This help file is split into two parts:
See also HELP * NEWEXTERNAL for later extensions to these facilities.
Select headings to return to index
There are occasions when Pop11 is not suitable for a particular computation and the problem could be most easily solved by handing control over to another language and then waiting for the answer to come back. For instance, when many numerical calculations are needed (e.g. multiplying very large matrices, or convolving an image) the most convenient language might be Fortran, or C.
There are a number of different ways of accessing external data and functions from Pop11. They are referred to by the name of the procedure or library containing their functions, ie:-
More technical documentation on the basic mechanisms is provided in the following
"external_do_load" is the name of a procedure.
This is the most basic form, it is a procedure taking three arguments:-
The Mark Item (more on this later) The input-file list The symbol list
The input file list, is a list of file names, specifying the object modules and archive files to search when loading the external identifiers.
The symbol list, is a list of structures. Each structure specifies a particular external identifier and is used to return the data associated with it.
See REF * external_do_load for further details
This is a syntactic variant of external_do_load; it also requires a mark item, a file list, and a sequence of external identifier specifications.
The difference is that this form is "declarative" whereas -external_do_load- is procedural. Also, it is possible to specify some transformation to be performed on the external data when it is loaded into the Poplog identifier.
See REF * exload for further details
-exacc- is a Pop11 syntax construct for accessing external data. A programmer uses this by:
The construct then plants efficient in-line code to perform the access, or update, as required.
See REF * exacc for further details
The procedure -cons_access- can be used to construct access procedures which can do the same tasks as the inline code produced by -exacc-. The action of the access procedures are specified by Pop11 structures which represent the types of the external data, ie. the structure is the internal representation of the type syntax used by the -exacc- syntax forms etc. This representation is documented in REF * KEYS.
See REF * cons_access for further details
LIB * EXTERNAL provides a foreign-language front end to the external load facilities. There are interfaces for C and Fortran currently provided in the Poplog libraries.
These libraries also provide a second service to help novice users. Procedures, imported using this system, contain extra code to perform automatic coercions on procedure's input, and output, arguments. Eg. enabling arrays of floats to be passed directly to the procedures.
This system has the disadvantage that only simple values (ie. integers and floats) can be returned from external procedures loaded in this way.
This system is described more fully below
LIB * NEWEXTERNAL is similar to LIB * EXTERNAL. The difference is that lib newexternal is the location for new features of the foreign language interface to be tried, before their integration into lib external.
The new features for C are:
A completely new parser, and interface paradigm. The difference between the paradigms presented by LIB * c_dec and LIB * newc_dec (the new version) is in the level of help given to the programmer. In essence, there is no automatic coercion performed on procedure's input arguments. The exception to this is a "var args" (ie. variadic function) capability. This should allow programmers to write more efficient code.
The new interface also allows the programmer to specify C style structure declarations. The return argument of external procedures can be typed to be one of these structures, causing coercion to be performed automatically on the return data.
See HELP * NEWEXTERNAL for further details
LIB * XptWidgetSet is a user/programmer friendly front end for providing easy access to X Widget sets and their associated convenience functions.
Access is, notionally, via a property tree. The toplevel of the tree has one entry per widget set. The property at the second layer has list of entries for particular widgets etc.
This tree structure provides useful help for the widget set interface programmer. The properties have "active" default values such that, if a required entry does not exist in the property, then the system will attempt to load a library as a means to augment the property. This means that the interface can be written in a very modular form while retaining a single access interface for the user.
See REF * XptWidgetSet for further details
Facilities are provided in the Pop11 kernel for linking and calling such external procedures, but they are difficult to use. This autoloading library attempts to provide an interface for the built in routines, in such a way that the user does not need to know the details of the mechanism for handling external procedures.
The library file also provides a system which checks that actual parameters given to an external procedure conform to the formal parameter specification.
This facility was inspired by the library NAGCALL, by David Young. We are grateful to him for the help he gave in the design of the Fortran interface, and his general comments on the design of an interface for external routines.
Note. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with at least one non-Poplog language, such as C or Fortran. The reader should also have some experience with Pop11, with knowledge of the following data-structures: vectors, arrays, and strings, and be aware of the distinction between single and double precision decimals.
The general syntax form for "external" operations is:
external <word:O> <word:T>
The type of operation performed is determined by the argument O, which should be one of the following:
declare introduces a block of declarations. Introduces a block of language specific declarations.
load invokes the system linker to fetch all external procedures previously declared. Introduces a block of object file-names.
unload frees the memory previously occupied by external procedures
Each operation will be discussed in detail.
The word argument T denotes a tag which identifies a set of external procedures, and any valid Pop11 word may be used. Thus two sets of "declare" operations with the same tag are taken to refer to a single set of procedures. Also, a "load" operation can selectively load a single set of external procedures according to the tag used.
The "declare" operation has two forms:
(a) language specific:
external declare <word:T> in <word:L> ;
;;; body
The argument T is the tag, and is used to refer to the set of external procedures declared in the body. L is a word which names the language that the block specifies, for example "c" or "fortran".
A language-specific parser is then invoked. It's task is to read the declarations found in the body of the statement block, and create Pop11 procedures which, when called, will run an external procedure.
(b) Raw import mode:
external declare <word:T> ;
;;; body
The body in this case is a sequence of words which are the linkers names for external procedures. A Pop11 variable of the same name will be created to hold the raw external procedure at "load" time. The syntax
<word:P> = <word:S>
may also be used to import the linker symbol S to Pop11 variable P.
Here is an example, using C syntax, of importing a procedure which takes two floating point numbers and returns their product:
external declare mytag in c;
float multiply(x, y) float x, y; {}
(for non-C users, the declaration reads: "multiply" is a function which returns a floating point decimal, and takes two arguments, both of which are floating point decimals).
Notice the use of "{}" to indicate the end of a declaration. This is a feature of the C interface - each language system has its own separator.
When the above example is compiled, a Pop11 variable named "multiply" will be created. It's value will be a procedure, and the procedure, when executed will attempt to run an external procedure named "multiply". Of course, the external procedure "multiply" does not exist until it has been linked in with "external load".
Once linked, the Pop procedure "multiply" can be called like any other Pop11 procedure. However, it will check that both its arguments are double precision floating point numbers. When it is satisfied with its arguments, it will apply the C routine "multiply", and return the double precision decimal that C "multiply" returns.
The procedure "multiply" could also be loaded in raw mode using the following example:
external declare rawtag;
multiply = _multiply;
After "load"ing, the Pop11 variable -multiply- will hold an external procedure, which can be called using -external_apply- (see REF * EXTERNAL). Note the example is from a machine ruinning the Unix operating system - in "raw" mode it is the responsibility of the user to utilise any linker conventions on external label names.
The syntax of the "load" operation is:
external load <word:T> ;
;;; body
The body in this case is a sequence of object files to link. The files can be specified in one of three ways:
Note that an "unload" operation is performed on the given tag before the load is executed, see below for details. See further below for a full example, including "external load".
external unload <word:T>
This operation frees the memory previously occupied by the external procedures known by the tag T. Attempting to run a procedure after it has been unloaded will result in a -mishap-.
Notice that Pop11 maintains a history list of "load" operations, and that "unload"ing will undo the effects of all loads back to the given tag. Thus if the following are loaded "A", "B", "C", "D" (in that order) then unloading "B" will also unload "C" and "D" automatically. (See REF * EXTERNAL for more details).
To examine the state of the external load system, do the following:
Many simple Pop objects correspond directly to primitive data-types used by external procedures. Examples are the integer, and decimals (floating point). Here is a table which summarises the main similarities:
Pop11 C Fortran Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------ (integer) char char integer int integer integer decimal float real ddecimal double double precision real
Notice that Pop11 has no "char" data-type, but does have strings (ie packed arrays) of characters. Individual characters can be passed as integers, hence the entry in the table.
The (so-called) derived data-types, however, do not have direct equivalences in Pop11, however, in most cases they can be simulated using Pop11 datastructures.
Since scanning all the external procedures arguments to verify that they conform to the formal parameter specification is very time consuming, a variable is provided to disable this feature:
false -> external_type_check;
will disable ALL checking of arguments until -true- is assigned back to this variable.
Warning: Arguments that need special treatment on passing, eg. arrays, functions etc., require external_type_check to be set to true to facilitate this pre-processing.
On the subject of efficiency, it should be noted that, for implementation reasons, using pointers will slow down the calling process, as will passing an -ident- for call-by-reference. Used rarely, these should cause no noticable degredation of performance; HOWEVER, using arrays of pointers can make the calling sequence intolerably slow.
The most common derived data-type is the array, and although Pop11 arrays are implemented in a non-conventional manner, the external load package is able to coerce the correct (?) behaviour, provided the following guidelines are observed. To build an array suitable for an external procedure to manipulate, a set of Pop11 procedures is provided, the names being designed for use with specific external languages.
Data aka C procedure Fortran procedure ------------------------------------------------------------- char consstring short array_of_short integer int array_of_int array_of_integer decimal float array_of_float array_of_real ddecimal double array_of_double array_of_double
The procedures "array_of_..." take arguments like the Pop11 procedure -newarray- (HELP * NEWARRAY). That is, a boundslist, giving the lower and upper subscript of each dimension of the array. For details of -consstring- see HELP * CONSSTRING, and see the section below on C related issues.
For example, if an external procedure expects the following:
C: int i[10]; Pascal: var i: array [0..9] of integer; Fortran: dimension i(10)
then the following would construct a suitable array for passing as parameter "i":
vars i = array_of_int([0 9]); or vars i = array_of_integer([0 9]);
if using Fortran or Pascal.
Note that the Pop11 subscripts needn't be in the same range as the external procedure's ones - as long as the number of elements is the same, all will be fine. For example, a Pascal "array [10..20] of integer" is compatible with a Pop11 "array_of_integer([105 115])" since both have exactly 11 elements.
Whenever possible, the facility will check that an array passed as argument is the same size as the one expected by the external procedure.
Note: The C convention that "int foo[99];" and "int *foo;" both introduce arrays is not followed by this facility and the run-time checking will object to a relaxed attitude in this matter. Also the size of the array, for checking purposes, is set at "external declare" time, not at run time when the external procedur eis called.
Both C and Pascal can expect pointers to data, these are constructed using the procedure "conspointer_to". For example, an external procedure which expects data of the form:
C: int *x; Pascal: var x: ^integer;
would be satisfied by passing the value of x, declared:
vars x = conspointer_to 7;
The dereferenced value can be then accessed by x(1).
Arrays of pointers can also be constructed, although every member of the array must be initialised to a pointer before passing it to the external handler. It is also necessary to specify the type of the data in the array. For example:
C: int *x[5]; Pascal: var x: array [0..4] ^integer;
might receive data declared:
vars p = conspointer_to(0), x = array_of_pointer([0 4], p, [pointer int]);
Notice the use of a constant pointer (i.e. the same pointer for each cell in the array).
When working with pointers, it might be useful to declare an operator for calling -conspointer_to-. In C, the operator might be called "&":
define -3 & datum; lvars datum; conspointer_to(datum); enddefine;
The newly-declared "&" operator can now be used to build pointers as follows:
vars p = &0;
N.B. only pointers to data can be built in this way - not pointers to a variable's storage area, unlike the C statements:
int a, *b; b = &a;
where values assigned to "a" can be retrieved by reference to "*b" ("that which 'b' points to").
This may seem to be a drawback, since it appears impossible for an external procedure to affect the values of Pop11 variables (as per 'call-by-reference'). The facility, however, provides a means for call-by-reference, using the syntax -ident-.
As an example of call-by-reference, consider the following example. Suppose an external procedure wishes to halve the value of a variable, whose value is an integer, it might be defined thus:
C: void halve(x) int *x; { *x = *x / 2; }
subroutine halve(x) integer x
x = x / 2 return end
procedure halve(var x:integer); begin x := x div 2 end;
Here is an example of a call to then routine "halve", assuming it has been loaded.
vars a = 18; halve(ident a); a => ** 9
It is possible to think of ident as constructing a pointer, or of passing the variable by reference.
As has been discussed, call-by-reference is implemented using the Pop11 syntax word -ident-. However, in Fortran (and other 'true' call-by- reference languages - not C or Pascal), all the arguments need to be references. This facility, however, takes care of this, and in the case of Fortran (the only c-b-r language that we've studied), it creates any references required, at run time. This means that a Fortran routine which takes a number and returns it's square root VIA A VARIABLE, such as this:
subroutine myroot(n, r) double precision n, r
r = sqrt(n) return end
can be called like this:
vars ans = 1.0; myroot(9.0, ident ans); ans => ** 3.0
(notice that before passing an -ident-, the variable must contain an instance of the kind of data it is expected to return with).
The number 9.0 has been converted to a reference before being passed to the Fortran procedure.
Structure passing is not supported in the current version of the facility.
The C language interface is the parser used by the "external declare" syntax for reading C language declarations.
The parser will accept any combination of standard C declarators, with the exception of the structure, union and enumerated types. See HELP * NEWC_DEC for details of a new C parser which can do this.
It is possible to build arbitrary combinations of the derived types "pointer to...", "array of..." and "function returning...". The primitive types accepted are:
char, int, short and long int, float, double
Note that both "short" and "long" integers are treated as "int", since "short"s are converted to "int" during a procedure call, and on all machines supported, a "long int" is equivalent to an "int".
No distinction is drawn at run time between a "double" and "float".
The special symbol(s) "{}" is(are) used to separate function declarations.
The keyword "unsigned" is accepted and ignored.
Arrays passed as parameters may have their size fully, or partially specified.
The C operation "typedef" is supported, so it is possible to declare:
typedef char *string;
foo(x) string x; {}
which declares the single parameter of "foo" to be a pointer to an "int".
All Poplog byte vectors such as strings are guaranteed to be null- terminated, so you can pass these directly as C string arguments.
The Fortran language interface is the parser used by the "external declare" syntax for reading Fortran language declarations.
A Fortran language declaration is basically a Fortran function or subroutine with all its executable statements taken out. This usually means that you can directly transcribe the header of the Fortran code.
The Fortran type descriptors currently recognised are INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE {PRECISION}, EXTERNAL
If a variable is typed as EXTERNAL then is is considered to be "special": no type checking will be done on its value. A declaration is terminated by the keyword END.
The Fortran function:
would be declared thus:
external declare anothertag in fortran;
Macro expansions are carried out when this pseudo-Fortran is read, so that, for example, the same code can be used for single and double precision versions of a library.
Some procedures for constructing arrays are also provided. They take a boundslist like the Pop11 procedure -newarray-. They make the sort of array you would expect them to:
array_of_integer, array_of_real, array_of_double
All Fortran arguments are passed as call-by-reference. The facility takes care of this by converting any non-pointer arguments to pointers at run time. (q.v. the ident mechanism for updating te contents of variables)
The library files "c_dec.p" and "fortran_dec.p" should be consulted for examples of the techniques used in writing an interface module for the external library.
Any interface module should be written in the section $-external, where some extra identifiers that should prove useful can be found. These are summarised below. The module should export (to the top level section) a routine named <language>_dec, in the same way as the Fortran module defines a procedure named -fortran_dec-, and the C module -c_dec-.
This routine will be called (at compile time) by the syntax word -external-, and it's job is to read up to the syntax word -endexternal-, removing it from the -proglist-.
As the "_dec" routine reads from proglist, it can make calls to the procedure
external_import(<word:S>, <word:P>, <vector:A>, <list:R>, <procedure:E>, <boolean:C>)
to "register" each external procedure that it wants imported.
The arguments are as follows:
S the linkers' name for the external procedure (it is the interface module's responsibility to prepend underscores, etc, as it feels appropriate). P the name of the Pop11 variable which is to take a procedure which calls the external procedure, after checking the arguments. A a vector of type specifications. Each entry corresponds to a formal parameter of the external procedure. see below. R the type specification (see below) for the return value of the external procedure E a procedure to print fatal argument type mismatches. It should expect three arguments, the offensive object, the desired type of the object, and the name of the procedure being called. The procedure should cause a -mishap-, or at least call -interrupt-. C a flag indicating, when -true-, that the external procedure expects arguments call-by-reference.
Useful identifiers in section $-external. Set when the library file "external.p" is compiled, so they may be used in compile-time preprocessor statements (i.e. #_IF etc).
UNIX a constant, when -true-, then the current operating system is Unix 4.2 BSD. When -false-, VMS is indicated.
When a type-specifier is called for, a list (non-dynamic!) should be supplied. It is used to verify that a given datum conforms to a formal parameter specification. The list should consist of the following words only:
pointer, array (see below) or function,
and terminate in one of the following simple-types:
special, char, int, float or double
The array type may be followed by and integer, false, or a list. The integer specifies the size of the expected array vector, in this case it has been possible to calculate its value at compile time. False specifies that it was impossible to calculate the size of the array vector, as in the case of the fortran declaration arr(3:*) where the upper bound is unspecified. The list specifies the information necessary to calculate the size of the array vector at run time. It has the following form ...
[n {l 3 v 4} {v 4 v 4} {v 3 l 2}...]
n is an integer containing the value of as much of the size of the array vector that could be calculated at compile time.
Each vector represents a lower and upper bound of a dimension of the array. The first two elements specify the lower bound, the last two the upper. An -l- means that the following number is the actual value of the bound. A -v- means that the following number gives the position on the stack of the argument that specifies the value of the bound.
The simple numerical types can be followed by a range specification, ie two integers (or false). The "special" type is provided for passing a value with no checking being performed.
[int] expect an integer [int 0 65535] expect an integer in the range 0 - 65535 (this is the spec to simulate "unsigned short int" in C) [pointer int] expect a pointer to an int, or a call-by-reference style ident [pointer char] expect a string [array false int] expect an array of int, don't check its size [array 100 int] expect an array of 100 integers total [array [2 {l 3 v 6} float] expect an array of floats, whose size can be calculated at run time [pointer pointer function int] expect a pointer to a pointer to a function (see below) which returns an int [array false pointer char] expect an array of strings
and so on.
When specifying the return value of a procedure, an extra type-specifier is allowed, namely [void], which simply indicates that the procedure returns no value.
The following Fortran program is compiled to produce an object file called "thresh.o" (Unix) or "THRESH.OBJ" (VMS)
c c This subroutine thresholds an array IMAGE with dimensions XSIZE c and YSIZE with the threshold LIMIT. c subroutine threshold(image, xsize, ysize, limit) integer limit,xsize,ysize integer image(xsize,ysize)
do 10 j=1,ysize do 10 i=1,xsize 10 if (image(i,j) .lt. limit) image(i,j) = 0 end
And the following C program is compiled to produce an object file "array.o" (Unix) or "ARRAY.OBJ" (VMS)
/* print the contents of a two dimensional integer array */
void prarr(array, xsize, ysize) int array[], xsize, ysize; { int i;
for (i = 0; i < xsize * ysize; i++) { printf("%d ", array[i]); if ((i + 1) % xsize == 0) printf("\n"); } }
The following two external declaration blocks are used:
external declare myprog in fortran;
subroutine threshold(image, xsize, ysize, limit) integer limit,xsize,ysize integer image(xsize,ysize) end
external declare myprog in c;
void prarr(array, xsize, ysize) int array[], xsize, ysize; {}
And both procedures can be linked in using:
external load myprog; thresh array endexternal;
Notice that the -external- syntax chooses the suffix for the object files according to the operating system in use.
To test the routines, a two dimensional array of integers is needed:
vars a = array_of_int([1 10 1 10], procedure (i, j); random(9); endprocedure);
The C procedure can be used to print the contents of the array before, and after, it is thresholded using the Fortran routine:
prarr(a, 10,10); 9 8 1 8 6 5 1 1 4 3 1 3 4 6 7 7 6 9 6 6 8 1 1 9 3 4 8 7 7 4 5 2 7 2 6 3 1 5 2 6
threshold(a, 10, 10, 5); prarr(a,10,10); 9 8 0 8 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 7 6 9 6 6 8 0 0 9 0 0 8 7 7 0 5 0 7 0 6 0 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 5 0 9 6 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 0 6 8 9 7 6 9 5 8 7 9 0 5 7 7 7 0 0 6 8 0 7 0 7 9 0 8 8 6 0 9 9 5 0 0 5 0 7 5 0
The array has been thresholded with level=5, ie all values less than 5 have been set to zero.
Timings. =======
These are crude timings included for comparison only. The programs were run on lightly loaded machines, using an array size of 1000x100.
VAX-11/780 Sun 3-160 VMS 4.3 BSD 4.2
"naive" Pop11 1700 1100
fast integer Pop11 1200 700
Fortran (as shown) 60 100
C (not shown here) 65 40
(All timings in "jiffies")
(see also "structures", above)
(1) Unfortunately, there is a problem with the routine that coerces Pop11 arrays into external-format arrays, such that any instances of "pointer_to" an array, the array will be converted into a Pop11 vector-type structure. This means that you should always keep some other reference to each array, and be prepared to rebuild any "pointer_to" array constructs.
(2) Passing functions is not supported NOR IS PASSING POINTERS TO FUNCTIONS, however, it is possible to pass a pointer to a pointer to a function. The same bug as for arrays (ie the object is converted at run time to some more primative form) exists in this case. For example:
arith(x, y, op) int x, y, (**op)(); /* this will work, declaring (*op)() wont */ { return((**op)(x,y)); }
addup(x, y) int x, y; { return(x + y); }
Once loaded, it is possible to pass "addup" to "arith" as follows:
arith(3, 4, addup) => ** 7
i.e. the problem is that mentioning "addup" in the call, because of the way Pop11 holds external procedures, produces the double pointer as described.
(3) There is no known bug numbered "3".
(4) No unsigned data is provided.
(5) Run-time type checking is slow (especially on arrays of pointers, which should be avoided). This is justified (?) by the hope that the saving gained by employing an external procedure justifies the overhead.
(6) Procedures may only return a single simple datum.
(7) There is no mechanism (yet!) for declaring that an external procedure named X should be imported with the Pop11 variable named Y.
(8) Although both Fortran and Pascal have a "boolean" data type ("logical" in Fortran), this has not yet been implemented.
(9) If an "Argument Type Mismatch" error occurs upon calling an external procedure, then the arguments are often corrupted. Eg. if "update_ptr" calls a C procedure expecting a pointer to an "int" then:
(10) If an array is passed as an argument to an external procedure, then at present the address of the start of the arrayvector is passed. For normal arrays this is fine. However if the array is offset into the arrayvector (ie the lower of the ARRAYVECTOR_BOUNDS is not 1), then this is an incorrect assumption, and the results will be peculiar.
HELP * NEWARRAY Constructing arrays in Pop11 HELP * CONSSTRING Constructing strings in Pop11
REF * EXTERNAL The complete guide to the Poplog/External-procedure raw interface mechanism, in conjunction with the following two files:
REF * DEFSTRUCT Pop-11 syntax for defining and accessing both Poplog and external structures
REF * EXTERNAL_DATA Using external data structures in Poplog, and Poplog data externally
REF * IDENT Details the Pop11 identifier system
HELP * NEWC_DEC Details new facilities for invoking external C programs
--- C.all/help/external --- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------