This file assumes some knowledge of how to use the VED editor.
How to find other sources of on-line documentation: HELP *DOCUMENTATION
Select headings to return to index
The file DOC * SYSSPEC gives an overview of the Poplog Directory structure.
The Pop11 library of demonstrations and utilities is found in the sub-directories $usepop/pop/lib/*
Prolog specific libraries are found in $usepop/pop/plog/lib
$usepop/pop/lib is composed on the following subdirectories
auto demo lib sun data flavours psv turtle database include ved
See below for a description of their contents.
HELP *LIBRARIES For introduction to libraries and library facilities REF *LIBRARY Details of the library mechanism HELP *LIB *USES, *SHOWLIB, *LOAD, *COMPILE Procedures for loading/viewing library files HELP *POPAUTOLIST (autoloadable) *POPUSESLIST (non-autoloadable) Program library search lists HELP *PROLOGLIBLIST Library directories used by Prolog DOC *SYSSPEC /Program libraries A general overview of the structure of the Poplog system
These are 'autoloaded' (see HELP *AUTOLOAD). Other autoloadable directories may be added to *POPAUTOLIST. The default value of *POPAUTOLIST is easily altered in /pop/pop/init.p which is compiled whenever POP11 starts up (see HELP *INITIAL).
Files in $usepop/pop/lib/lib are only loaded if this is explicitly requested by the LIB command, or the USES command. (See LIB.P and USES.P). The directories accessed by LIB and USES are those listed in POPUSESLIST which may also be set up in /pop/pop/init.p
This contains data used by some of the other library packages.
This contains autoloadable libraries used by the database facility see HELP *DATABASE
This contains demonstration programs
$usepop/pop/lib/lib/blocks: blocks.p driver.p fits.p utils.p
This contains demonstration programs for a robot which understands English and manipulates blocks in a simulated world.
This contains libraries used by the flavours object oriented programming language.
Header files e.g., used for systems significant constants
Some saved images (including the prolog and lisp images)
Library files needed used for sun workstations. See HELP *VEDSUN
See HELP * X
Library files used by the turtle facility, e.g.,
HELP *TURTLE, TEACH *TURTLE Introduction to the Pop11 turtle HELP *TURTLE, TEACH *TURTLE Introduction to the Pop11 turtle HELP *VTURTLE, LIB *VTURTLE Turtle facilities based on the VED editor HELP *LTURTLE, LIB *LTURTLE Using a list of lists instead of arrays HELP *READPICTURE, LIB *TURTLE Reading in pictures, and storing them in the TURTLE picture HELP *STOREPICTURE, LIB *TURTLE Storing pictures HELP *SEEPICTURE, TEACH *SEEPICTURE Redisplaying turtle pictures in terms of lines and junctions HELP *REGIONS, LIB *REGIONS Finding regions in turtle pictures HELP *CONVOLVE, LIB *CONVOLVE Demonstration of some of the techniques used for processing grey-level pictures. HELP *INTERSECT, LIB *INTERSECT Returning the point P which is the intersection of two lines LIB *GEOM3D.P, LIB *GEOMETRY.P 3-D geometry packages
Many extensions to the editor commands are to be found in $usepop/pop/lib/ved
See for example VED_DM.P. If a VED ENTER command is given which is not recognised, then 'VED_' is attached to the command, and a search is made for an autoloadable file which will define an appropriate procedure. E.g.
<ENTER> dm
will cause the file $usepop/pop/lib/ved/ved_dm.p to be compiled, and the procedure defined therein to be obeyed.
Contains prototype versions of new libraries, supplied for evaluation and comment. To make any experimental libraries supplied here accessible, do:
uses popprotolib;
The are non-autolodable and cover a wide range of subjects and facilities. Some of these are described in the following sections
LIB *SUPER.P PROLOG like extension of the Pop11 database HELP *NEWQUEUE, LIB *NEWQUEUE A queue mechanism LIB *SMATCH.P Using matches inside sections LIB *FLOAT_PARAMETERS.P Defining floating-point parameter constants LIB *SYSSTRING.P Defining large constant string for use in libraries LIB *FORM, *FORMS.P, HELP *FORMS Changing and creating syntax forms LIB *SYSOPS.P Attempt to compile POPAS files as ordinary POP11
*LIB DEBUG.P Interactive Debugging Aid LIB *SHOWCODE, HELP *SHOWCODE Tracing POPOLOG virtual machine code planting procedures useful for debugging compilers LIB *SLOWPROCS, HELP *FASTPROCS Remove fast procedures for debugging LIB *TIME, HELP *TIME Timing how long a procedure takes LIB *GCTIME.P, HELP *TIME/ GCTIME Measuring garbage collection time HELP *PROFILE Profiling where the system is doing the most work LIB *HALTS, HELP *HALTS Deciding whether a procedure will ever terminate LIB *SHOWTREE.P Visual Demonstration of lists in LIB *FILE.P Sorting Data in files LIB *CROSSREF.P Prototype cross referencer for pop programs LIB *CONTEXT Facilities for saving and restoring the values of a set of global variables so that the state of a computation may be saved and later resumed. HELP *SUBSYSTEM, LIB *SUBSYSTEM.P Making several subsystems accessible LIB *PROLOGLIBLIST.P Customising the library directories used by Prolog
LIB *NEWPR.P Pretty printing of objects LIB *POP_PR_RATIOS.P Flag to toggle printing of ratios as floats HELP *POPPRINT A Pretty printer for lists of pop programs
(BSD machines only)
LIB *IOCTL_LOCALS.P Constants for accessing local mode word of new tty driver LIB *IOCTL_LTCHARS.P Constants for accessing 'ltchars' structure (local interrupts) LIB *IOCTL_SGTTYB.P Constants for accessing 'sgttyb' structure (basic modes) LIB *IOCTL_TCHARS.P Constants for accessing 'tchars' structure
Packages simulating "classic" A.I. programs
LIB *ANALOGY.P, HELP *ANALOGY, *EVANS, HELP *PLANET, TEACH *SOLVEMS, LIB *SOLVER.P Evan's analogy program TEACH *FINGER Selfridge's Number learner TEACH *RIVER River Crossing LIB *MSBLOCKS.P SHRDLU blocks world LIB *MSHAND.P, TEACH *BLOCKS Robot hand PLOGHELP *CLAUSIFY, *RESOLVE Clausification and Resolution HELP *RMS, LIB *RMS Truth maintenance system
See also the contents of $usepop/pop/lib/demos $usepop/pop/lib/data
TEACH *GRAMMAR, LIB *GRAMDEMO.P Context free grammar parser/generator HELP *FACETS Semantic interpretation of sentences HELP *TPARSE More general version of LIB *GRAMMAR PLOGHELP *PHRASE, *GRAMMAR_RULE, *LERNGRAM, *EXPAND_TERM, *PROGRAM Prolog NLP facilities TEACH *ATNS, *ATNSUM, *GRAMMAR, *PARSING, *ISASENT, *INTERP, *MAKESENT, *PARSE, *PARSESENT, *TRANSSENT, *WHYSYNTAX Related documentation
TEACH *WALTZ, *WALTZ2 LIB *WALTZ.P, *LABELS.P, *TETRA Introduction to Waltz filtering techniques LIB *MATRIX.P Fast 2-D arrays for vision processing LIB *GEOM3D.P, LIB *GEOMETRY.P 3-D geometry packages LIB *GAMMA The Gamma function
Using the Pop11 PROCESS facility to implement basic procedures for discrete event simulation. This can be used for multi - tasking.
REF *VEDDRAWLINE, LIB *DRAWLINE.P Drawing/deleting lines using graphchars
See also turtle facilities (this file)
See also HELP * X, HELP * RC_GRAPHIC for X-based graphical facilities.
See also contents of $usepop/pop/plog/lib
PLOGHELP *HELPFILES Overview of Prolog files LIB *SUPER.P PROLOG like extension of the Pop11 database HELP *PROLOGLIBLIST Library directories used by Prolog
See $usepop/pop/lib/flavours
LIB *GAMMA The Gamma function LIB *POPSUNLIB.P Adding the sun library to the liblist LIB *GET_TTY_REPORT.P Getting a report from a terminal HELP *CALENDAR Print a calendar for a given month or year
--- C.all/help/libfiles --- Copyright University of Sussex 1993. All rights reserved. ----------