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EFFICIENCY ==========
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There are many aspects of writing efficient programs which are general to all programming languages, and, indeed are pure common sense. E.g. don't re-compute a value each time round a loop when you can compute it once before the loop and use the result in the loop. Similarly it may be clear (to some) to write
if isok(myanalysis(process(resultof(test)))) then myanalysis(process(resultof(test))) -> result
but doing the 'myanalysis(....)' twice could waste a great deal of time, especially if this portion of the program is executed frequently.
In general the first place to look for improvements in efficiency is in any loop which the program goes round very often, or recursive programs which rapidly get deep into recursion. All this requires the sort of analysis of your program which any sensible programmer should do anyway.
There are some features of POP-11 programs which are not inferrable merely using common sense. Some of these features can be important for efficiency.
Very often POP-11 programs run more slowly than necessary because programmers do not know about facilities available for increasing speed, or are unaware of implementation features that affect the relative efficiency of different ways of doing things.
The rest of this file contains a few pointers to some of the most common ways of improving speed. The topic is potentially vast, and the file will be extended from time to time.
One common source of inefficiency is the use of a general mechanism when a more specific one will do. It is often better programming style to use the general mechanism (e.g. "=" rather than "==" or "HD" rather than "FRONT", as explained below) since that allows you to extend your program later. But when the design has been frozen and a program is required to do a specific task, tailoring it to that application can produce significant improvements in speed.
POP-11 has two equality testing operators, "==" and "=". The former invokes a very fast comparison, and the result is TRUE only if the two arguments are exactly the same entity.
"X = Y" does a more sophisticated comparison, and will produce the result TRUE if either "X == Y" is true, or X and Y are structures of the same kind and their components are identical, using the same test recursively. Thus
[a b c] = [a b c] => ** <true>
[a b c] == [a b c] => ** <false>
On circular lists, "=" can continue forever.
Thus in a loop where you are looking for a particular object, and not something isomorphic to a given object, use "==" in the termination test, e.g.
until x == [] do not until x = [] do
For more on this see HELP * EQUAL
HELP LVARS describes a late addition to POP-11, making it possible to declare lexically (statically) scoped variables. These came too late for documentation in the book on POP-11 by Barrett, Ramsay and Sloman. Their use can not only provide an alternative to partial application (See * PARTAPPLY), but also increase clarity and efficiency of programs.)
Using lexical variables reduces the overhead on procedure exit, although there are some limitations on their use, compared with dynamically scoped variables.
For instance, it would not be possible for user assignable variables like PRMISHAP, CUCHAROUT, INTERRUPT, POPPROMPT etc. to be declared as LVARS.
Also the first N lvars declared in a procedure will be allocated to registers, reducing the number of memory accesses required. N is 2 on a VAX, but may be different on other machines. Changing from VARS to LVARS in the procedure TEST defined below produced a significant additional saving, though not as much as using the fast integer procedures explained below.
To illustrate, the following procedure uses non-lexical variables. define f1; vars a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; enddefine;
Calling it 100000 times on a VAX 750 takes about four times as long as the equivalent procedure using "lvars" instead of "vars". Of course, there would not be such a spectacular ratio if the procedure did anything interesting beside start up and exit, or had fewer locals.
See HELP * LVARS for a warning about the possible reductions in efficiency in some cases were nested procedure definitions access lexical variables declared outside them - this situation can cause excessive garbage collections.
One of the main disadvantages of using LVARS, is that during an error break, or user interrupt, it is not (at present) possible to interrogate or alter these variables. Tools will be provided for this. (See HELP LEXICAL). So for debugging purposes it may be necessary sometimes to use VARS. However, some programs will alter their behaviour, if the same name is used both for an LVARS variable and one accessed non-locally in another procedure.
Similarly pattern variables accessed by the pattern matcher (i.e. the variables prefixed by "?" or "??" in a pattern) cannot be declared as LVARS. (See HELP * MATCHES). Neither can a variable whose value you wish to access or update using VALOF. E.g. in:
define fff(); lvars x; .....
valof("x") => enddefine;
the call of VALOF will not produce the value of the local lexical variable x, but the value of the ordinary variable x in its most recent activation.
The use of "lvars" can reduce the need for sections (see * SECTIONS). For instance, suppose the procedure applist, which applies a given procedure to every element of a list, were not already defined. The following definition could cause trouble:
define dotolist(list, proc); vars item; for item in list do proc(item) endfor enddefine;
Trouble would occur if the second argument was a procedure which used any of "list", "proc", or "item" non-locally. For instance, you might be tempted to write a procedure to check if a list contained an element satisfying some predicate:
define satisfies(list, proc) -> result; false -> result; dotolist(list, procedure (x); if proc(x) then true -> result; exitto(satisfies) endif endprocedure) enddefine;
Attempting to use this to check if a list contains an integer satisfies(list, isinteger)
would cause infinite recursion, due to the wrong binding of "proc", when called by the procedure given as second argument to dotolist. It would refer to it. You could get round this by defining dotolist in a special section, and 'exporting' only the procedure name. Then procedures defined outside the section would be able to access the local variables of the same name used in the section. But switching sections can slow down compilation and take up space. So it is much simpler to use "lvars", in place of "vars". Don't forget that input variables need to be declared explicitly as "lvars", as they default to "vars".
define dotolist(list, proc); lvars item proc list; for item in list do proc(item) endfor enddefine;
Note, however, that 'for item in list' does checking which may not be needed, as explained below.
POP-11 does not use typed variables, like PASCAL and other conventional languages. This means, as already indicated, that checks have to be done at run time. The name of a procedure is, in POP-11, just like any other variable, and so every time the procedure is called, a check has to be made that the value of the variable is in fact a procedure. To get round this, POP-11 allows you to declare a variable to be of type 'procedure'.
If you define a low level procedure foo invoked very often in a loop, then instead of:
define foo( )
use define procedure foo( )
This declares the variable foo to have type procedure, and will remove the run-time type-check which would otherwise have to occur on every call of foo. See HELP * PROCEDURE. You can force all procedure definitions in a particular file to work like this by doing:
true -> popdefineprocedure;
This has the effect that you will get an error message if you try to assign a non-procedure to a variable already used as a procedure name. The default value of POPDEFINEPROCEDURE is FALSE because this has proved to be less confusing to naive users.
Since POPDEFINEPROCEDURE is local to POP11_COMP_STREAM it cannot be made true globally simply by assigning to it in your init.p file. Instead, assign to the global value thus:
true -> caller_valof("popdefineprocedure",false)
This can be done for local variables in a procedure. For example if a procedure foo takes an argument proc which is to be a procedure to be applied many times in a loop in foo, then do something like:
define foo(x,y,n,proc); lvars x,y,n,procedure proc; repeat ... proc(.....) ;;; this call does not check endrepeat enddefine;
In this case the declaration of "proc" as being of type procedure, means that the check that a procedure has been given as argument to foo is done once, on entry to foo, and then the calls of proc need not check.
If 'proc' is made one of the first two lvars, then a fast register will be used for it.
The procedure fast_apply can be used to plant calls to procedures without checking. See REF * FASTPROCS.
define constant foo
makes foo a constant, and saves an indirection when the procedure is invoked (though it saves less time than avoiding the run time check as described above).
Using constant procedures can interfere with debugging as you can't recompile foo and expect already compiled procedures which call it to call the new version. So this should be used only for thoroughly tested and debugged programs. Further, it is not possible to * TRACE a constant procedure.
To make all procedure definitions work like this do:
true -> popdefineconstant
at the top of a file that contains fully debugged procedures to be compiled as constants.
The default is FALSE, since that is most convenient most of the time. You could make it TRUE whilst compiling your library utilities.
POP-11 has a 'garbage collector' that reclaims space that has been used temporarily and is no longer accessible by the program. This space can then be re-used. The user does not have to do anything to make this happen: the memory allocation mechanism automatically runs the garbage collector when there is no more space available.
This feature can save an enormous amount of programmer effort in keeping track of re-usable data-structures. It is therefore possible in POP-11, Prolog, Lisp, other AI languages, and some versions of ALGOL-68, to write programs which in a different language would soon grind to a halt, because they use up more and more of the available memory until there is none left.
In POP-11, and other languages with a garbage collector, instead of grinding to a halt (and producing a 'RUN OUT OF SPACE' error), these programs will trigger the garbage collector by attempting to create a new structure when the all the "heap" has been allocated. The garbage collector can then determine whether some of the space is no longer accessible, in which case it can be re-used. Note that in POPLOG, ALL the data-structures that users can create, including procedures (Lisp functions), are garbage collectable, unlike some LISP systems. This means that less space is wasted by POPLOG.
When a garbage collection occurs POPLOG may need temporarily to expand its memory allocation to provide extra work-space. (See HELP * POPMEMLIM)
If grabage collections happen often, a lot of time can be spent doing garbage collections, and sometimes this is quite unnecessary.
It is unnecessary in cases where POP-11 makes a copy of some structure, e.g. a list, when the original might have been used without copying. In these cases, in addition to the time taken in garbage collection there may also be wasted time spent making the copies. In the next few sections we indicate some of the most common ways in which unnecessary garbage collections can be produced.
It is worth noting, however, that in SOME cases it is essential to copy because the list is going to be changed, and part of the program needs the old contents while another part needs the new contents.
If you know that your program is going to cause frequent garbage collections because it is essential to create temporary structures then discard them often, you can minimise the amount of time spent in the garbage collection by ensuring that POP-11 does not run out of space too often. This is done by giving the variable POPMEMLIM a larger value. (See HELP * POPMEMLIM).
The garbage collection algorithm used by POP-11 (at least on machines with virtual memory, like VAXEs and the SUN workstation) is the "stop and copy" type. Memory is temporarily expanded, the used items in the heap are copied to the new memory space, in a compact form, then copied back. As a result the time taken for a garbage collection depends only on the amount of store still in use, not on the total store size.
If you make POPMEMLIM very large, then programs which go on using up more and more space wrongly will run for a longer time before you get an error message.
Also, as explained in HELP * POPMEMLIM, if you make POPMEMLIM too big, then when a garbage collection is required there may not be enough space left within the maximum process size allowed on your computer. If necessary persuade the system manager to increase the limit in the interests of efficiency! Sometimes this is counter productive because it causes too much paging when the garbage collections do occur. Experiment to find a good value. (*POPGCTRACE can be set TRUE to tell you when garbage collections occur.)
On a machine with a large virtual memory and little physical memory, the use of a large value for POPMEMLIM can cause the process to expand until it doesn't fit into the physical memory, in which case a lot of extra "paging" can occur which will slow things down.
POPMEMLIM is a maximum value upto which the system should expand; it will not necessarily use this amount unless garbage collections are taking a significant amount of time relative to the time taken by your program. However, if you wish to FORCE the system to expand to any given amount, you can assign a new value to the variable POPMINMEMLIM; the system will immediately expand up to this value at the next garbage collection.
Calling the procedure SYS_LOCK_HEAP tells the store manager that all the structures allocated so far are required permanently, so the presently used part of the heap can be "locked". (It is wise to call SYSGARBAGE first, to remove garbage.) Locking the heap at a certain stage means that only structures created thereafter need to be shuffled around by the garbage collector. It also means that less memory is required for doing a garbage collection. So the program will run with less memory available, and can spend less time doing garbage collections. (See * SYS_LOCK_HEAP)
Using SYS_LOCK_SYSTEM (described in REF *SYSTEM) to create saved images rather than * SYSSAVE also causes the heap to be locked, in the saved image.
We turn now to ways of avoiding unnecessary construction of new data-structures (e.g. by unnecessary copying of lists) and thereby saving time in garbage collections.
POPLOG has two major kinds of numbers (see also REF * DATA and HELP * MATH). Simple numbers do not cause garbage collections, whereas compound numbers can.
If compound numbers are unavoidable then time spent on garbage collection can be reduced by locking as much of the heap as possible and making popmemlim sufficiently large that garbage collections happen rarely, but not so large that there is no swap space for garbage collections.
The most common way of unwittingly creating compound numbers is to divide one integer by another which does not divide it exactly.
Before the introduction of ratios this used to produce a decimal (or a ddecimal if popdprecision is true). Now it will produce a ratio. See HELP * MATH. If you always divide by 3.0 rather than by 3 you can ensure that the result is a decimal rather than a ratio (if popdprecision is false). So instead of X / 3 use X / 3.0 .
Bigintegers can be created unwittingly by operations on integers. Whereas previously certain operations might have caused integer overflow or produced a decimal number, they will now produce a big integer:
E.g. 33 ** 27 => ** 99971538734896047460249499950752967950177
It is therefore important to analyse your algorithms carefully and apply tests if necessary, e.g.
if iscompound(x) then mishap('Integer overflow',[^x]) endif;
Similarly, you may unwittingly create complex numbers by applying SQRT to a negative number or using ** with a non-integer second argument:
sqrt(-66) => ** 0.0_+:8.12404
-33 ** 3.5 => ** 0.0_-:206442.0
The moral is: always analyse your algorithms carefully.
See also the section below on using integers instead of decimals.
If you use POP-11 syntax for building a list, e.g. [1 2 3] or a vector, e.g. {1 2 3} inside a procedure, then you may want a new list to be created every time the procedure runs. That is what happens by default. However, often you will want to use the same list in a test, e.g. if list = [1 2 3]
if list matches [ == ?x is a ?y == ]
In these cases there is no point reconstructing the list on the right every time the procedure is called. Worse, if that does happen, then in addition to the extra construction time, there will be additional 'garbage collection' time, as the 'heap' of space for structures will be used up more quickly. This can be avoided by doing:
true -> popconstruct;
(the default is FALSE). A corollary is that if you build a list in a procedure, then alter the contents of the list, the next time the procedure is used it will have the same list with the new contents. This can produce behaviour which is useful, and it can also be totally obscure. For an example see HELP *POPCONSTRUCT.
Note that some lists must not be constructed at compile time since their contents depend on the value of a variable, or the result of some computation, e.g. if the following symbols are used in the list* "^", "^^", or "%". (See TEACH ARROW for more on this.) Thus, the list [the sum of ^x and ^y is ^(x + y)]
needs to be rebuilt every time there is an activation of the procedure in which the expression occurs, since the user will expect the list to contain the values of x, y, and x + y at RUN time. So, for such, lists making POPCONSTRUCT TRUE has no effect.
In principle the compiler could be made clever enough to discover that portions of such lists can be built at compile time, e.g. the five element tail of
[^x is the value of x]
This enhancement may be provided at a later date.
For more on creation of structures inside procedures at COMPILE time, see HELP * HASH_, which explains how to use #_< .... >_# in procedure definitions to include instructions to be executed at compile time.
Declaring a lexical local variable with lconstant can give it a constant value. For example if the procedure foo needs to have a string to use as a buffer then:
define foo ...; lvars string; inits(512) -> string; .... enddefine;
will cause a new string to be created EVERY time foo runs, whereas the following creates a string only when the procedure is compiled, and uses the same string each time.
define foo ...; lconstant string=inits(512); .... enddefine;
The disadvantage is that if foo is very rarely invoked, it nevertheless has the string permanently allocated, taking up space on the heap.
For procedures that need to use a string as a character buffer, the library constant SYSSTRING is provided. It should not be used by any procedure that might call another procedure than could use it! For details SHOWLIB * SYSSTRING.
For an example of its use: SHOWLIB * DISCAPPEND
If your program is building up a list of items, by repeatedly adding something to the right hand end of the list, it might include something like the following in a loop or recursive procedure:
[^^list ^item] -> list;
or, equivalently:
list <> [^item] -> list;
The expression on the left of the assignment is constructed by making a COPY of list, with the new item added at the right hand end. As soon as the assignment is done, there will generally be nothing pointing to the previous value of list. Hence the old list will just be 'garbage' using space on the heap, and the new list will also be on the heap taking up space. It will then be discarded and a new copy made the next time round the loop.
This sort of program then both wastes time making more and more copies which are discarded, and also doing garbage collections to reclaim the space when the heap is exhausted. The solution is always to add new items at HEAD of the list.
[^item ^^list] -> list;
or, almost equivalently:
item :: list -> list;
which can also be written:
cons(item,list) -> list;
(See section on conspair, below)
Adding items on the left, has the effect that at the end the items will not be on the list in the order they were added, but in reverse order. To handle this, at the end you can do:
rev(list) -> list;
This will make a copy in reverse order, and the old list will be garbage. (See section on ncrev, below).
The list constructing operator "::" (equivalent to CONS) checks that its second argument is a list and if it is not a list produces an error message. If you are sure that the second argument will be a list then use the procedure CONSPAIR to avoid wasting time on the check:
conspair(item,list) -> list;
rather than:
item :: list -> list or
[^item ^^list] -> list
If done very frequently, reversing of lists using REV can be inefficient because it essentially copies the list instead of using the same list links. So if no other portion of the program requires the original list to remain accessible with its elements in the same order, then a non-copying version may be used:
ncrev(list) -> list;
Do not use this or other "efficient" procedures if you are using dynamic lists.
See HELP * NCREV. Note the warning about the dangers of non-copying list modifiers. There is also a fast non-checking version: FAST_NCREV.
If you really can't let the list be in the wrong order during the course of construction, because something is examining intermediate states of the list, you can use the non-copying list concatenator within the loop, i.e. instead of
list <> [item] -> list do list nc_<> [item] -> list;
Using NC_<> does not produce an entirely new list, but alters the final link in the first list so that instead of its tail being [] it is the second argument. Like using NCREV, this can be dangerous if some other variable still points to the original list on the assumption that it has not changed.
Note that NC_<> has to run down the chain of list links to get to the last link, so that if you are frequently adding something to the right of a very long list it may pay first to reverse the list (using NCREV) then do all the additions at the front, then reverse the list again.
'ncjoin' was once used instead of 'nc_<>'. The old name will survive in an autoloadable synonym definition.
NB Whereas <> works on many different datastructures, and procedures, nc_<> is designed only for lists. In other cases it just calls <>.
HEALTH WARNING: Using 'fast procedures' can corrupt your program!!! Using 'fast procedures' can mean failing to detect errors!!!
Many operations in POP-11 have to test at run time that they are given the correct type of argument, since POP-11 variables are (mostly) type-free, and types cannot be checked at compile time, or at the time values are assigned to variables. These run-time type checks can slow down programs which, for example, do a lot of arithmetic in loops, or frequently access components of known structures.
In some cases the checks can be avoided by using 'fast' versions of the procedures, which are designed for use in programs which have already been thoroghly checked out. Checking is essential, because the use of the fast procedures can cause errors to go undetected, and meaningless results to be produced which may not look meaningless. Worse still, if you use the updaters of fast procedures to alter the contents of lists, vectors or strings, etc. you may inadvertently corrupt your program and lose a lot of work, whereas the slower version would have detected that something was wrong, and caused an error instead of allowing the corruption.
Several non checking fast integer procedures are available, listed in REF * FASTPROCS. NB they do not work on bigintegers.
To illustrate, here is a simple procedure which counts down from 100000.
define test(); vars x; 100000 -> x; while x > 0 do x - 1 -> x; endwhile enddefine;
This took 7.6 secs CPU time on a VAX 750 under medium load. Changing ">" to "fi_>" and changing "-" to "fi_-" (i.e. the Fast_Integer versions) brought the time down to: 2.48 secs. Replacing "vars" with "lvars" (see above) produced a further reduction to 1.95 secs. (These times are very dependent on loading, under UNIX.)
It is sometimes possible to save time by using integers instead of decimals. A procedure may take decimal inputs and produce decimal results, but operate within a range of values that enables all the calculations to be done by integer arithmetic. E.g. if all the numbers used lie in the range -10 to +10 and only four decimal places are significant, then multiply the arguments by 100000, round them, use fast integer procedures, and divide the result by 100000. This can enormously speed up some algorithms.
The fi_ procedures can be invoked in a structured fastion by using the syntax word "fast_for":
define test(); lvars x; fast_for x from 100000 by -1 to 1 do endfor enddefine;
NB fast_for must not be used unless the loop variable will take only integer values in the loop. (It can also be used with lists, as indicated below.)
The fast procedures are described in REF FASTPROCS. Their use can be temporarily negated for debugging purposes by loading LIB SLOWPROCS. For details do SHOWLIB SLOWPROCS.
To understand this section, you need to know about the representation of lists in POP-11. See TEACH WAL ('What Are Lists'). See HELP * CONSPAIR and REF LISTS for more technical details. It helps to know about dynamic lists (used for 'lazy evaluation'). See * PDTOLIST .
It is often elegant and readable to use NULL to test whether you have reached the end of a list, in a loop. For instance
define dotolist(list,.....); until null(list) do ........hd(list).....; tl(list) -> list; enduntil enddefine;
However, NULL does quite elaborate tests, since it has to be able to handle the case of a dynamic list as well as ordinary lists. It also makes sure that its argument is a list. (See HELP * NULL).
If, in the same loop, you use HD and TL, on the same list, then each of these procedures will repeat the same tests performed by NULL. This is clearly wasteful. You could reduce the amount of unnecessary repetition by using DEST, instead of both HD and TL, though this is not always convenient. In fact, if NULL has already been used you can safely instead use FRONT and BACK, or even FAST_FRONT and FAST_BACK. This is because if the argument is not a proper list at all, NULL will detect this and produce an error.
Moreover, even if its argument is a dynamic list, NULL will 'expand' it so that it starts with an ordinary list link. (A really clever compiler would detect such cases and optimise them automatically.) So the following would be significantly faster than the above code:
define dotolist(list,.....); until null(list) do ......fast_front(list).......; fast_back(list) -> list; enduntil enddefine;
You can also sometimes save time by invoking fast_destpair instead of calling fast_front and fast_back, e.g.
define dotolist(list,.....); lvars item; until null(list) do fast_destpair(list) -> list ->item; ......item.......; enduntil enddefine;
If you use the 'for ... in ...' construction, as in:
define dotolist(list,.....); lvars item; for item in list do ......item.......; endfor enddefine;
This uses NULL and FAST_DESTPAIR. This call of NULL is wasteful if you happen to know that you are never using dynamic lists. For instance, the following will be quicker, since ISPAIR is much quicker than NULL:
define dotolist(list,.....); lvars item; while ispair(list) do fast_destpair(list) -> list ->item; ......item.......; endwhile; if list /== [] then mishap('LIST NEEDED', [^list]); endif; enddefine;
Alternatively use 'until atom(list) do...enduntil'.
However, all this can still be wasteful if you KNOW that your list will always be an ordinary list, ending with the empty list [], for instance, since the list is created earlier in the same procedure using list brackets. In that case, it can save a lot of time to do, instead
define dotolist(list,.....); lvars item; until list == [] do fast_destpair(list) -> list ->item; ......item.......; enduntil enddefine;
To illstrate the effects of these different constructs, a small test program was run on a VAX-750, which ran down a 10000 element list 10 times, while the machine was under medium load.
Using FOR ... IN list DO, the time was (approximately) 8.3 to 8.5 seconds
Using UNTIL ATOM(list) DO, the time was about 4.45 seconds.
Using UNTIL list == [] DO, the time was about 2.5 seconds.
All use fast_destpair. The second and third are unsafe if some of the lists may be dynamic (i.e. created using PDTOLIST). The third is unsafe if any of the list-links in the list could possibly have as their BACK, something other than [] or another list cell. (I.e. another pair).
A typical naive program does something like this:
for n from 1 to length(list) do
list(n) -> item;
.... item ....
This is silly because list(n) accesses the n'th element of -list- by counting down all the list links starting at the the beginning of the list EVERY time. So each time round the loop it will take longer and longer, as more of the list has to be counted through. If the list has length K, this requires the following number of steps:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ... + K
K * (K + 1) i.e. ---------- steps 2
In other words, the time taken depends on the square of the length of the list. The answer is to use the following format instead:
for item in list do ....item..... endfor;
The next section explains how to speed up certain "for" loops.
The syntax procedure "fast_for" is provided to deal with the last case in a structured fashion. Either "endfor" or "endfast_for" can be used as closing bracket, e.g.
fast_for x in list do ..... endfor
fast_for x in list do ..... endfast_for
fast_for x on list do ...... endfor
See HELP * UPDATER for information on updaters.
If you have defined a procedure f with an updater, and you are invoking the updater repeatedly in a loop using the assignment arrow
-> f(...)
this requires POP-11 to access first f, then its updater, every time round the loop. (If you have not defined 'f' as a procedure variable, using 'define procedure' as explained above, it will also have to check each time that the value of 'f' is a procedure.)
You can avoid the time taken to get at the updater each time, by using 'updater' in the procedure to get the updater, assigning it to a local variable, preferably an 'lvars' variable then calling the updater explicitly. For example, instead of
define test(x); lvars x; until .... do 0 -> f(x) enduntil; enddefine;
you can do something like:
define test(x); lvars x procedure upd; updater(f) -> upd; until .... do upd(0, x) enduntil; enddefine;
On a simple test using a VAX 750 this sort of change reduced the time taken for a 100000 repetitions of a simple operation from about 6.4 seconds to about 5.8 seconds. Not a fantastic reduction.
There is no point doing this for updaters of system procedures like FRONT, BACK, etc. Calls of these are already optimised.
If 'f' is defined by 'define constant f' then the compiler ought to be able to do this optimisation itself, but it doesn't yet.
The file LIB * COMPILE_MODE and others referenced there explains how users can specify various compile time options including both additional compile time checks and, where desired increased speed by removing some run-time checks. For example, turning procedure-entry checks and backward jump checks can produce considerably faster code, (that may be hard to interrupt). For more information see
where various compile-time options are described.
To be continued ...
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