, e.g. use of "valof" and use as pattern variables in the pattern matcher. (See HELP * MATCHES) Similarly POPVAL applied to a list containing an identifier defined as lexical will not access the value of the identifier in the current lexical scope.

Nested procedures accessing lexical variables (dlvars)

The efficiency gain in using lvars is not always realised if the procedure contains NESTED procedure definitions that use one or more of the lexical variables non-locally. This is because the compiler may have to make a new closure of the nested procedure every time the enclosing procedure runs, causing considerable storage turn-over and garbage collections. This would happen with the following code, for example:

define print_length(item) -> n;
    ;;; given any item return the number of characters required
    ;;; to print it
    lvars item, n = 0;
    define cucharout(char);
        ;;; locally re-define cucharout to increment n
        lvars char;
        n + 1 -> n

The garbage collections can be demonstrated:

true -> popgctrace; ;;; indicate garbage collections repeat 50000 times print_length('a') -> endrepeat; ;;; GC-auto(C) TIME: 0.12, MEM: used 18317 + free 387186 + stack 1 = 405504 ;;; GC-auto(C) TIME: 0.14, MEM: used 18159 + free 385296 + stack 1 = 403456

Every execution of print_length creates a closure of the nested procedure to ensure that the correct environment for "n" is preserved.

In this case the user can easily tell that no such precaution is necessary, since the nested procedure will be run only in the context of the activation of print_length. So "n" can be declared as a lexically scoped dynamic variable, with far less overhead, thus:

define print_length(item) -> n;
    lvars item;
dlvars n = 0; ;;; more efficient than lvars
    define cucharout(char);
        ;;; locally re-define cucharout to increment n
        lvars char;
        n + 1 -> n

This version will run without generating garbage collections.

Using lconstant for nested procedure definitions

In some cases the user can tell that the nested procedure is to be invoked ONLY in the scope of the enclosing procedure, and that it will never be "pushed" as a data object, e.g. stored in a list or given as argument to another procedure to run in a different environment. In that case the nested procedure can be defined using "lconstant" as in the following (contrived) procedure to sum the lengths of the items in a list.

define sum_lengths(list) -> n;
    lvars item, list, n = 0;
    define lconstant increment(item);
        lvars item;
        datalength(item) + n -> n;      ;;; "n" used non-locally
for item in list do increment(item) endfor


This non-local use of the lexical identifier "n" will not cause garbage, and has all the efficiency advantages of lexical scoping.

true -> popgctrace; vars list = [a cat]; repeat 50000 times sum_lengths(list) -> endrepeat;

(The full story is quite complicated. For more details see the section on implementation of lexical variables in REF * VMCODE/Implementation).

Note that "lconstant" and "define lconstant" can also be used, like "lvars" at the top level in a file to declare constant identifiers accessible only in that file.

Why use lexical variables? (2 - fewer bugs)

Another, more important, advantage of lexical scoping is protection against unintended interactions between variables in different procedures. For example if the procedure -dolist- were defined thus to achieve the effect of the procedure -applist-:

    define dolist(list, proc);
        ;;; Apply procedure proc to every element in list
        vars item;
        for item in list do proc(item) endfor

Then the following procedure -whichin- would not work as intended because the second argument that it gives to -dolist- is a procedure that is intended to access the variable -list- in -whichin- whereas in fact it will access the variable local to -dolist-, which will be running when the nested procedure is invoked.

    define whichin(items, list);
        ;;; Print out elements of -items- that are in -list-
                if member(x,list) then x => endif
whichin([a b c], [1 a 2 b]); ;;; should print out only a and b ** a ** b ** c ;;; error

But if we re-define dolist with all its variables lexically scoped, then nothing defined outside it can access them

    define dolist(list, proc);
        ;;; apply procedure proc to every element in list
        lvars item, list, proc;
        for item in list do proc(item) endfor

without changing the definition of -whichin-, it now works:

whichin([a b c], [1 a 2 b]); ;;; should print out only a and b ** a ** b

Use lexical locals with functional arguments

In general, any procedure like -dolist- that takes another procedure P as argument and runs it (or hands P as argument to other procedures that will run P), should have its local variables declared as lexical, to prevent unwanted interactions.

Alternatively the procedure can be defined within a section to prevent unwanted interactions, though the overheads of using a section are greater. (HELP * SECTIONS).

Why use lexical variables? (3 - using lexical closures)

A third advantage of LVARS over VARS is that a procedure using lexical variables can return as a result a procedure that "remembers" the values that those variables had when the procedure was returned. Two procedures returned as results can share an environment composed of such lexical variables. This considerably enhances the expressive power of the language.

In particular, suppose that inside a procedure P1 an identifier L is declared using LVARS. Then L can be used non-locally in a procedure P2 whose definition is nested within P1. If P2 is returned as a result by P1, or saved in a data-structure for later invocation, then P2 will "remember" the lexical values of the variables that it uses non-locally, such as L. In fact a different procedure with an associated "lexical environment" will be created each time P1 is run and returns P2, so there is a storage, and garbage collection, overhead in using this mechanism.

For example a we can define a procedure that makes a "contents-repeater" for a vector (i.e. a procedure which returns the next item in the vector each time it is invoked, and returns TERMIN when the vector is exhausted):

    define vectorin(vector) -> pdr;
        ;;; given a vector return a contents-repeater
        lvars vector, pdr, index = 1, vectorlength =datalength(vector);
            ;;; return "next" item in vector, or termin
            if index > vectorlength then
                termin                      ;;; nothing left to return
                subscrv(index, vector);     ;;; return next item
                index + 1 -> index;         ;;; and increment index pointer
        endprocedure -> pdr;

The procedure returned by -vectorin- has to "remember" the values of -vector- and -index- that were current when it was created. So each time -vectorin- is run it creates a "lexical closure" procedure, with the environment frozen in. If the procedure updates the variables, as the above nested procedure does, it must remember the updated values.

We can demonstrate that this works by using -vectorin- as defined above to create two different contents-repeaters, each of which remembers its own environment:

vars procedure (rep1, rep2); vectorin({1 2 3}) -> rep1; vectorin({the cat}) -> rep2;
rep1() => ** 1 rep2() => ** the rep2() => ** cat rep2() => ** <termin> ;;; rep2 now finished rep1()=> ** 2 ;;; but rep2 still remembers its environment

Sharing a lexical environment between procedures

A more interesting example returns two procedures that share an environment. The first is as before, namely a generator of elements from the vector, whereas the second is a back_spacer, which decrements the internal counter.

define vectorin(vector) -> generator -> back_spacer;
    ;;; given a vector return a contents-repeater, and a back_spacer
    lvars vector, back_spacer,
         index = 1, vectorlength =datalength(vector);
    procedure() -> next;
        ;;; return "next" item in vector, or termin
        lvars next;
        if index > vectorlength then
            termin -> next              ;;; nothing left to return
            subscrv(index, vector) -> next;
            index + 1 -> index;         ;;; and increment index pointer
    endprocedure -> generator;
        ;;; reset the index
        index - 1 -> index
    endprocedure -> back_spacer


vars repeater, back_spacer;

vectorin({the cat on the old mat}) -> repeater -> back_spacer;

repeater () => ** the repeater () => ** cat back_spacer(); repeater () => ** cat repeater() => ** on

A different call of vectorin would create two entirely separate procedures with a shared environment.

Problems of accessing lexical identifiers

Against the above advantages is the disadvantage that at run time, during debugging, it is not easy to get at the values of lexical variables, since the context in which they were compiled has been lost. Special tools will be provided for this later.

Lexical variables and sections

An identifier that has been declared as lexical will be accessible within the scope of a different section within the same file. I.e. lexical identifiers are ignored by the section mechanism. The following example illustrates this.

vars a = 1; ;;; non-lexical lvars b = 2; ;;; lexical vars c = 3; ;;; non-lexical, but imported to the section
section testing c => f; ;;; entering a section, importing c, exporting f
a => ;;; inaccessible ;;; DECLARING VARIABLE a ** <undef a>
b => ;;; accessible ** 2
c => ;;; accessible ** 3
vars d = 4; ;;; non-lexical, not exported lvars e = 5; ;;; lexical, doesn't need to be exported vars f = 6; ;;; non-lexical, exported
endsection; ;;; leaving the section
d => ;;; inaccessible ;;; DECLARING VARIABLE d ** <undef d>
e => ;;; accessible ** 5
f => ;;; exported so accessible ** 6

Formal parameters of procedures may be declared lexical

Since a procedure can now have two kinds of variable, formal argument and result variables are now ambiguous (i.e. are they "vars" or "lvars"?). They will default to "vars", but the POP compiler makes this default declaration ONLY for names which do not appear in any "vars" or "lvars" statements immediately following the procedure header.

As shown in the above examples, "lvars" can be used to declare that the formal parameters of a procedure are lexically scoped, either for the sake of efficiency or for other reasons.

It is recommended that all formals be declared as lexical in this way, unless there are good reasons for them to be permanent identifiers (e.g. CUCHAROUT, PRMISHAP, etc.). Output locals can also be declared as lexical. It is possible for some formal parameters to be lexical, some permanent: e.g.

       define foo(x, y, z) -> p;
           vars z, u, v, w;
           lvars x, a, y = 99, b =g(x,y), c, d, procedure p;

etc. Note also that since the first N lvars are allocated to registers (where N varies according to machine, ranging from 0 on Intel 80386-based machines, through 2 on a VAX or M680?0 to 8 on a SPARC processor). This allows chosen variables to get the registers (i.e. x and a in the example above).

Pop-11 compile_mode can be set so that any procedure whose formal parameters or output locals are not explicitly declared as vars or lvars will produce a warning message, e.g.

compile_mode:pop11 +varsch;
    define foo(x,y) -> z;
        . . . .
For more on compilation modes
    See REF * POPCOMPILE, SHOWLIB * compile_mode

Lexical closures vs partial application

Pop-11 provides a mechanism that achieves some of what can be done using lexical closures, i.e. procedures created by combining a procedure with an environment. In some cases Pop-11 partial application is more efficient, though using lexical closures is generally more elegant.

For more on partial application see
    REF * PROCEDURE/Closures

Merging lexical environments: #_INCLUDE and include

It is sometimes convenient to declare various constants and macros that are used only during compilation. If declared as lvars and lconstants they will be discarded at the end of the current compilation stream, saving space.

These can be put into a file that is compiled whenever it is needed. However, if such a file is compiled using -compile-, or -uses-, or -lib-, then the lexically scoped identifiers will not be accessing in the "calling" file, defeating the purpose of providing a re-usable set of lexical declarations. For this reason, Pop-11 allows a new file to be merged with the current compilation stream instead of having its own stream. This is achieved using #_INCLUDE or include. The latter is generally more convenient. See HELP * INCLUDE, REF * #_INCLUDE .

Poplog virtual machine instructions

There are several virtual machine instructions available for planting code to create and manipulate lexical identifiers. Examples include sysLVARS, sysNEW_LVAR sysLBLOCK


Related Documentation

HELP *VARIABLES - range and nature of variables HELP *VARS - declaring dynamic variables HELP *DLOCAL - dynamic local expressions HELP *LEXICAL - nature of lexical variables HELP *EFFICIENCY - more on the use of lexical variables HELP *CONSTANT - constants and their declaration HELP *INCLUDE - extending current compilation stream REF * #_INCLUDE - (ditto, with more details).

REF *IDENT - technical details of POP-11 identifiers HELP *IDENTIFIERS - introduction to POP-11 identifiers

HELP * CLOSURES - see section on partial application above

REF  *SYNTAX      - POP-11 syntax, including declarations
REF  *POPSYNTAX   - POP-11 syntax, in diagrammatic form.
REF  *VMCODE      - technical details of the POP-11 virtual machine
    (This explains that three kinds of lexical variables have to be
    distinguished, with different implementation requirements.)

--- C.all/help/lvars --- Copyright University of Sussex 1990. All rights reserved. ----------