A. Sloman, Simon Nichols July 1982

This file describes the process of starting up Poplog, and some preliminary setting up that has to be done. For more complete explanations see the Poplog installation guide, and Poplog User Guide. REF * SYSTEM gives more technical information on Poplog system startup procedures.


Select headings to return to index

Environment variables

Operating systems provide mechanisms whereby the user can set certain environment variables (or logical names as they are called in VMS) to control the behaviour of programs. In what follows we shall refer to these as environment variables, and indicate them with a dollar prefix, e.g. $usepop, $popsavelib.

The dollar prefix is dropped in VMS, but is essential in Unix systems. In VMS, the logical names are capitalised, but Poplog translates from lower to upper case, as does the VMS command file interpreter. (On VMS Poplog systems see HELP * UNIX_FILENAMES for detailed information on how Unix file names are translated into VMS names.)

Setting up the environment

Before you can do anything using Poplog you have to ensure that the device or directory on which Poplog resides has been assigned to the logical name (environment variable) $usepop. If this has not been done system-wide, you will need to do it (with help from your system manager) in your login initialisation file, whose name will depend on the operating system and monitor you are using:

Unix with c-shell(csh) .login Unix with shell (sh) .profile VMS LOGIN.COM

The logical name $poplocal should also be set in this file, if you do not want to use the default value for the device or directory on which local extensions to the Poplog system should reside (see DOC * SYSSPEC).

Initialisation of Poplog makes use of environment variables assignable by the user. It is necessary to set the defaults by including in your login command file an instruction to use the Poplog login file provided.

This is done by including in your login file:

source $usepop/pop/com/poplog (in .login for csh) or . $usepop/pop/com/ (in .profile for sh) or $ @usepop:[]poplog (in for VMS)

This will cause the Poplog login message to be printed out, assign various environment variables and define some useful commands and abbreviations. It will also run one or more other command files in the same directory.

This directory $usepop/pop/com is known as the $popcom directory, as various initialisation command files and utilities are kept there. (The VMS directory $popcom is popcom:)

It is possible to do some additional setting up either in your own login file, or a file in the shared Poplog local directory of command files:

$poplocal/local/com/ (Unix) poplocal:[] (VMS)

which is not supplied with Poplog and not over-written when the system is updated.

The above command in your login file will also automatically invoke the following command file:

$usepop/pop/com/popenv (Unix C Shell) $usepop/pop/com/ (Unix Bourne Shell) or usepop:[] (VMS)

This will set up a collection of default values for environment variables (logical names) for Poplog users. Some of these may be altered by individuals in their login files. They are used to define search paths used when Poplog starts up, and also to specify directories where program libraries are kept.

Search paths used when Poplog starts up

The search paths described here are used for starting up a Poplog program. Search lists described below are set up within a Poplog program for accessing libraries and online documentation.

A search path is a string of directory names separated by '|' in VMS, ':' in Unix. For examples of the syntax used, see the 'popenv' file in the $popcom directory.

Here are the environment variables naming Poplog search paths, represented using the Unix and internal Poplog convention of prefixing '$' and using lower case:

  - Directories where Poplog should search for saved images.
    Default:    ':$poplib:$poplocalbin:$popsavelib'
  - Directories where Poplog should search for files to be loaded.
    Default:    ':$poplib:$poplocalauto:$popautolib:$popliblib'

The default values of these paths are set up in the afore-mentioned command files in $popcom. Similarly for the default directories listed below.


The main directories used are:
 $popcom       [described above]

Running Poplog

Poplog is invoked by running the core Pop-11 image (in the $popsys directory). It may be run in such a way that it includes extensions in the form of 'saved images'. The main saved images supplied are for Prolog, Common Lisp and Poplog Standard ML (PML), in the $popsavelib directory. (For information on saved images see HELP * SYSSAVE and REF * SYSTEM).

The core system, which provides Pop-11 and Ved, is run with the command


(assuming the environment has been set up as described above).

Poplog may be run with command-line arguments, which affect its behaviour on startup (see HELP * PARAMETERS). The arguments fall into four categories, distinguished by the flag character which is the first character of the argument:

1) If the argument begins with a `+` character, the remainder of the
   argument (i.e., without the leading `+`) is taken to be the name of
   a saved image to be restored when Poplog starts up. For example, to
   run Prolog, Common Lisp or PML respectively, type:
pop11 +prolog
pop11 +clisp
pop11 +pml
Abbreviations for all of these are provided, namely:
but it is possible that these commands may not been defined for your installation owing to name clashes with other versions of the languages. Check with the system manager if in doubt.
Note that the use of a `+` character to flag a saved image argument works for both UNIX and VMS operating systems, in contrast to the older (though still supported) convention of using a `/` character on VMS and a `-` character on UNIX, as in
pop11 /prolog
pop11 -prolog
2) If the argument begins with a `%` character, it is treated as a
   "special" command line flag, which is one of the following:
            prevents printing of the Poplog banner.
            prevents compilation of the initialisation files, "init.p",
            "", "vedinit.p", etc.
            prevents execution of "runtime actions" when Poplog starts
            up. See REF * SYSTEM (especially the section entitled
            'Runtime actions').
            tells Poplog to start-up under X. The %x may optionally be
            followed by a bracketed list of X arguments, which may be
            passed on to the X server. See REF * SYSTEM (especially the
            section entitled "Starting up X windows facilities").
  1. If the argument begins with a `:` character (UNIX) or the string '":' (VMS), the remainder of the argument is treated as a string of source text and is executed. The source text is assumed to be in the the language which is the primary subsystem (see HELP * SUBSYSTEM). Note that initialisation files are not compiled first and that Poplog exits after evaluating the argument. This behaviour may be overridden: see HELP * PARAMETERS.
  2. The treatment of any other command line argument varies between Pop-11 and the Prolog, Common Lisp and Standard ML saved images. The language saved images check whether the argument is a Ved command (one of "ved", "help", "teach", "ref", "doc" or "im") and if so invoke Ved, HELP, etc. with any following command line argument as an argument to the Ved command. If it isn't a Ved command, any remaining argument is treated as the name of a program file to be compiled. Pop-11 does not check for Ved commands, so all other arguments are treated as the name of program files to be compiled.


  1. Both Pop-11 and the standard saved images Prolog, LISP and ML may be run with the above arguments.
  2. It is possible to have a single argument list containing arguments of kinds 1, 2 and 3 or of kinds 1, 2 and 4, but kinds 3 and 4 are mutually exclusive.

The initialisation files ("init.p", "", "init.lsp", "") are not compiled automatically if arguments of kinds 1, 3 or 4 are supplied. Therefore, user programs (including saved images) can decide whether to compile them or not. So, for example, the ML, Lisp and Prolog saved images are created in such a way that as soon as they are restored they do compile these files, but other saved images need not do so. As outlined above, the %noinit flag can be used to suppress the compilation of initialisation files when no argument is supplied.

The command line arguments passed to Poplog are accessible in the Pop-11 variable poparglist (see HELP * POPARGLIST), with the exception of saved image arguments (e.g. "+prolog") and special arguments (e.g. "%noinit"). In addition, X arguments specified by means of the %x flag are available in the Pop-11 variable popunderx (see REF * popunderx).

More information on how the Poplog system is set up can be read in the Poplog Installation Guide.

Using initialisation files to tailor the system

Just as the LOGIN command file tailors the environment for the operating system, Pop-11, Prolog, Lisp, PML and Ved all have their own mechanisms allowing the user to redefine global variables, extend search lists, compile programs, and generally tailor the environment. This is done by looking for an initialisation file that is compiled at the appropriate time.

Poplog Initialisation files

Different initialisation files are used for the different sub-systems:

The relevant files are:

Pop-11 init.p Prolog CLisp init.lsp PML Ved vedinit.p (since Pop-11 programs are used to tailor Ved)

The system first looks in the $popsys directory for the appropriate file, and if it exists, then the file is compiled. This can be used for system-wide tailoring of one of the languages or the editor. It is not recommended except for very homogeneous user communities. (See below on how individuals can over-ride system-wide initialisation).

Whether or not an initialisation file was found in $popsys, one is sought in the user's $poplib directory. If found, it is compiled, and IF NOT FOUND it is sought in the current directory. Since a file can contain commands to look for and compile files in other directories, this mechanism is very general.

As well as having specific initialisation files for each language, the user's init.p or vedinit.p file can test whether it is being compiled in a process that includes a particular language subsystem by using the procedure * is_subsystem_loaded. For example:

    if is_subsystem_loaded("prolog") then
        ;;; Prolog is included

If any of the Poplog commands are run with additional arguments, in order to run a specific program or restore a saved image, the initialisation behaviour is different. The initialisation behaviour can also be changed by the use of a command line argument. These issues are explained above, in the section on running Poplog.

Over-riding system-wide initialisation: changing $popsys

As explained above files called init.p, vedinit.p etc can be put into the $popsys directory, in which case they will always be compiled for all users who start up Poplog on that installation.

An individual user who does not wish to use the system-wide defaults can overcome this by creating a different directory whose name is assigned to $popsys (after running the normal Poplog startup script in the login files). This will work provided that the user's $popsys directory contains either copies of all the executable images in the system $popsys directory or links to them. (Note that on Unix systems most of the files in that directory are linked to $popsys/pop11 in any case, as Poplog produces different behaviour if started up under a different name.) If you do this, make sure that your $popsys directory is one in which commands will be found (e.g. Unix users must put it on $PATH).

Changing $poplib

The environment variable $poplib can be assigned by the user, as a directory to be used for initialisation files or library files. The user's login directory is assigned as a default in the Poplog environment initialisation file in $popcom.

Suppose you wished instead to use a subdirectory called mylib, of your login directory. You could then include in your login file:

setenv poplib $HOME/mylib (for csh) or poplib=$HOME/mylib (for sh) or assign sys$login:[mylib] poplib (for VMS)

You could then store any or all of your init.p init.lsp or vedinit.p files in your mylib directory.

If you create any saved images (see HELP * syssave) which you wish to be found automatically you can save them in this directory too, as Poplog will search there before searching in public directories. (The searching is controlled by $popsavepath, as described in HELP * PARAMETERS

Tailoring Pop-11

Some examples of Pop-11 defaults that users can change in their initialisation files are given in the following HELP files:

Program library search lists:

Global variables:

 * interrupt * prmishap * prwarning * cucharerr

For a complete list, see HELP * POPVARS.

Tailoring Prolog

When you run Prolog, if you have a file called '' in your $poplib directory, or failing that in the current directory, it will be compiled (and assumed to contain Prolog code). It can cause Prolog files to be compiled if necessary.

Prolog users should see HELP * POPTOPLOG, HELP * PLOGTOPOP and HELP * SUBSYSTEMS, for information on switching languages.

The variable * prologliblist contains a list of the library directories searched by Prolog, which you can add to.

Tailoring Common Lisp

If you run Common Lisp with the command

clisp or pop11 +clisp

then if you have a file called init.lsp in your $poplib directory, or failing that in the current directory, it will be compiled. It can cause files to be compiled if necessary.

Tailoring PML

Each time you run PML it will try to compile an "" file from your $poplib directory (or failing that, from the current directory). This file may contain any top-level declarations or commands; in particular, it can contain commands to load other files and so provides a very general tailoring mechanism. Typically, an "" file might contain commands to load useful library files; open structures (to enlarge the initial environment) or to change the values of some of the system control variables described in the PML help files:


For more information about starting up PML, see HELP * PML.

Initialising Ved

When Ved is called for the first time (whether from the command line or from inside Poplog) it runs the procedure vedsetup to perform its initialisation.

vedsetup calls the variable procedure vedinitcomp, which looks in the $popsys directory for a file called 'vedinit.p' and if found compiles it. This facilitates system-wide enhancements or modifications to Ved, as explained above.

vedinitcomp then looks for a user's vedinit.p file first in $poplib, and failing that in the current directory.

(Note that the way to create a saved image with your vedinit.p pre-compiled is to call vedinitcomp explicitly, and then assign identfn to it, i.e.

vedinitcomp(); identfn -> vedinitcomp;

This will stop Ved compiling it again on startup.)

After calling vedinitcomp, vedsetup runs the user definable procedure vedinit, if it exists. (E.g. it could have been defined in the user's init.p)

Users can define extensions to Ved using the vedinit.p file, or the vedinit procedure (either of which can cause yet more files to be compiled, e.g. to tailor Ved to the terminal used, or can cause a saved image to be restored).

In particular, the values of various global variables can be altered to tailor the editor, including many defined in REF * VEDVARS such as vedautowrite, vednonbreakfiles, vednotabs, vedindentstep, and vedlmr_print_in_file (See HELP * LMR). See HELP * VEDFILETYPES

EMACS users can tailor Ved to approximate EMACS as described in HELP * VEDEMACS by putting into their vedinit.p file the command:

uses vedemacs;

Ved can be tailored and extended indefinitely, by defining new commands, and by mapping key-sequences onto actions. See HELP * VED, for an overview of documentation. Some of the most important facilities are described below. The programs in $popvedlib may also be examined, copied, and modified.

An important part of Ved's initialisation is deciding what type of terminal you are using, and configuring itself correctly for that terminal. You can choose a terminal type for yourself by putting an appropriate entry in your "vedinit.p" file, but if you don't do this, Ved will try and work it out automatically. For full details, see HELP * TERMINAL, REF * VEDTERMINALS.

On Unix systems Ved will use the $TERM environment variable and, if necessary, the "termcap" entry for your terminal.

If you are using windowing versions of Ved that you may need to examine the variable vedusewindows. This is set to different values depending if normal terminal Ved or XVed is being used.

Warning: put Ved customisation in a procedure vedinit()

A consequence of the more flexible startup facilities introduced in Poplog Version 14 (See REF * VEDTERMINALS, HELP * TERMINAL) is that when Ved finally sets up the key bindings for the terminal it can over-ride uses of vedset keys, or vedsetkey included at top level in your vedinit.p file.

This can be overcome by inserting all such instructions into the body of a procedure (of no arguments) called vedinit defined in your vedinit.p file. That procedure will be run after the basic terminal key bindings have been set up.

(This means that if you use <ENTER> dk to define new key bindings in your vedinit.p file you can later move them inside the definition of vedinit.p, removing the define :ved_runtime_action parts.)

To save space, you can make your vedinit procedure end with the line

identfn -> vedinit;

So, your vedinit.p file could contain something of the following form:

define vedinit();
        vedset keys
        identfn -> vedinit;

Ved Search lists

The variable vedsearchlist may be assigned a list of directory names. Ved will then search in those directories for a required file, if it is not found in the current directory. See REF * vedsearchlist. The full search list mechanism is explained in HELP * SEARCH_LISTS.

The help, teach, ref, and doc commands, which use Ved for interrogating online documentation, also all use search lists that are user assignable (vedhelplist, vedteachlist, vedreflist, veddoclist). The showlib command, for reading program libraries into the editor, uses the same search list as the uses command for loading libraries, namely popuseslist.

By altering these search lists, a group of users (e.g. a project team, or a group of students on a course) can share a local program library and documentation library that extends the basic Poplog libraries. Different groups of users can have different extensions, even on the same machine.

Tailoring Ved for Individual files

Every time a new file is started, or read in from disk, or an old file is given a new name, it is possible for user-defined procedures to perform some action.

BEFORE a new file is read in, the following two actions occur, their behaviour being dependent mainly on the path name of the file, since its contents are unavailable.

(a) vedsetfiletypes(vedfiletypes)

where vedfiletypes is a user-assignable list specifying how different files are to be treated by Ved. See HELP * vedfiletypes for details.

(b) vedveddefaults()

(more precisely, it runs the procedure that has been given as argument to vededit, which is vedveddefaults for user files, and vedhelpdefaults for HELP, TEACH, REF, LIBRARY files, etc. The default value of vedveddefaults is identfn a procedure that does nothing.

Actions (a) and (b) occur BEFORE a new file has been read in, or a new empty buffer created in the case where the file does not exist, as they may be required to set up the environment that controls how the file is read in - e.g. whether tabs get replaced by spaces, or what the tab settings are etc.

To allow the user to take some action AFTER a new file has been read in, based on the contents of the file rather than just the file path name, etc. a third action occurs, namely

(c) vedinitialise(item)

where vedinitialise, (compare vedveddefaults) is a user-definable procedure, which defaults to erase. See REF * vedinitialise for details. It could be defined to include something like


where vedinitialactions is a list in the same format as vedfiletypes, but is required to be interpreted after the buffer has been created.

Note that all of (a), (b) and (c) occur when a file is renamed using the <ENTER> name command (see REF * VEDCOMMS). If their behaviour is to be different during the latter, they can tell whether they are invoked by ved_name, using the test

if iscaller(ved_name) then ....

In the case of Poplog library files, e.g. HELP, TEACH, REF, DOC and SHOWLIB files, the procedure vedhelpdefaults is run to ensure that Ved will not automatically write or compile them if they have been edited. It is defined to invoke vedveddefaults, so users can arrange settings for Ved variables (e.g. vedleftmargin and vedlinemax) for library files.

Using vedfiletypes and vedveddefaults and vedinitialise, the user can set different defaults for different sorts of files, using the file extension (e.g. '.p', '.pl', '.s' etc.) to determine the type.

See HELP * vedfiletypes and * vedveddefaults for more details.

A second user-definable procedure vedinitfile, is run whenever any file is set on the screen, whether it has been in the editor for some time or not. So the behaviour of Ved, including the mapping of key-strokes onto procedures can be changed whenever particular files or sorts of files are displayed. See REF * vedinitfile.

Tailoring the way Poplog manipulates files

The following are items that can be controlled by assignments to global variables made in your 'init.p' file.

Number of "old" or "backup" versions of files saved on the disk:

* vedversions

The protection "mode" of newly created files:

* vedcreatemode (Unix only)

(Many Unix users will not wish to use the default protection mode. At present the Unix "umask" setting for new files is ignored.)

Examples of tailoring and initialisation files

For examples of how some existing users have tailored the system see


Running saved images

Users who have written large programs, or who have large files tailoring Ved and the languages, do not wish to wait for the files all to be compiled every time they start up. For this reason Poplog provides the 'saved-image' facility already mentioned in connection with the standard language subsystems. Users can compile files, then create a saved image (see HELP * syssave), and later run it without having to re-compile everything. The saved image can be restored from a running program (see HELP * sysrestore), or by giving a command to the operating system. Saved images normally have the file-extension '.psv'. If you have saved image called myprog.psv either in the current directory, or in your $poplib directory, or in another directory in $popsavepath, then you can run the image with the command

pop11 +myprog

For examples of user command files for creating saved images which take suitable action when they are restored, see HELP * INITIAL.EX. The files starting 'mk' in $popcom (e.g. mkeliza) and in the 'demo' subdirectory $usepop/pop/lib/demo/* also illustrate the techniques.

Layered saved images

If a group of users wish to share a collection of utilities whilst adding their own programs, they can build a common saved image, then add build saved images relative to that one. So the compiled common facilities will be stored in one place. REF * SYSTEM describes how to use sys_lock_system for that purpose in place of syssave. Using sys_lock_system also implies that the procedures and data structures already built in will never need to be garbage collected, so that in future garbage collections are faster.

The Prolog, Clisp and PML images have been built in this way, so it is possible to make new saved images relative to them. Examples in $popcom are the mklogic file ( in VMS) which builds a logic tutor program on top of Prolog and saves it in 'logic.psv', and mkct ( in VMS) which adds facilities to support the Prolog teach files TEACH * WHY and TEACH * TRACER.

Because the logic.psv file is relative to the Prolog image it cannot be run with the command

pop11 +logic

Instead it is necessary to do

pop11 +prolog +logic or prolog +logic

The second alternative works because 'prolog' has been defined as a suitable abbreviation. As many layers of saved images may be built as required. Users will normally define their own abbreviations in their login files, to avoid typing such clumsy commands.

Running Unix saved images with no abbreviation facility

Normally a saved image foo.psv in either the user's current directory or in a system directory in $popsavepath can be invoked simply by giving the command

pop11 +foo

To enable this to be abbreviated to a single command on Unix systems that do not provide an abbreviation facility, Unix Pop-11 has the following mechanism. When it is invoked it looks to see with what name N it was invoked. If there is an environment variable pop_N with the same name then the value of that variable is treated as if pop11 had been involved with that string as argument.

Poplog executable images reside in $popsys, and are made accessible by $usepop/pop/com/poplog, which adds $popsys to the environment variable PATH. All the images in $popsys are in fact just links to a single image, which interprets the name N under which it is run (arg0) from the translation of the environment variable "pop_N" (if it is defined). If a translation of pop_N is found, it replaces arg0 and the args are then shifted 'right' one place so that arg0 becomes arg1, etc.

$usepop/pop/com/popenv therefore also sets up the "pop_" variables for the different links in $popsys.

Further reading

REF * SYSTEM        - general information on running and controlling
                      Poplog, creating and running saved images, etc.
REF * sys_lock_system - layered saved images
REF * vedusewindows - whether a "windowing" Ved is being used
HELP * PARAMETERS   - More details on starting up Poplog
HELP * SYSSAVE      - creating saved images
HELP * SYSRESTORE   - running them
REF * SYSUTIL       - utilities for accessing the operating system.
HELP * INITIAL.EX   - some examples of users' tailoring files
DOC * SYSSPEC       - overview of Poplog's directory structure

--- C.all/help/initial --- Copyright University of Sussex 1993. All rights reserved.